COVID-19 Gardening Guidelines

Community Gardens

Currently, community gardens remain open for use for the 2020 growing season. Each community garden group is responsible to create an action plan for managing:

  • Physical distancing of 2 metres.
  • Movement of people in or out of the gardens.
  • Ensuring there is adherence to best practices for the cleaning and disinfection of tools, surfaces, gates or garden boxes.

The City will open watering systems beginning mid-May, weather pending. We’ll also be supporting existing community gardens with additional soil or compost. Communities should contact 311 and ask for their Parks Community Strategist.

Outdoor Spaces at Home

Safe yard work and gardening

When gardening outside, here are a few basic rules for physical distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • Remember to physically distance. Chat with your neighbours, but keep two metres between you.
  • Sharing bulbs, cuttings or seedlings? Create a “sharing zone” for plants. Leave them in the zone for 24 hours before your neighbour picks them up.
  • Wash your hands before and after gardening, and touching shared items like garden hoses, tools, compost bins, etc.
  • Have a set of basic tools for each person to reduce contamination:
    • a hand trowel
    • gloves
    • a pail or bucket
    • a secateur or loppers
  • Disinfect/clean tools before and after use:
    • clean handles protect us from COVID-19
    • clean blades protect plants and trees from diseases
  • If you share a green space or yard (like a semi-detached house or townhouse), create zones in the garden:
    • Give everyone at least 2 metres of space at all times.
    • Assign yard work to each person or family on separate days. One family mows the lawn, while the other cares for trees and tends flower beds on opposite days.
  • Set up new spaces where people can sit, be safely distanced and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Visit garden centres by yourself, and keep your trips to an absolute minimum.
  • Stay connected through technology. Many local gardening experts and businesses have online training events, garden tours, and more.

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