Community Resources

Operation Cold Start

CPS has brought back the helpful campaign of Operation Cold Start. An awareness campaign that reminds car owners that car thefts increase exponentially in the colder months due to drivers leaving their vehicles unattended while running. Auto-theft is often a crime of opportunity, for more information visit Operation Cold Start launches across Alberta.

Agent Status Program

Calgary Police is also opening a project called Agent Status, this program was piloted in the downtown core with success. Non-residential Property owners who sign up for the CPS Agent Status Program give police officers the authority to come onto their property and engage with trespassers. It allows police to act without having to contact property owners, or when property owners aren’t available. The program is free to join. Applications open December 9th and can be filled out online Agent Status Program.

Winter Activities

Calgary Parks is happy to announce a number of winter activities and events planned and underway across the City. Best bird watching locations along with skating and ‘crokicurl’ a fun combination of curling and crokinole. After all that, find a nice spot to have a fire to rest and warm up. All this can be found at one convenient location Winter Activities.

Free Counselling Services

The Immigrant Education Society has a program to promote mental health and offers free counselling to all. There are no guidelines for service absolutely anyone in Calgary can receive support. Support is available in a variety of languages for those who may need it. Appointments can be booked online here Counselling. The webpage also offers a variety of coping skills and videos for those who may want more independent support. TIES Healthy Minds.

Property Tax Assistance

If you own your home and qualify for Fair Entry you may also be able to get support on your property taxes. See here for details Property Tax Assistance Program.

Volunteer Alberta Survey

Volunteer Alberta is looking to get feedback from volunteers across the Province. This anonymous survey will help identify trends in volunteer motivation, retention, morale as well as barriers to volunteering. The survey will help inform volunteer organizations and places that support volunteers. The survey is a bit long and anticipated time to complete is 25-30 minutes: Volunteer Alberta Survey.

Dispose of Pet Waste the Right Way

Help keep our city clean by disposing of pet waste properly.

  • You can put pet waste and kitty litter (all varieties) in your green cart for composting. For the safety of your collector, put pet waste in a certified compostable bag or paper bag and securely tie/roll closed.
  • Never put plastic bags or bags labelled biodegradable in your green cart. These bags do not break down and end up as small pieces of plastic that contaminate the finished compost.
  • If using conventional plastic bags to clean up pet waste, please double bag and securely tie closed before disposing of in the black cart.
  • Only dispose of pet waste in your own carts. If you want to use someone else’s bins, you need to have permission from the homeowner or occupant.
  • If you live in a multi-family complex like a condo or townhouse, check with your building owner or manager to see if your compost collection company accepts pet waste.

To see a list of acceptable compostable bags, visit







Be Aware of Fire Bans

Backyard fire pit, make sure no Fire Bans are in effect before starting a fire, and always remember – in case of an emergency – call 9-1-1 for help. For more fire safety tips, go here.

Storm Drain Information

Did you know, there are about 60,000 storm drains (or catch basins) part of stormwater system in Calgary working to drain water and melting snow off sidewalks, streets and roads?
Keep your storm drains free and clear of snow, leaves and debris/ If it’s safe and possible to do, remove debris or snow blocking the drain. Create a channel if need be, to facilitate water flow.
In communities built after 1990, The City installs devices in the storm drain to control how fast water flows into the system. During and after a rainfall event, these devices allow water to pool on the road (usually in a depression or low spot, called a Trap Low), until the stormwater system can accept the extra water. If the storm drain remains submerged for more than 90 minutes or you cannot safely clear ice and snow away, take a photo and submit it via the 311 App or a web request. This way, our crews can prioritize and respond promptly. For more information on storm drains and to locate the closest one to you, visit

Greenline Business Support

If you are a business owner, manager or staff along the Stage 1 alignment, answer our short questionnaire here.
to share your information and join our Green Line business database. Visit here to learn more about the Business Support Program.

Family Resource Network

Closer to Home’s North Central Family Resource Network (FRN) builds family resiliency with programs and services for children, youth and families in north central Calgary communities.

Programs promote healthy child/youth development, strengthen parent/caregiver capacity to meet their family’s needs, and facilitate building strong community connections and supports for families. The North Central Family Resource Network is coordinated by Closer to Home; delivering a range of services and programs along with Catholic Family Service, Big Brothers Big Sisters and Trellis.

Families may self-refer to FRN programs. Families and services providers are invited to contact the FRN to learn about resources that will help them address concerns and build family strengths. For more information, please call our central intake line at (403) 543-0555.

** Please note: Closer to Home’s North Central Family Resource Network is currently open by appointment only. Please contact them at (403) 543-0555 or if you need assistance. **



Upcoming Programs

This is a small snapshot of the happenings at the NCFRN; please see the calendar below.

To register, call the intake line at (403) 543-0555.

Girls’ Talk, Onlne!

Join us every Wednesday online as we talk about self-esteem, problem-solving, coping strategies, nutrition, healthy relationships and more through games, arts, crafts, yoga, meditation, and guest speakers!

The program is for girls 12-17 years old.

Home Alone Safety

Closer to Home Family Resource Network offers a free Home Alone Safety course for children ages 9-12 years old. It will provide your children with the necessary skills to be safe and responsible when left home alone for a short period of time.

This is a 3-part session running online.

My Kids New Thing

Parents and caregivers, we know that your children are growing and changing so quickly. So, please join us for an online, weekly conversation group: meet other parents and caregivers, talk about your kids, learn from one another, and meet your local parent educator Lisa. This is a parent-led group, meaning that we welcome ideas and topics from you, the experts!

Women’s Group

Women’s Group offers a safe, interactive, supportive learning environment for women of diverse cultures. Women have the opportunity to connect with others that may be living in similar circumstances, whether they are a newcomer to Canada, a single parent, have limited English language skills or feel isolated in their neighbourhood.

Food & Mood – Youth Cooking

An online youth-focused spin-off of our Test Kitchen program. Over this 7 week program, youth ages 12-17 will have the opportunity to receive recipes and instructions, cook a meal and then come together weekly with our nutritionist Monica to discuss the results, healthy eating habits, wellness and more! Guest speakers, activities and prizes!

Recipe supplies will be provided.

Money Management

Four-session Money Management course for youth ages 14-18. Our Financial Literacy Facilitator will teach the youth tips and tricks about budgeting skills to prepare for their financial future as adults!

Alberta Babysitter’s Safety Course

Closer to Home Family Resource Network offers The Babysitter’s Safety Course programming online free of charge. Please register any child ages 12-17 years old for course certification from the Alberta Safety Council. This is a 7-lesson program focusing on Child Development, Positive Behaviour Management, and Home and Outdoor Safety and Injury Prevention.

Common Sense Parenting

Parents will learn practical skills to increase children’s positive behaviour, decrease negative behaviour and model appropriate alternative behaviour. Parents will also learn practical strategies for enhancing parent-child communication and building robust family relationships.

Seen & Heard

Share your story and experiences. Make connections and build supportive local relationships with others in their communities and their resources to decrease isolation. Meet your local Family Support Worker

8-Week program

One-time Workshops

We offer some great one-time workshops at the NCFRN that can be facilitated online or in the community. If you’re interested in having us offer these, please let us know!

For Youth:

  • Art for Others
  • Dealing with Stress
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

For Parents/Caregivers:

  • Potty Training
  • Picky Eaters
  • The Power of Routines
  • Feeding Time
  • Back to School
  • Nurturing Parenting