President’s Message – March 2021

At the writing of this message the Provincial government as of February 8 started to ease COVID-19 restrictions on a gradual basis with targeted hospitalization numbers. Restrictions are scheduled to be eased for Community Hall activities in Step-2, when COVID hospitalizations are sustained below 450 in Alberta. This will be no sooner than March 1. Step 3 proposes to ease restrictions on social gatherings when we sustain less than 300 hospitalizations, but again no sooner than March 22. The last phase, Step 4 occurs at less than 150 hospitalizations with a currently scheduled earliest date of April 12. At all stages we still anticipate some restrictions due to the slower than anticipated rollout of vaccinations across Canada. Based upon all these uncertainties we continue to remain in a hold pattern for social events until full clarity and protocols are published and understood.

We sympathize with the local businesses that had to shut down or restrict service during these pandemic times. We, like all communities in Calgary, value the contribution of such businesses to the well being of our neighborhoods and encourage support of these stores and facilities once restrictions are removed. We also continue to recognize the sacrifices of our health care workers and those continuing to provide essential services throughout this crisis.

At Cambrian Heights we will continue, subject to weather, to maintain our two ice rinks to support outdoor activity. We also encourage residents to utilize Confederation Park for sliding and walking during this winter season. If you are not aware, Nordic skiing is available at Confederation Golf Course thanks to volunteers from various organizations grooming trails. Nordic trails are also available at Bowness Park, Shaganappi Golf course and South Glenmore Park. As well we are fortunate to have Nose Hill Park for snow shoeing after fresh snow falls and walks on warmer winter days.

Our weekly Yoga Program and our Fitness Programs will continue to be offered online.  Both Lorene Hughes – Fitness ( and Kyrsten Blair – Yoga ( will operate these programs, gaining from their experiences since COVID-19 forced this change in March. Please consult the advertisement posters in this issue or our website for further details. At this point it is unlikely these programs will return to the Community Hall before September.

In the past community newsletter issues we have reported on the efforts of the Parks Committee to advance the planning and fundraising to improve the Cambrian Heights Dog Park located at 10th Street and 32 Avenue next to Queen’s Park Cemetery. Published in this issue is a preliminary diagram of the development envisioned for the Dog Park. This concept was developed during 2020 by volunteer committee residents  from both Cambrian Heights and Rosemont communities. A team of Mount Royal students have joined us as we look to engage and encourage residents in both communities to get involved in this multi year project. Please see the Cambrian Heights Dog Park announcement in this newsletter for more details.

I want to remind everyone that we continue to support an award winning Edelweiss Preparatory School for Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten students at the Community Hall. The Edelweiss School has served this Community for well over 30 years since its inception in 1988. Obviously parents concerns with COVID-19 has substantially reduced enrollment. However, Edelweiss re-opened in September 2020 with strict health safety protocols in place. We reference you to their website at to check on the program so many of us as parents have experienced. They are currently taking registrations for September 2021.

The next meetings of the Board are scheduled for March 1 and April 5 .  With the Hall closure mandate these meetings are being conducted online. If you wish to bring some issue forward to the Board please contact me in advance of any meeting. We can then make arrangements for you to attend  through video conferencing if necessary.

We have scheduled our Annual general Meeting for June 15 in anticipation of such gatherings being permitted by Provincial government health regulations.

Stay Safe But Remain Active.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

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