President’s Message – June 2017

On the 18th of May, we hosted our Annual General Meeting at the Community Hall. The presentation from the meeting is available on our website ( as well as our audited Financials. These financials represent our nine-month results ending December 31, 2016. Having approved a change to our bylaws, future financial reporting will be on a calendar basis and our AGM will occur before June 30th of each year. An eight-person Board was elected at the meeting. Both Druh Farrell, our Ward Councillor, plus our MLA Craig Coolahan were invited to attend the meeting. In addition, City of Calgary representatives were there to answer any questions about the 14th Street Northmount Drive Intersection development scheduled for this summer. This preceded the City Informational session on the details of this construction plan that occurred at the Community Hall May 30.

The remaining community events before the summer recess will be the annual Community Cleanup June 18 and the Stampede Breakfast Saturday, July 15 from 9-11am. This event will be at the Community Hall July 15 and hopefully be outside under sunny skies as the kitchen undergoes a partial renovation. Not to forget however will be the City sponsored July 1st celebrations at Confederation Park. There will be family-friendly activities from 9 am – 1 pm starting with a pancake breakfast, horse-drawn wagon rides, live entertainment on the Stampede Stage, a new natural play space and the opening of the 1967 time capsule.

Your community offers excellent facilities and the financial ability to promote more social or educational activities for our residents. We have evening space available for community use. Our community always welcomes residents who wish to initiate new programs or join our Social Committee to bring new ideas for recreational or educational evenings. You need only commit time to help organize and help manage one such activity a year. We have dedicated and experienced Directors to help guide and advise but need more members offering a little time once a year to help expand and improve our Programs and Events. Please contact myself at or any other director for further insights into participation with our volunteer team.

At our Annual General Meeting this year we increased the Membership fees effective January 1, 2018 to better reflect the value of membership and compare to surrounding communities. Single memberships increased to $10/year, Family to $20/year,  Associate membership to $20/year and Senior rates remained at $5/year. Corporate memberships were reduced to $50/year.  With reduced rates for community members, attendance at one or more social events during the year recoups the cost of annual membership. We also announced an increase in our Hall and kitchen rental rates that will become effective in 2018.

In terms of financial impact to the community association, nothing exceeds our Casino nights held under the auspices of the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission. This year we will be providing volunteers for two days, August 31 and September 1. Providing volunteers is extremely important as the funding is the main source of community revenue and we must not loose our privileges. If you can spare some volunteer time during the day or evening please contact either Dan Vallee ( or Sonya Hnatiw (

We continue to use a Facebook page to help communications and stimulate informational sharing and discussion amongst residents of the Community. It is under “Groups” with an address of “cambrianheightscommunity”. Please register for the Group and join this conversational page and share your thoughts and insights about where you live. Suggestions on improving existing or adding new social/educational programs are always welcome. One of our volunteers will also update any news of interest to the community.

The Community Hall will witness an upgrade this summer to establish our facility as a full commercial kitchen. This will allow increased usage of the kitchen and thereby expand the types of events that may be hosted at the Hall. We have evenings free during the week and cooking classes or group food preparation would be a much-appreciated community program. If you have ideas and/or some spare energy please contact one of the Board members or attend a Board meeting to discuss possibilities.

The next meeting of the Board will take place Monday, June 5 at the Georgina Thomson building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30 PM. This will be the last meeting until September. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas you may have relevant to Cambrian Heights.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;
Daryl Connolly, President

AGM Presentation 2017

Please see the Cambrian Heights Community Association 2017 Annual General Meeting presentation for an overview of the agenda highlights, year in review, special resolutions, current issues and CHCA moving forward in 2017.

Cambrian Heights Community Association
Annual General Meeting
Thursday, May 18 @ 7:30 PM
At the CHCA Community Hall

Download (PPS, 509KB)


Download (PDF, 291KB)

President’s Message – May 2017

On March 25 we hosted a very successful French Wine themed Tasting at the Hall. The event featured white and red French wines along with a welcome champagne and regional meats and cheeses. An educational session provided insight into the wines. We thank Barb Milne, her volunteers and Northmount Liquor for making this event possible. September 30 has been tentatively set for an Italian Wine Event. Mark your calendars.

The remaining events for the first half of the year are a Health & Innovation Workshop on May 4, the Community Annual General Meeting May 18 and the annual Community Cleanup June 18. Please check our website for details of these events including times and agendas. All are welcome to these events. Only this year’s Health Workshop requires an entrance fee but will feature both a healthy workout discipline combined with home buying in the NW area from financial experts. The AGM will provide ample opportunity to meet with the directors and have your voice heard as to community direction and events as we host a post-meeting wine and cheese hour. The Community Cleanup is shared with Rosemont community and offers an excellent excuse for that back yard or garage cleanup.

Our annual Stampede Breakfast will once again be held at the Community Hall. This year’s event is scheduled for July 15 from 9 – 11 AM. All are welcome and volunteers are needed. If you are able to help please contact . Watch for detailed notices both on the website and in the Newsletter.

At our Annual General Meeting this year we will propose increasing the Membership fees to better reflect the value of membership and compare to surrounding communities. Single memberships will increase to $10/year, Family to $20/year,  Associate membership to $20/year and Senior rates will remain at $5/year. Corporate memberships will be set at $50 per year. The general membership will vote on these increases as well as for new directors and the executive positions.

Your community offers excellent facilities and the financial ability to promote more social or educational activities for our residents. We need to recruit new Directors as three of our Directors will be retiring this year after numerous years of service. We welcome volunteers who bring enthusiasm and new ideas and who need only commit time to help organize and help manage one activity or event during the year. We have dedicated and experienced Directors to help guide and advise but need more residents offering a little time once a year to help expand and improve our programs. Please contact me at or any member of the Board for further insights into participation with our volunteer team.

In terms of financial impact to the Community Association nothing exceeds our Casino nights held under the auspices of the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission. This year we will be providing volunteers for two days, August 31 and September 1. Providing volunteers is extremely important as the funding is the main source of community revenue and we must not loose our privileges. If you can spare some volunteer time during the day or evening please contact either Dan Vallee ( or Sonya Hnatiw (

We continue to use a Facebook page to help communications and stimulate informational sharing and discussion amongst residents of the Community. It is under “Groups” with an address of “cambrianheightscommunity”. Please register for the Group and join this conversational page and share your thoughts and insights about where you live. One of our volunteers will also update any news of interest to the community.

As previously announced the Community Hall will witness an upgrade this summer to establish our facility as a full commercial kitchen. This will allow increased usage of the kitchen and thereby expand the types of events that may be hosted at the Hall. Grants will fund the majority of this expense. We will also be looking towards programs that assist financially in the conversion of our exterior and interior lighting to LED for energy savings this year and next.

If you are interested in exploring involvement with the Board or any specific volunteer activity please contact us at our email address. The next meeting of the Board will take place Monday, May 8 at the Georgina Thomson building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30 PM. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas you may have relevant to Cambrian Heights.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;
Daryl Connolly, President

The Growing Connection – Garden Speaker Series

Exciting garden-themed talks presented by Janet Melrose, “Calgary’s Cottage Gardener”.

Jointly sponsored by the Silver Springs Edible Garden Group and The Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs.

Learn Skills to Create a More Balanced Family Environment

Nurturing relationships can change everything. This program is designed to help parents and children aged 7-13 years learn skills for a more nurturing way of life, with staff engaging with families in their homes and in community spaces identified by the family.

Parenting & Child Group

This 7-week group program will support parents and children ages 6-11 learn skills for a more nurturing way of life through interactive activities.

Mentoring: Friendly Support to Help Manage Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the fastest growing chronic conditions facing Canadians and affects all age groups.  The 2013 Stats Canada numbers show 7% of people aged 19-39, 16% of people aged 40-59 and 47% of people aged 60-79 experience some form of hearing loss.  Hearing loss can be sudden or gradual and sometimes we may not know we are experiencing a hearing loss.  There are many causes ranging from excess noise, illness, aging, genetic factors and pharmaceuticals.

Some signs of hearing loss include:

  • Difficulty with conversations in noisy environments
  • Being able to hear people’s voices but not understand the words spoken
  • Needing the TV louder than the rest of your family
  • Trouble hearing from a distance or another room
  • Trouble understanding women’s and children’s voices
  • Experiencing dizziness, pain, ringing or buzzing in the ears – even if it goes away

If you are experiencing any or some of these symptoms, it is important to discuss this with your doctor to see if you need a hearing test.

On average, it can take up to 7 years for someone to acknowledge and act on hearing loss.  There are many factors which impact why a person may or may not acknowledge this be it lack of awareness, feelings of embarrassment, shame or denial.  The latest research suggests that the longer a hearing loss goes unmanaged the harder it is to learn to manage the change.

An important factor is the change that happens in our brains.  Brains are relatively ‘plastic’ and as our hearing decreases important brain functions don’t get exercised and we lose them.  Use or lose it.  The good news is we can retrain our brain.

Also, those with untreated hearing loss are more likely to report depression, anxiety and are less likely to participate in organized social activities.  However, hearing loss does not need to mean living less.  There are supports out there.

Mentoring programs are one type of support that can alleviate the social impact of hearing loss.  People with shared lived experiences are matched together and work on building skills and strategies to help manage day to day challenges.  This is commonly known as mentoring.  Programs like these have an impact as it has been shown that participants experience significant improvement of quality of life.  No one has to go it alone.

Peer-to-Hear at Deaf & Hear Alberta provides this support.  Our program matches adults dealing with hearing loss with someone who has walked a similar path and now wants to offer support.  Learning to manage hearing loss can be a challenging journey.  Sometimes all it takes is some friendly support from someone who understands and has had similar experiences.  Hearing loss does not need to be a barrier to fully participating in one’s community.

For more information about peer mentoring for those living with hearing loss, please contact Deaf & Hear Alberta 403-284-6200 or

Written by: Kylie Bradbury, Peer Mentoring Coordinator at Deaf & Hear Alberta

President’s Message – April 2017

After a successful Winter program featuring cross-country ski and snowshoe lessons, our annual Winter Polar Party, a day of winter walking and continual use of our two outdoor ice rinks we closed our Family Games night at the Community Hall February 11th. On March 25 we plan to say goodbye to the worst of the Winter with a French themed Wine Tasting. None of these events would be possible without our Social Director Jodi Dixon and her band of volunteers plus Scott Jacobson and his band of ice rats.

Your community offers excellent facilities and the financial ability to promote more social or educational activities for our residents. We need to expand our Social Committee with volunteers who bring enthusiasm and new ideas and who need only commit time to help organize and help manage one such activity a year. We have dedicated and experienced Directors to help guide and advise but need more residents offering a little time once a year to help expand and improve our Programs and Events. Please contact our Social director Jodi at or myself at for further insights into participation with our volunteer team.

The remaining events for the first half of the year are a Health & Innovation Workshop on May 4, the Community Annual General Meeting May 18 and the annual Community Cleanup June 18. Please check our website for details of these events including times, agendas and entrance fees. As is our custom, members of the Community Association will pay a lower entrance fee for ticketed social events while such events as the AGM and Community Cleanup are free. This year’s Health Workshop will feature both a healthy workout discipline combined with home buying in the NW area from financial experts. The AGM will provide ample opportunity to meet with the directors and have your voice heard as to community direction and events as we host a post-meeting wine and cheese hour.

At our Annual General Meeting this year we will propose increasing the Membership fees to better reflect the value of membership and compare to surrounding communities. Single memberships will increase to $10/year, Family to $20/year,  Associate membership to $20/year and Senior rates remain at $5/year. The general membership will vote on these increases at the AGM scheduled for May 18.  Attendance at one or more events during the year recoups the cost of membership.

In terms of financial impact to the Community Association, nothing exceeds our Casino nights held under the auspices of the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission. This year we will be providing volunteers for two days, August 31 and September 1. Providing volunteers is extremely important as the funding is the main source of community revenue and we must not loose our privileges. If you can spare some volunteer time during the day or evening please contact either Dan Vallee ( or Sonya Hnatiw (

We continue to use a Facebook page to help communications and stimulate informational sharing and discussion amongst residents of the Community. It is under “Groups” with an address of “cambrianheightscommunity”. Please register for the Group and join this conversational page and share your thoughts and insights about where you live. One of our volunteers will also update any news of interest to the community.

At our last Board meeting, the City of Calgary Police reported through our community liaison officer on incidents and the status of criminal activity in our area. As in the past, our neighbourhood has a low incidence of crime including break-ins and vandalism. however, in the cold weather, everyone is to be reminded to not leave your car running and unattended.

The Community Hall will witness an upgrade this summer to establish our facility as a full commercial kitchen. This will allow increased usage of the kitchen and thereby expand the types of events that may be hosted at the Hall.

If you are interested in exploring involvement with the Board or any specific volunteer activity please contact us at our email address. We will have three vacancies on the Board after the AGM in May. The next meeting of the Board will take place Monday, April 3 at the Georgina Thomson  building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas you may have relevant to Cambrian Heights.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;
Daryl Connolly, President

Make a difference in the life of a family…

Are you looking for a way to give back to your community? Consider the Home-Start program.

President’s Message – March 2017

On February 11 the Community hosted two events. The first was the last in our sequence of outdoor winter events, an Introduction to Snowshoeing. This was held at Confederation Park where our previous introductory Cross Country Skiing course in association with the Foothills Nordic Club was held. Again mother nature provided excellent snow conditions and ideal temperatures. All three of these Winter participation activities were a success and enjoyed by all who took advantage of the opportunity to learn about and enjoy these winter sports. Similarly, the Winter Polar Party held in late January for the third year was well attended with 80-100 participants including an increasing number of children of all ages. Thanks again to our Social Director Jodi Dixon and her band of volunteers.

The evening of February 11 the Community Hall witnessed an evening of games and fun for children and adults alike. This program continues our focus towards encouraging the use of Community facilities for social activities that may be enjoyed by the residents of Cambrian Heights. Your community offers excellent facilities and the financial ability to promote more social or educational activities for our residents. We need to expand our Social Committee with volunteers who bring enthusiasm and new ideas and who need only commit time to help organize and help manage one such activity a year. We have dedicated and experienced Directors to help guide and advise but need more residents offering a little time once a year to help expand and improve our Programs and Events. Please contact our Social Director Jodi at or myself at for further insights into participation with our volunteer team.

Upcoming events include a French themed Wine Tasting on March 25. This will provide the opportunity of learning about French grape growing regions while tasting six wines and enjoying a welcome glass of Prosecco. Regional cheeses and meats will also be provided for the evening. Purchase your tickets in advance at our website. The remaining events for the first half of the year are a Health & Wellness Night for ladies on May 4, the Community Annual General Meeting May 18 and the annual Community Cleanup June 18. Please check our website for details of these events including times and entrance fees. As is our custom, members of the Community Association will pay a lower entrance fee for ticketed social events.

Of course the ice rinks will be maintained throughout the winter for all to access thanks to our rink volunteers. With two sheets of ice and the sustained winter weather, the rinks have been well utilised this year. Should you wish to help out the current rink volunteers this year or next please contact Scott Jacobson at 403-771-9755.

We continue to use a Facebook page to help communications and stimulate informational sharing and discussion amongst residents of the Community. It is under “Groups” with an address of “cambrianheightscommunity”. Please register for the Group and join this conversational page and share your thoughts and insights about where you live. One of our volunteers will also update any news of interest to the community.

As a reminder your 2017 membership dues are now payable. We are maintaining our fee schedule costs for the year to encourage your renewal. The easiest way to renew or join is through our website or if you wish via mail as outlined in the monthly Cambrian Heights Newsletter. The Board encourages all residents to participate in the community activities and future events. By attending one or more social/sports events during the year your fees will be recovered.

If you are interested in exploring involvement with the Board or any specific volunteer activity please contact us at our email address. We will have three vacancies on the Board after the AGM in May. The next meeting of the Board will take place Monday, March 6 at the Georgina Thomson  building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas you may have relevant to Cambrian Heights.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;

Daryl Connolly, President