CHCA Volunteer Appreciation Event

Volunteers are the heart of any organization. Cambrian Heights is lucky to have so many individuals who are willing to spend their time and energy to support our community. From working a casino shift, to maintaining our rinks, volunteers are vital! As a thanks for all you do, please join us at the Pig & Whistle Pub for an evening of celebration. Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Future and current volunteers welcome, please RSVP to

March 6th, 7:30pm
The Pig & Whistle Pub
4105 4th Street NW
Calgary, AB

2025 Polar Party Update

Due to cold weather and risk to participants, we have decided to cancel the Polar Party this year.

Thank you, stay warm and stay safe!

Career Coaching and Resume Session

We have decided to postpone the Career Coaching event to a later date this spring. If you are interested in attending a career coaching and resume session, email Phillip at


President’s Message – November 2024

This month will witness an active period for the Community with the Casino fundraising taking place November 4 and 5 at the Pure Casino. Only with the help of many volunteers may this major fundraising be  accomplished. We wish to thank all those that volunteered and especially thank our two organizers David Babich and Phillip Holcomb for their efforts to make the Casino a success. Later this month we will be holding our Lego Contest in November. Details of the contest may be found here. Later this month as the weather cools work will commence on our two outdoor ice rinks. This is only possible again thanks to volunteers through the winter months. If you can help out, please contact Scott Jacobson by email ( or cell 403-771-9755 for more information.  

Many of you may have noticed that Calgary Parks planted well over 100 trees in our community during late September. Most went in the Dog Park along 32nd Ave but also in other park spaces within Cambrian Heights. While we did not have any advance notice or involvement in the tree placements we had made the Parks group aware of our receptivity for more trees in our park spaces. An unexpected surplus of  trees needing to be planted caught everyone by surprise but was to our ultimate benefit.  

For those who have followed the progress on the community sign project we are awaiting cost estimates  from two suppliers whose sign designs were the most popular in our survey. When we finalize the selection process a development permit will be applied for which allows for further community input. So everyone is aware we are also looking at our other park spaces and where we can contribute with the City on  developing new or updated playground facilities that enhance our community. 

Social activities are being planned by the Board for the fall/winter season which includes our annual Halloween Pumpkin Giveaway scheduled for October 26. We are attempting to organize further activities  around this event at the community hall. A repeat of our Lego Contest is also scheduled for November 30th. Other events into 2025 include our annual Polar party (February 1), a Volunteer Appreciation Night  and a Dog Park Event. If you wish to get involved with community social programs contact us at Please read the newsletter or consult with our website for details of all future activities. anted 

We remain without a full time volunteer Treasurer on the Board. Please consider volunteering if you have  any accounting background. Contact us at with any questions or to discuss the level of accounting knowledge required.  

Stay safe and find a reason to talk with your neighbours.  

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Cambrian Heights Wreath Making Workshop

Thanks to everyone who attended our first fresh wreath making workshop! The sold out event was a big hit. Big thank you to the volunteers who helped set up the festive event and to Johanna Ramalho who provided all the materials and led the workshop.

Lego Contest 2024

Thanks to all of the amazing folks who participated in the CHCA Lego competition this year! It was amazing to see all of the hard work and creativity of the kids in our community. A big thanks to Nancy Else and Noah Sonnenberg for judging this year’s event and to Ben and Noah for bringing their incredible creations to wow us all. Another thanks to Superstore for donating Lego for raffle prizes and to CHCA for helping make this event happen.


Free Pumpkin Giveaway

Come pick up your free pumpkin at the Cambrian Heights Community association on October 26th, 2024.

We’ll begin at 10am until supplies last!

Cambrian Heights Community Markets

Starting September 3 and ending October 1, Cambrian Heights Community Markets – featuring premier farmers’ market vendors by invitation only – are happening Tuesdays from 3-7pm at 600 Northmount Drive NW.

Come and support local farmers and makers while supplying the majority of your weekly food requirements.  Sustainable eating starts with local farmers and healthy living starts at the Cambrian Heights Community Market.  Meet some amazing vendors with a passion for what they produce.  Skip the supermarket, come to our market.

What makes our market such a special place is that you’re actually creating Community around fresh food.  Every time you choose to support farm-based growers and makers you’re strengthening community at a local level.

Enthusiastic attendance from Cambrian Heights and surrounding communities will cement an option to run a full summer season market in the years to follow.

Vendors over the five weeks will provide:
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Honey
  • Bread and baking
  • Ukrainian foods
  • Mexican foods (chips and salsas)
  • Cured meats (bacon and sausages)
  • Ferments
  • Fruit and meat pies
  • Ice cream and frozen treats
  • Preserves (all 120 of ours including salsas, chutneys, marmalades jams, jellies, spreads, pepper jellies). 

President’s Message – July 2024

Our Annual General Meeting was held on June 18 and witnessed the addition of two new directors for the 2024-25 term. After a review of the financials and programs being undertaken by the community association, a reception took place for gathering ideas and feedback from residents who also had the opportunity to discuss broader issues with our MLA Lizette Tejada and our Ward 4 Councillor Sean Chu. 

The month of May witnessed a very successful May 19 Community Spring Cleanup Event in partnership with Rosemont and the City of Calgary at our Hall grounds. A total of 8,345 kg of waste was collected as well as significant electronics for recycle purposes. We also held a well attended Bicycle Tuneup and Event day on the Hall grounds with DJ Jordan Hoch providing music for the participants June 1. We thank all the volunteers who help organize events such as these and welcome suggestions for new programs. 

This summer the hall grounds will welcome for the third year the Die Volksmesse car show on July 13.  The Hall also welcomes back the Between Friends summer camp. We are also pleased to report a full compliment of 10 gardeners on our community plots this year. We do however continue to need a full time treasurer for the Community Association. If you have accounting experience or background please consider volunteering some of your time for this most important position.

Preparations for a community sign will continue over the summer as we analyze feedback from our survey and deal with City approvals. Similarly, we will progress at the 32nd Avenue Dog Park with tree planting and costing of a central park identification structure as posted in the park bulletin board. 

The Community has been confirmed with Casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accruing from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to help out this year at our Casino dates please contact us at We provide a meal during your Casino daytime or evening shift and also reimburse for transportation to and from as well as babysitting if required.

We wish all residents an enjoyable summer as the Board takes a recess from activities in preparation for another active fall and winter. Read the newsletter or consult with our website ( ) for activities in September and October at the Hall. 

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – June 2024

President’s Message – June 2024

The month of May witnessed a very successful Volunteer appreciation evening which was well attended
by our community residents and a visit by our MLA. On May 19 we held a Community Spring Cleanup
Event in partnership with Rosemont and the City of Calgary at our Hall grounds. We thank all the
volunteers who help organize events like these.

On June 1 we will have held our third annual Family Bike Day at the Community Hall. This year the event
is being held in association with similar bicycle maintenance clinics and bike skill courses with Rosemont,
Capital Hill and Banff Trail. We hope the weather cooperated with this all ages program. We also will be
holding our AGM on June 18 with invited guests Lizette Tejada our MLA and Sean Chu, Councillor for
Ward 4. So please attend to review community plans as well as talk with your City and Provincial
representatives on issues of concern. An informal reception will follow the election of directors and review
of 2023 audited financials.

While we have no community wide plans for Calgary Neighbour Day on June 15 this year, we do continue
to encourage block parties within the community by providing a $100 fund to defer the costs of organizing
and running a block party in your neighbourhood any time of year. Simply email for details.

This summer the hall grounds will welcome for the third year the Die Volksmesse car show on July 13.
The Hall also welcomes back for its third year the Between Friends summer camp.

Unfortunately the Hall experienced an act of extreme vandalism in May when the locked roof ladder was
scaled and damage and graffiti willfully inflicted on the exposed HVAC systems. This activity probably
occurred May 4 over night. While reported to CPS little can be done without eye witnesses. Fortunately,
no internal damage was done to the Hall itself.

In past newsletter issues we have highlighted our intention to place a community identification sign in the
park that is bounded by Cambrian and Northmount Drives. While development in Cambrian Heights
started in 1956, there has never to our knowledge been a community identification sign. We are
continuing our process of designing alternatives and in fact have designed a survey program to allow
input on the sign design. You will find the survey connection in a poster within this newsletter issue. We
hope you will consider participating in the survey.

The Community has been confirmed with casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accruing
from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major
funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to
help out this year at our Casino dates or any other of our activities, please contact us at

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA