Fall BBQ Cancelled

Due to uncertainty in regards to the Community Hall re-opening and limits on gatherings, combined with the level of protocols and health guidelines mandated by Alberta Health Services in response to the COVID-19 virus, we have cancelled our Fall BBQ scheduled for September 19.

We hope to be able to resume this event in September 2021.

President’s Message – June 2020

On March 15, in reaction to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the City of Calgary ordered the closing of all community and recreational buildings. This shut down all programs and services at our community hall. This has resulted in the deferrals of many scheduled events, third party rentals, our programs and the Edelweiss Preparatory School. At the writing of this letter, we are still unsure of when this closure order will be rescinded. We trust Cambrian Heights residents will appreciate the new challenges facing our volunteers. Any updates will be published on our website (cambrianheightscommunity.com), through email blasts to those registered through our website and on our Facebook page.

I am sure everyone recognizes the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and respects the Provincial guidelines with regard to social distancing and hygiene. We wish everyone in our community good health and encourage patience as we together work through a devastating period both emotionally and for many of us financially. Hopefully, at the publication of this newsletter, we will be progressing out of this health crisis.

Our Annual General Meeting was scheduled to be held on June 25. We elect the Board of Directors at our AGM for a one year term and review the financial status and planned programs for the Community over the active year. However, due to the COVID-19 virus and the resultant uncertainty as to when the City Community Halls will reopen and the limit on assemblies of people, the AGM has been postponed to October 22. Please check the September Newsletter or our website for details of the meeting agenda and Director nominations.

We encourage new participation at the Board level to maintain the programs, events, ideas and fiscal strength of our community. In particular, we are especially looking for residents with a financial background to either assume or help in the Treasurer role. Please contact the President at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com if you are interested in participating at any capacity in the Community or at a Board level.

We have held an Asado BBQ in September for the last two years. We would like to continue this very successful event which not only features fine food and beverage but aspiring musicians from Cambrian Heights and the nearby communities. What we need are volunteers interested in getting involved with this event. We anticipate changes in the format and will welcome suggestions. Please contact us at cambrianheights@gmail.com to participate in the planning or running of this event.

Our weekly drop-in yoga program and our general fitness programs (Body-Lift, Kettlebell Kick-boxing, New Cardio-Barre Fusion and New Barre Above) were forced to adjust in regards to their physical presence at the Community Hall with the City mandated closures. However, both Lorene Hughes – fitness (scarybunnybefit@gmail.com) and Kyrsten Blair – yoga (kyrstenblair@icloud.com) have moved these programs online. Please contact them if you would like to participate from home or to get updates as to when the programs will be allowed to return to the Community Hall.

We are planning to start a new program in September at the Community Hall – language lessons. We are starting with Spanish and this is an entry-level course. It will run for 12 weeks starting September 15. It will be provided through Azren the Language Nerd staff. Attendance will be limited to eight participants this first time to keep an intimate and active experience. Please watch for registration details in the July Newsletter or on our website. We hope this will be the first of many such language course curriculums.

The Planning Committee remains active reviewing and commenting on the City published Guide-book for Calgary Communities available at www.calgary.ca or on our Community webpage. We encourage everyone to read this document. We recognize the City’s focus on the densification of the inner city communities is driven by the cost of providing municipal services and funding issues associated with unlimited urban sprawl. However, the guidelines proposed will allow previously single-family zoned areas, such as much of Cambrian Heights, to be developed with duplexes, four-plexes, row housing and taller homes mixed with commercial enterprises. We have combined with neighbouring communities to comment and recommend further public consultations. Updates on this issue will be provided in future Newsletters as well as on our website (www.cambrianheightscommunity.com).

As a reminder, due to COVID-19 concerns, the City has cancelled all Community Cleanups for 2020.

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for September 14. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM. Over the past three months, these meetings have been either cancelled, held utilizing remote technology or in the larger space provided at the Community Hall. Watch for updates on this meeting over the summer.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community’s Value.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Upcoming Events at Cambrian Heights Hall

Sept 15, 2020 Spanish Lessons 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Hall
Sept 19, 2020 Fall BBQ Event TBD Hall & Grounds
October 17, 2020 Girl’s Night Out 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Hall
October 22, 2020 Annual General Meeting 7:30 pm – 9 pm Hall
October 31, 2020 Halloween Dance 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Hall
November 7, 2020 Home Trade Show 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Hall
November 14, 2020 Wine Tasting 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Hall

COVID-19 Gardening Guidelines

Community Gardens

Currently, community gardens remain open for use for the 2020 growing season. Each community garden group is responsible to create an action plan for managing:

  • Physical distancing of 2 metres.
  • Movement of people in or out of the gardens.
  • Ensuring there is adherence to best practices for the cleaning and disinfection of tools, surfaces, gates or garden boxes.

The City will open watering systems beginning mid-May, weather pending. We’ll also be supporting existing community gardens with additional soil or compost. Communities should contact 311 and ask for their Parks Community Strategist.

Outdoor Spaces at Home

Safe yard work and gardening

When gardening outside, here are a few basic rules for physical distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • Remember to physically distance. Chat with your neighbours, but keep two metres between you.
  • Sharing bulbs, cuttings or seedlings? Create a “sharing zone” for plants. Leave them in the zone for 24 hours before your neighbour picks them up.
  • Wash your hands before and after gardening, and touching shared items like garden hoses, tools, compost bins, etc.
  • Have a set of basic tools for each person to reduce contamination:
    • a hand trowel
    • gloves
    • a pail or bucket
    • a secateur or loppers
  • Disinfect/clean tools before and after use:
    • clean handles protect us from COVID-19
    • clean blades protect plants and trees from diseases
  • If you share a green space or yard (like a semi-detached house or townhouse), create zones in the garden:
    • Give everyone at least 2 metres of space at all times.
    • Assign yard work to each person or family on separate days. One family mows the lawn, while the other cares for trees and tends flower beds on opposite days.
  • Set up new spaces where people can sit, be safely distanced and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Visit garden centres by yourself, and keep your trips to an absolute minimum.
  • Stay connected through technology. Many local gardening experts and businesses have online training events, garden tours, and more.

2020 AGM and Board Meetings Update

Cambrian Heights Community Association 2020 Annual General Meeting has been postponed until October due to uncertainties involving the COVID-19 protocols.

All existing Directors will remain in their roles throughout this period.

CHCA Board Meetings
Due to the regulations and policies put in place by the Province and the City of Calgary, Cambrian Heights Community Association Board of Directors Meetings have been cancelled for the Months of April and May.
The business of the Community is being handled through voice and electronic communications.
The scheduled Board meeting for June will be held in person or utilizing internet-based electronic meeting technology depending on the status of the pandemic in Calgary at the time.
Participation is being limited to Board Members, our Hall Manager and our City Liaison.
There will be no Board meetings in the months of July or August as is our standard practice.
Consult the website for updates on future Board meetings dates, locations and availability for attendance.
We will continue to post planned activities and status of the Hall availability as Provincial or City COVID-19 protocols and regulations allow.


Weekly green cart pickup resumes the week of May 19

Weekly green cart pickup will resume the week of May 19. Your green cart will continue to be picked up on the same day on a weekly basis. There is no change to your collection days.

You can see your updated scheduled online at calgary.ca/collection. Make sure to sign up for free reminders or download the Calgary Garbage Day app so you receive the latest service updates and tips.

Your green cart pickup will remain at once every two weeks in the interim. Staffing challenges due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the postponement of the start of weekly green cart service. Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain blue, black and green cart services for Calgarians.

Neighbours in Need

Neighbours in Need is an App and phone service that allows people in need of assistance to be connected with those in the community looking to help. So far in Calgary, almost one hundred volunteers across the city have signed up and are ready to assist. These requests for assistance range from getting groceries, taking a dog for a walk, to emotional support, finding someone to help them get set up and play a game of virtual cards to pass the time.

The service is free, completely volunteer-run and not for profit. There are two ways that people can access support:

By calling our toll-free line at 1-888-369-6555 and one of our volunteers or team members will coordinate the request, no technology required.
For those technologically proficient you can completely self-serve by going to https://neighboursinneed.ca, signing up for an account and posting your request. From there you will receive offers of assistance and can chat and coordinate as needed.

Launched on March 30, 2020 Neighbours in Need is a platform built to facilitate acts of kindness and community involvement on a hyperlocale scale. Their mission is to create a community of helpers ready to respond to needs in their area. Everyone may feel a little helpless in these uncertain times and it can be hard to know what to do. By channeling that energy into helping others the result can be one of the best ways to help yourself and to stay positive.

The platform allows users to post requests for help that are then visually represented on a map, and others to offer to facilitate these requests. Requests are envisioned ranging from delivery of groceries and supplies through to emotional support and community engagement. The platform also allows for facilitating these requests for help through chat-based instant messaging and other tools.

Built in Calgary, the project is completely not for profit, and there are no ads or other monetization on the platform. This is truly about using technology to help bring those together who are looking to support others and to create an outlet for people during challenging times.

We invite everyone to join the community, encourage those who are in need to ask for help and remain humbled by those willing to provide offers of assistance and comfort.

Financial Director Needed

Cambrian Heights Community Association is looking for a Financial Director

• Live in Cambrian Heights?
• Have a Financial Background?
• Want to Help Your Community?
• Like to Work with Neighbours?
• Have New Ideas?
• Considering a Non-Profit Board Position with Treasury Focus?

Then We Need You!

Please Contact Us at cambrianheights@gmail.com

Why Wait? Volunteer Now!
It is Your Community

President’s Message – May 2020

On March 15, in reaction to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the City of Calgary ordered the closing of all community and recreational buildings. This shut down all programs and services at our community hall. This will, of course, result in a loss of revenue through rentals during the as yet undetermined length of this shutdown. We have taken appropriate steps in terms of cost control while assuring ourselves of administrative continuity when the crisis clears. There will be an impact on previously scheduled events. The French Wine Tasting scheduled for May 9 has been moved to November 14. The Cambrian School Yard Sale April 25 has been cancelled. A new event, Girls Night Out, has been moved from June 13 to as yet an undetermined date in the Fall. Many of our committees will also experience a slowdown in activities through this period and will impact much of our directions in planning, safety and park developments. We trust Cambrian Heights residents will appreciate the new challenges facing our volunteers. Any updates will be published on our website, through email blasts to those registered through our website and on our Facebook page.

I am sure everyone recognizes the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and respects the Provincial guidelines with regard to social distancing and hygiene. We wish everyone in our community good health and encourage patience as we together work through a devastating period both emotionally and for many of us financially. Hopefully, at the publication of this Newsletter, we will be progressing out of this health crisis.

Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled to be held on June 25. We elect the Board of Directors at our AGM for a one year term. However, due to the COVID-19 virus and the resultant uncertainty as to when the City Community Halls will reopen, it is likely that the AGM will be postponed to the Fall. Check the June Newsletter or our website for updates as to this possibility.

We encourage new participation at the Board level to maintain the programs, events, ideas and fiscal strength of our community. In particular, we are looking for residents with a financial background to either assume or help in the Treasurer role. Despite this potential delay, please do not hesitate to contact the President at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com if you are interested in participating at any capacity in the Community activities or at a Board level. It is especially important if you are able to help out in the Treasury role.

We have held an Asado BBQ in September for the last two years. We would like to continue this very successful event which not only features fine food and beverage but aspiring musicians from Cambrian Heights and the nearby communities. What we need are volunteers interested in organizing this event. We anticipate changes in the format and will welcome suggestions. Please contact us at cambrianheights@gmail.com.

Our weekly drop-in yoga program and our general fitness programs (Body-Lift, Kettlebell Kick-boxing, New Cardio-Barre Fusion and New Barre Above) were forced to adjust in regards to their physical presence at the Community Hall with the City mandated closures. However both Lorene Hughes – fitness (scarybunnybefit@gmail.com) and Kyrsten Blair – yoga (kyrstenblair@icloud.com) have moved these programs online. Please contact them if you would like to participate from home or to get updates as to when the programs will be allowed to return to the Community Hall.

The Planning Committee is currently very active in reviewing and commenting on the City published Guidebook for Calgary Communities available at www.calgary.ca or on our Community webpage. We encourage everyone to read this document as it is scheduled to be presented for review and approval to City Council April 27. We recognize the City’s focus on the densification of the inner city communities is driven by the cost of providing municipal services and funding issues associated with unlimited urban sprawl. However, the guidelines proposed will allow previously single-family zoned areas, such as much of Cambrian Heights, to be developed with duplexes, four-plexes, row housing and taller homes mixed with commercial enterprises. We are combining with neighbouring communities to comment and recommend further public consultations. We submitted a letter to the City and all of Council recommending a postponement of the scheduled April 27 hearing on this issue. This letter was supported by other communities as well as a second letter requesting, as a result of the issues surrounding COVID-19, for a postponement of the public engagement deadline around the Municipal Development Plan and the Calgary Transportation Plan.

Cambrian Heights has maintained a Community Garden for a number of years. In the past, there has always been a waiting list for plots. This is no longer the case. If you are interested in utilizing one of these plots for a vegetable garden or have questions, please contact Christine Breed at garden@cambrianheightscommunity.com.

A recent decision by the City cancelled all Community Cleanups for 2020. We will update residents should this decision change.

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for May 4. Dependent on City directives, in regards to the COVIID-19 virus, this meeting may be held utilizing remote technology. For this meeting, we are further discouraging residents from attending. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community’s Value.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Upcoming Events at Cambrian Heights Hall

Fall, 2020 Girl’s Night Out 6:30 pm – 9 pm Hall
June 25, 2020 Annual General Meeting 7:30 pm – 9 pm Hall
Sept 19, 2020 Fall BBQ Event TBD Hall & Grounds
October 31, 2020 Halloween Dance 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Hall
November 7, 2020 Home Trade Show 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Hall
November 14, 2020 Wine Tasting 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Hall

Dedicated Shopping Hours for Seniors

Effective Monday March 23, Calgary Co-op will devote 8:00 am to 9:00 am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday especially to seniors and people living with disabilities, so that they have an opportunity to shop in a freshly sanitized, fully stocked store. Our Pharmacies will also open an hour earlier to support this.

In an effort to help seniors, Shoppers Drug Mart will be extending Seniors discounts to include the first open hour of each day. This is in addition to Seniors Days each Thursday. The hour will vary by store.

Sobey’s will devote the first hour of operations at many of their stores to those most vulnerable and those who require extra attention, particularly seniors.

Superstore is introducing dedicated shopping hours from 7am to 8am on Tuesdays and Fridays for our customers who need assistance or consideration, including seniors and people living with disabilities.

Update Due to COVID-19 Virus & Governmental Actions

With the worldwide pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, various human interaction and hygiene advisories were put in place by the Federal, Provincial and  Municipal governments. These advisories were rapidly followed by specific shutdowns of non-essential business, educational and recreational activities. Included in these mandated closures were the Calgary Community Facilities.

Cambrian Heights closed its hall doors the week of March 15 with the suspension of all social and recreational activities.

Our Yoga and Fitness programs have been switched to online activities and we invite you to access these programs by registering with Kyrsten (403-244-3001) for Yoga and Lorene (info@scarrybunnybefit.com) for Fitness.

The Community is continuing to provide financial support to both program directors and our Hall Manager through this period of distress. For existing rental inquiries or status please contact Lora at chca_hall@telus.net.

While the Edelweiss Preparatory School has been shut down the teachers continue to use the classrooms to provide online lessons.

All Events and other rental activities at the Community Hall have been suspended pending governmental direction.

As a result, the Board of Cambrian Heights has elected to cancel the Board meeting scheduled for April 6 and further to postpone the Wine Event highlighted in the April Newsletter for May 9 until the Fall. A decision on the holding of the Annual General Meeting scheduled for June 25, will be made later pending further information.

We anticipate the Community Hall will remain closed through April and May. This will also impact the holding of the Cambrian School Parents Yard Sale April 25 advertised in the April Community Newsletter.

We thank you for your understanding and encourage everyone to follow the various hygiene and stay at home guidelines being issued by the governmental health agencies to prevent the spread of this virus. Should you have any questions about activities in Cambrian Heights please contact us at cambrianheights@gmail.com. Should you have questions relating to testing or any issues relating to COVID-19 please reference the Provincial Government website at www.alberta.ca/covid19

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA