President’s Message – February 2025

Our 8th annual Polar Party kicked off the month of February with skating activities, hot chocolate, snacks and a fire pit. Always the center of activity during the winter, our two ice rinks were filled with family fun provided by the tireless work of our rink maintenance volunteers. We encourage residents and friends to utilize these ice surfaces for exercise and enjoyment throughout the winter months while being courteous to others, especially young children and new skaters.

Additional social events planned over the next few months include a Career Coaching afternoon on February 8, a Volunteer Appreciation evening and Dog Park awareness event once spring arrives in Calgary. Check our website ( for notices and details of upcoming events. Also consider volunteering to help out with event activities and meet fellow residents while contributing ideas for future programs.

At the writing of this message there have been two local multi family developments proposed taking advantage of the new zoning rules in our city. A recent court decision confirmed the City Council’s authority to legislate the change. These developments propose the construction of four units each with a basement suite thus accommodating eight families on what previously was a single family residence. With each development permit application, our planning group submits comments on infrastructure, parking and architectural issues. Future applications will be impacted by existing Restrictive Covenants in certain areas of Cambrian Heights. Contact our planning group and reference our website for further information.

We continue to work on organizing a Tuesday Farmers Market at the community hall grounds, through the May to September period, building on the success of our fall market last year. Plans are underway to bring the same vendors plus some others to this market. As we progress with this project we will be releasing more details in the newsletter and social media.

A Cambrian Heights resident has initiated a fundraising program focused on replacing the playground facilities on 39th Avenue. Should you wish to get involved please contact the organizer Ila Faye Dale at

Also, remember 100% of your 2025 membership fees go into supporting social activities within Cambrian Heights. Information on how to become a member is detailed in this newsletter.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – January 2025

January is a new year and the heart of the winter season. Opportunities in nearby Nose Hill Park, Confederation Park and all our community parks provide opportunities for outside winter activities to wear off the holiday calories are a community advantage. Our outdoor ice rinks will be in full use and we now have a new coordinator, Brent Else. Who will relieve Scott Jacobson after 11 years of extraordinary service, of this responsibility. Scott may still be found helping out the Rink Rats maintain our two ice rinks and he, like Brent, welcome any offer to help out the existing dedicated crew. If you want to help out, please contact Brent at 

On November 30 we held our 5th annual Lego Contest at the Community Hall. This event attracted contestants of all ages from surrounding communities and has proven very popular with participating children and adult viewers. This year was no exception. A few pictures of the entries are attached. Many more are on our website ( We want to thank Nancy Else and Noah Sonnenberg for the difficult task of judging the entries in all age categories. We also wish to thank Superstore for their donations for prizes and both Noah and Ben for their incredible creations that were put on display. On December 13 we held a Christmas Wreath making event. Tickets were limited to the first 35 purchasers and were sold out in November. We thank all those volunteers involved in planning and making these events successful. A Volunteer Appreciation evening is in the plans for early 2025. 

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We are happy to welcome another new Board member in January. Wendi Elaschuk, a long-term resident, who will be focusing on community finance for Cambrian Heights as the new Treasurer. New Board members are welcome and are encouraged to bring their own experience and perspective to issues impacting our community. Consider attending a Board meeting to learn and perhaps participate in future issue discussions or event planning.  

On January 25, we are offering for the first time a free Career Coaching session at the Community Hall hosted by one of our Board members experienced in this field. See our website and poster in this issue for more information and to register. Plus, join us for our annual Polar Party that will be held on our outdoor ice rinks behind the Community Hall on February 1. Hot chocolate, games, snacks and a warming fire pit will support the on-ice activities. 

Please involve yourself in community activities through 2025 and continue to send us comments you may have to expand or improve our programs or add to community services. Our last Board meeting featured  discussions with Jeff Davison, a candidate for mayor in the 2025 municipal election, a representative from MLA Calgary Klein Lizette Tejada’s office and a resident Ila Faye Dale wanting to start a funding raising program to replace the playground facilities on 39th Avenue.  

Also, remember 100% of your 2025 membership fees go into supporting social activities within Cambrian Heights. Information on how to become a member can be found within this newsletter and on our website. 

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – December 2024

December brings with it winter weather but also the warmth and good cheer of the Christmas and holiday season. Our outdoor ice rinks will be in full use thanks to the efforts of our rink rats headed up for so many years by Scott Jacobson. If you are able to help out this year please contact Scott at as our two rinks provide a hugh recreational benefit to young and old through the winter season. 

November witnessed successful staffing with volunteers for our casino dates at the beginning of the month. We owe a great thanks to those volunteers who made this most important fund raising activity a success. We are planning an Appreciation event for these volunteers and those that help out at events throughout the year this spring. Volunteering is a great way to meet your neighbours and enjoy the social activities sponsored by the Community Association. If you would like to register as a volunteer please contact us at . In that regard we are happy to welcome a new Board member in November, Stephanie Melville, who will be focusing on community communications for Cambrian Heights. In addition, a long time community resident, Wendy Elaschuk, has agreed to take on the Treasurer role starting in January and will join the Board in December. Both will also contribute by bringing their own perspective to issues impacting our community. 

With the city wide decision to allow R-CG zoning throughout the City many communities have responded by establishing restrictive covenants to challenge certain multi family developments. There is currently an original Restrictive Covenant (7778HB) on homes south of Northmount Drive within Cambrian Heights. These existing covenants may provide a mechanism through the Courts to restrict what structures may be built on those properties. We have discussed this particular covenant and the existence of some Builders covenants in other areas of the community with legal counsel. We reference you to our website ( for a more detailed review including a legal counsel reference. 

On November 30 we held our 5th annual Lego Contest at the Community Hall. These events attract contestants of all ages from surrounding communities and have proven very popular with children and adult viewers. On December 13 we will be holding a Christmas Wreath making event. Tickets may be obtained through the website although attendance is limited to the first 35 purchasers. We again thank those volunteers involved in planning and making these events successful. 

We have scheduled for January 25 a first ever free Career Coaching session at the Community Hall that will be hosted by one of our Board members experienced in this field. See our website and poster in this issue for more information. Plus save the date of February 1 for our annual Polar Party that will be held on our outdoor ice rinks behind the Community Hall.

Have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a family focused Holiday season and start to 2025 from all of us involved with the Community Association. Please consider involving yourself in community activities through 2025 and always feel free to send us comments you may have to expand or improve our programs. 

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – November 2024

This month will witness an active period for the Community with the Casino fundraising taking place November 4 and 5 at the Pure Casino. Only with the help of many volunteers may this major fundraising be  accomplished. We wish to thank all those that volunteered and especially thank our two organizers David Babich and Phillip Holcomb for their efforts to make the Casino a success. Later this month we will be holding our Lego Contest in November. Details of the contest may be found here. Later this month as the weather cools work will commence on our two outdoor ice rinks. This is only possible again thanks to volunteers through the winter months. If you can help out, please contact Scott Jacobson by email ( or cell 403-771-9755 for more information.  

Many of you may have noticed that Calgary Parks planted well over 100 trees in our community during late September. Most went in the Dog Park along 32nd Ave but also in other park spaces within Cambrian Heights. While we did not have any advance notice or involvement in the tree placements we had made the Parks group aware of our receptivity for more trees in our park spaces. An unexpected surplus of  trees needing to be planted caught everyone by surprise but was to our ultimate benefit.  

For those who have followed the progress on the community sign project we are awaiting cost estimates  from two suppliers whose sign designs were the most popular in our survey. When we finalize the selection process a development permit will be applied for which allows for further community input. So everyone is aware we are also looking at our other park spaces and where we can contribute with the City on  developing new or updated playground facilities that enhance our community. 

Social activities are being planned by the Board for the fall/winter season which includes our annual Halloween Pumpkin Giveaway scheduled for October 26. We are attempting to organize further activities  around this event at the community hall. A repeat of our Lego Contest is also scheduled for November 30th. Other events into 2025 include our annual Polar party (February 1), a Volunteer Appreciation Night  and a Dog Park Event. If you wish to get involved with community social programs contact us at Please read the newsletter or consult with our website for details of all future activities. anted 

We remain without a full time volunteer Treasurer on the Board. Please consider volunteering if you have  any accounting background. Contact us at with any questions or to discuss the level of accounting knowledge required.  

Stay safe and find a reason to talk with your neighbours.  

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – October 2024

September witnessed our first Farmers Market each Tuesday from September 3 to October 1 in the community hall parking lot. Total of 14 merchants registered to participate over the month as a test towards making this a full summer market in 2025 running June through September. We were excited with the initial turnout and neighbourly vibe created with the market. At the writing of this letter we and the venders have not fully evaluated this trial but early indications are positive towards 2025. The market offered fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, various jams, bake goods, Ukrainian and Mexican food products, sausages, mustards, mead beverages, fresh honey and even ice cream. Updates on the result of this program will be provided on social media as well as our website ( 

For those who have following the progress on the community sign project we are awaiting cost estimates from two suppliers whose sign designs were the most popular in our survey. When we finalize the selection process a development permit will be applied for which allows for further community input. So everyone is aware we are also looking at our other park spaces and where we can contribute with the City on developing new or updated playground facilities that enhance our community.

The Community has been confirmed with Casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accruing from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to help out this year at our Casino dates please contact our Casino Coordinator at . We provide a meal during your Casino daytime or evening shift and also reimburse for transportation to and from as well as babysitting if required. You will also be invited to attend a Volunteer Appreciation Night to be put on by the Community.  

Social activities are being planned by the Board for the fall/winter season which includes our annual Halloween Pumpkin Giveaway scheduled for October 26. We are attempting to organize further activities around this event at the community hall. A repeat of our Lego Contest is also scheduled for November 30th. Other events into 2025 include our annual Polar party (February 1), a Volunteer Appreciation Night and a Dog Park Event. If you  wish to get involved with community social programs contact us at Please read the newsletter or consult with our website for details of all future activities. 

We remain without a full time volunteer Treasurer on the Board. Please consider volunteering if you have any accounting background. Contact us at with any questions or to discuss the level of accounting knowledge required. 

Stay safe and find a reason to talk with your neighbours. 


Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – September 2024

September brings with it a new year feeling as schools resume and the summers activities begin to wind down as mother nature starts a change in outdoor colours and temperatures in Alberta. It is also the beginning of a new activity schedule for the Community Association. This year I am pleased to announce we will be running a Farmers Market every Tuesday from September 3 to October 1 as a test towards making this a full summer market in 2025. The market will take place in the community hall parking lot and will be open from 3:00 – 7:00pm. We anticipate providing vegetables, fruits, berries, preserves, baking, Ukrainian foods, meats and more as vendors are confirmed. Updates will be provided on social media as well as our website

We would like to thank all those who participated in the community newsletter survey concerning the signage design being considered for the park at the intersection of Cambrian and Northmount Drives. The Board will now review the results of the survey and proceed with final cost and design selection. A City development permit process will have to be initiated allowing further comments from residents.

While we will be maintaining our Yoga Programs this fall (see poster in this newsletter) we have cancelled our long term Fitness program due to lack of live local participation. This was a long standing program that never seemed to recover from the Covid years. We will remain open for new ideas to replace this program in the future.

The Community has been confirmed with Casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accruing from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to help out this year at our Casino dates please contact us at We provide a meal during your Casino daytime or evening shift and also reimburse for transportation to and from as well as babysitting if required.

Social activities are being planned by the Board for the fall/winter season which include an early October Trivia Night at the community hall. If you have any suggestions or wish to get involved with community social programs please contact us at Please read the newsletter or consult with our website for future activities. We also encourage your involvement with Cambrian Heights community and its activities and programs by contacting us at

We remain without a full time volunteer Treasurer on the Board. This is a key position and without a resident coming forward as a volunteer will necessitate funds being expended to hire for this part time position. Please consider volunteering if you have any accounting background. Contact us at President@cambrianheightscommunity with any questions. 

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – August 2024

I hope everyone enjoyed the 10 days of Calgary Stampede as I know our family did. Sunny skies also provided ample opportunity to enjoy both nearby Confederation and Nose Hill Parks. We held our third annual Die Volksmesse car show featuring Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche autos on July 13. Plans are being made by our Social Committee for events this fall. If you have ideas for community events utilizing our Hall and grounds feel free to contact us at A review of past events and general plans for the future can be found in the slide presentation from our AGM on our website.  

Our survey of community signage designs was included in the July newsletter and is repeated in this issue. At the time of writing this message we had over 60 replies selecting general signage design including comments detailing design features and questions as to community finances and longer term plans for our many park spaces. The Board in August will review all this feedback and incorporate those comments when making a final decision and applying for final City approvals. To date the City has indicated no issues with our signage size and location and funding is in place for the project. As always, the final design will be subject to cost considerations as we explore other park additions and community ice rink equipment storage options. 

As indicated in the July newsletter, the Community has been confirmed with Casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accruing from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to help out this year at our Casino dates please contact us at We provide a meal during your Casino daytime or evening shift and also reimburse for transportation to and from as well as babysitting if required.

We continue to wish all residents a safe and enjoyable summer. Please read the newsletter or consult with our website ( ) for activities this fall and winter. We also encourage your involvement with the Community through attending one of our Board meetings at the Hall by contacting us at 

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – July 2024

Our Annual General Meeting was held on June 18 and witnessed the addition of two new directors for the 2024-25 term. After a review of the financials and programs being undertaken by the community association, a reception took place for gathering ideas and feedback from residents who also had the opportunity to discuss broader issues with our MLA Lizette Tejada and our Ward 4 Councillor Sean Chu. 

The month of May witnessed a very successful May 19 Community Spring Cleanup Event in partnership with Rosemont and the City of Calgary at our Hall grounds. A total of 8,345 kg of waste was collected as well as significant electronics for recycle purposes. We also held a well attended Bicycle Tuneup and Event day on the Hall grounds with DJ Jordan Hoch providing music for the participants June 1. We thank all the volunteers who help organize events such as these and welcome suggestions for new programs. 

This summer the hall grounds will welcome for the third year the Die Volksmesse car show on July 13.  The Hall also welcomes back the Between Friends summer camp. We are also pleased to report a full compliment of 10 gardeners on our community plots this year. We do however continue to need a full time treasurer for the Community Association. If you have accounting experience or background please consider volunteering some of your time for this most important position.

Preparations for a community sign will continue over the summer as we analyze feedback from our survey and deal with City approvals. Similarly, we will progress at the 32nd Avenue Dog Park with tree planting and costing of a central park identification structure as posted in the park bulletin board. 

The Community has been confirmed with Casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accruing from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to help out this year at our Casino dates please contact us at We provide a meal during your Casino daytime or evening shift and also reimburse for transportation to and from as well as babysitting if required.

We wish all residents an enjoyable summer as the Board takes a recess from activities in preparation for another active fall and winter. Read the newsletter or consult with our website ( ) for activities in September and October at the Hall. 

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – June 2024

President’s Message – June 2024

The month of May witnessed a very successful Volunteer appreciation evening which was well attended
by our community residents and a visit by our MLA. On May 19 we held a Community Spring Cleanup
Event in partnership with Rosemont and the City of Calgary at our Hall grounds. We thank all the
volunteers who help organize events like these.

On June 1 we will have held our third annual Family Bike Day at the Community Hall. This year the event
is being held in association with similar bicycle maintenance clinics and bike skill courses with Rosemont,
Capital Hill and Banff Trail. We hope the weather cooperated with this all ages program. We also will be
holding our AGM on June 18 with invited guests Lizette Tejada our MLA and Sean Chu, Councillor for
Ward 4. So please attend to review community plans as well as talk with your City and Provincial
representatives on issues of concern. An informal reception will follow the election of directors and review
of 2023 audited financials.

While we have no community wide plans for Calgary Neighbour Day on June 15 this year, we do continue
to encourage block parties within the community by providing a $100 fund to defer the costs of organizing
and running a block party in your neighbourhood any time of year. Simply email for details.

This summer the hall grounds will welcome for the third year the Die Volksmesse car show on July 13.
The Hall also welcomes back for its third year the Between Friends summer camp.

Unfortunately the Hall experienced an act of extreme vandalism in May when the locked roof ladder was
scaled and damage and graffiti willfully inflicted on the exposed HVAC systems. This activity probably
occurred May 4 over night. While reported to CPS little can be done without eye witnesses. Fortunately,
no internal damage was done to the Hall itself.

In past newsletter issues we have highlighted our intention to place a community identification sign in the
park that is bounded by Cambrian and Northmount Drives. While development in Cambrian Heights
started in 1956, there has never to our knowledge been a community identification sign. We are
continuing our process of designing alternatives and in fact have designed a survey program to allow
input on the sign design. You will find the survey connection in a poster within this newsletter issue. We
hope you will consider participating in the survey.

The Community has been confirmed with casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accruing
from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major
funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to
help out this year at our Casino dates or any other of our activities, please contact us at

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – May 2024

President’s Message – May 2024


On April 12 we held our first Volunteer Appreciation Event since before Covid. It recognized those in the Community who had volunteered their time for social events, facility improvements and our Casino fund raisers. In addition those interested in future volunteer opportunities were invited to join the group for a social evening at a local pub Moose’s Beanery & Bar Room. During May we have joined with Rosemont Community to hold a Spring Cleanup Day on Sunday May 19 at the Cambrian Community Hall. All are invited to bring yard cleanup materials, discarded electronics and tools for disposal and recycling. Please check the website ( or the poster in this newsletter for more details. Beyond that event we have plans to host our third annual Bicycle Day Saturday June 1 which will involve other NW communities and our AGM is scheduled for June 18 with invited guests Lizette Tejada our MLA and Sean Chu Councillor for Ward 4. So save the dates. 

While we have no community wide plans for Calgary Neighbour Day on June 15 this year, we do encourage block parties within the community by providing a $100 fund to defer the costs of organizing and running a block party in your neighbourhood. Simply email for details.

This summer the hall grounds will welcome for the third year the Die Volksmesse car show on July 13.  The Hall also welcomes back for its third year the Between Friends summer camp. They plan to hold an open house for parents at the Hall June 27 for those who might be interested in enrolling their children this summer. See for details.

We still have garden plots available this summer for those interested in growing their own produce. If you are interested please contact us for more information.

There remains some confusion about the use of the park and playground space on 39th Avenue and 10th Street boarding QPC. Despite the unlawful removal of City signage by someone, it is not designated an off leash dog park and should not be so utilized. 

In past newsletter issues we have highlighted our intention to place a community identification sign in the park that is bounded by Cambrian and Northmount Drives. While development in Cambrian Heights started in 1956, there has never to our knowledge been a community identification sign. We are continuing our  process of designing alternatives for consideration. A development permit will ultimately be required. Our community certainly qualified in original construction design as “mid century modern” but like all inner City neighbourhoods is undergoing change with infill development. If you have any signage design thoughts feel free to comment through email to .

The Community continues to encourage resident participation at the Board or event volunteer level. The Treasurer position remains our most urgent need. Accounting or financial expertise will certainly be required. Involvement at a Board level offers an opportunity to help develop the programs, events and residential planning for Cambrian Heights. Help us improve our community resources by volunteering. To discuss any opportunities for participation please contact us at .

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA