With a new year upon us the Board extends best wishes to all our community residents for 2024. We continue to offer social events designed to appeal to the cross section of our residents. For 2024 we plan to continue with our annual Polar Party this winter and are also planning a volunteer appreciation evening early in the new year for all those who help design, organize and run events as well as those who make the Casino funding for the Community possible. Check our website for dates and details. Our Yoga and Fitness programs will continue for those looking to fulfill their New Years resolutions.
A hearty shout out goes to our Social Committee for two very successful events closing out our 2023 activity. The Lego Contest was reintroduced after a COVID caused suspension and drew 56 entries in 6 age categories. Everyone enjoyed the contest and sponsors were found contributing to the prizes and special thanks to Noah Sonnenburg, Stephen Joe (Season 3 Lego Masters NA contestant), Mike Allan and Nancy Else for judging. I have attached a picture from the event but reference you to our website for additional photos.
On December 8 the Community held its first ever Movie Night with pizza, popcorn and a Christmas movie. There were over 85 participants which made the evening a complete success for kids and adults alike. I have attached a picture from the event below.
We encourage residents to utilize our excellent outdoor ice surfaces behind the community hall and serviced by a dedicated group of volunteers. Plans have been made to add a fireplace some evenings to afford a warmup opportunity. Look to the website for advanced scheduling of this ice rink feature.
Re-development within Cambrian Heights is anticipated to continue into 2024. With anticipated changes to zoning bylaws by City Council it will be more difficult to restrict multi family housing construction with the corresponding issues of density and traffic. We encourage individuals to follow developments on the City website (calgary.ca) as these rules change to understand the limits in our ability to modify such new development designs. Our Planning committee will continue to monitor such developments and comment to the City planners and our Ward 4 Councillor where concerns exist.

We continue to work with Calgary Parks to improve our community green spaces. The addition of two new picnic tables and the promise of more trees in 2024 to the Cambrian Off Leash Park on 32nd Avenue was very welcome as was the new bench in the park bordering Northmount and Cambrian Drives. Some preliminary discussions are also underway concerning the park on 39th Ave. and 10th Street. If you have ideas for any of our park spaces please let us know (cambrianheights@gmail.com).
The Community continues to need volunteers to replace our interim Treasurer and Social Media Director. These positions provide the Community Association financial controls and coordinate our social media communications activities. These both are opportunities to join an experienced team with systems in place and help develop the programs, events and planning for Cambrian Heights. It is your community. Help make it better for your family by volunteering even on a limited basis. To discuss any volunteer opportunities please contact us at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com .
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA
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