Coleridge Block Party

A very successful Block party was held August 25th centred around Coleridge Road by Dave Mallot and a group of neighbours. Over 100 people attended between 2-8 PM. A roasted pig was served with entertainment provided by a band, bouncy castle, slip and slide and a list by the Calgary fire department and a police helicopter fly by. Some pictures of the event are attached.
The Community Association supported this event with a $100 donation. This support is available to anyone hosting a Block Party in the Community. We thank Dave for his initiative and look forward to supporting another such party in 2019. Anyone interested in hosting a future event of this nature any time of the year may apply for the grant at

Fun and Fearless Fitness Sampler

Whatever your age or fitness level, muscular strength and endurance are key to a healthy lifestyle. Whether it’s lifting children, grandchildren or the beloved family pet; climbing stairs or walking through an airport on your way to somewhere amazing; hauling groceries, or a large bag of dog food; squatting in the garden; sitting at the computer…. It all takes muscles and stronger is better.

Fun and Fearless Fitness is back this Fall with a 6 – Pack of Fun and Fearless Fitness Sessions, focussing not only on building muscle strength and endurance but also on building strong neighbour connections; all with a large dose of fun!
BE FEARLESS! Join Scary Bunny Be Fit and your friends and neighbours in making Cambrian Heights Community Hall your fitness destination!

6 – Pack Fun and Fearless Fitness Sessions – “STRENGTH 6 WAYS”
Cambrian Heights Community Hall, 600 Northmount Dr NW

Tuesday, September 25 at 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
30 Minute Circuit Class Mixer
$6 Drop-In for community members; $7.50 Drop-In for non-members

Tuesday, September 25 at 6:10 pm – 6:40 pm
30 Minute Core Focus Class
$6 Drop-In for community members; $7.50 Drop-In for non-members

Tuesday, October 2nd and 9th at 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
60 Minute Strength Focus Class
$12 Drop-In for community members; $15 Drop-In for non-members

Tuesday, October 16 at 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
30 Minute Partner Circuit Class – Bring a Friend for FREE (optional)
$6 Drop-In for community members; $7.50 Drop-In for non-members

Tuesday, October 16 at 6:10 pm – 6:40 pm
30 Minute Core Focus Class
$6 Drop-In for community members; $7.50 Drop-In for non-members

Tuesday, October 23rd and 30th at 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
60 Minute Strength Focus Class
$12 Drop-In for community members; $15 Drop-In for non-members

Save 15%! Pay for all 6 sessions at the first class – $40 for community members; $50 for non-community members includes all formats offered during the six-week program

All fitness levels welcome; classes are modified to match the abilities of the participants
Yoga mats, water and handheld weights required.
Contact: Cambrian Heights Community (403) 284-1175 or

Sponsored by Cambrian Heights Community Association in partnership with Lorene Hughes, Fearless leader of Scary Bunny Be Fit

Asado and Open Mic was a success!

Our first ever Asado and Open Mic was a huge success. Community members came to celebrate the season with friends and neighbours over delicious food, music and fun. Everyone enjoyed the simple pleasure of the company of others.

President’s Message – October 2018

On September 14 the City Planning Department informed community residents that Calgary Parks had withdrawn their Re-Designation Application DL2018-0062 converting the Community’s existing Reserve (S-SPR) Park land bounded by 10th Street and 32nd Avenue into S-CRI (Special Purpose – City and Regional Infrastructure) classification thereby allowing an expansion of the Queen’s Park Cemetery (“QPC”) onto these lands. These lands are currently being used as a Dog Park and have been part of the Community since its inception in 1956. We wish to thank all those residents who filled objections and/or attended the two Open Houses sponsored by the City to express their opposition. We also wish to thank Councillor Chu for his help and Calgary Parks for responding to this overwhelming opposition by withdrawing their Application.

The Fall Cleanup organized by Gary Wilson and his band of volunteers shown below was once again a success. It took place in the Community Hall parking lot on Sunday, September 9th. Thanks to all the volunteers and those residents who disposed of excess metal, appliances, electronics and general yard and garage/household waste. We also thank everyone for their household and clothing donations to the Diabetes Association.

At the writing of this message, we are also looking forward to our Asado and Open Mike Event on September 22. Asado is a Latin American term for a social gathering involving open fire and freshly grilled food. I trust the weather will cooperate and our residents will support this family affair.

In October we will be hosting our annual Halloween Dance on October 27th at the Community Hall. Details may be found on our website. There will be pizza, a DJ, best costume and other fun activities. This is always a popular family event and I urge you to come early to participate.

We also encourage all residents to take advantage of the early evening programs at the Community Hall. We have yoga every Wednesday evening from 7-8, Jazzercise Monday & Wednesday 5:45-6:45, Fun & Fitness Tuesday (check the website for times) and Piloxing Thursday 6:30-7:30.

Construction has been completed on our Hall kitchen and outside access ladder. We will now be applying to have our commercial kitchen status approved. This will open the Hall for cooking events that were not previously allowed. We encourage any ideas to develop this new option for increased Hall usage within the Community.

A list of currently scheduled fall events at the Community Hall are as follows:

  • Halloween Party: Oct. 27
  • Christmas Trade Show: Nov. 3
  • Sugar Craft GuildNov. 24
  • Lego Contest: Nov. (TBD)

Please check our website for updates and details of all events. Volunteering for setup, takedown or general assistance is an excellent way to make sure such events continue and to meet other members of the community. Please contact for more information on volunteering.

From the Planning and Development perspective, there has been an increasing amount of new developments within the Community over this year, especially in the southern portion. We expect this to continue and reference you to the website for information on procedures as well as contacts within the Planning Committee for your Community. We encourage everyone to get involved as this re-development of our Community takes place.

The Board has also been involved with complaints of speeding up the 10th Street hill towards Queen’s Park Cemetery. We have involved our Police Liaison as well as Alderman Chu in this review. Recent discussions at City Council towards lowering the residential speed limits off main transit routes to 30 km/h may impact this situation.

We continue to be urgently in need of the following part-time volunteer positions:

  • Secretary for Board & Annual General Meetings
  • Social Activity Organizers
  • Planning & Development Committee Members
  • Casino Fund Raising Organizer

Job descriptions and experienced past directors are available to guide and ease the transition into community service. For more information please contact .

The next meetings of the Board will take place October 1 and November 5. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas you may have for our community. These meetings take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Important Update: Asado and Open Mic

The thrill of living in a northern climate is certainly testing our hardiness this weekend.   Even though the cool weather will still be with us on Saturday, we are excited to bring the community together to celebrate Fall and enjoy good food, music and fun.

Pablo and Gray will roast our pork and lamb outdoors but we will bring the music and a few different activities indoors.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to use any of the inflatables in the cold, wet, weather so we are trying to find alternative fun for our younger guests.

Music and activities begin at 3pm
Dinner at 5pm
Music and mingling continue from 7-9pm

Thank you to the people who have already signed up to lend a hand.  We could still use a bit more help, so please go to the link below to see how you can pitch in:

Dress warmly.  We look forward to celebrating this crazy start of the season with you.

More information on our website or email us at or call Jodi at 403-276-4242.

A shout-out to our wonderful sponsors and donors: Volunteers from the Cambrian Heights Community Association, Salsita Mexican Food Market, Barbecues Galore, Glenn Pickard and City of Calgary

Family Fun at the Asado and Open Mic

September 22nd is fast approaching! We are pleased to announce two inflatables sure to be a big hit with the kids: a bouncy house and an obstacle course.  We’ll also have Bocce, horseshoes and volleyball. If anyone wants to bring their softball equipment, there are two diamonds at our disposal.

We could use some help at the event. Pitching in is a great way to get to know your neighbours. You can sign up for a task using the link below, and we’ll have a sign-up sheet at the event as well.

Nights get cooler this time of year, so please dress accordingly. If we get rain, we’ll still slow roast outdoors, but we’ll bring the stage and modified activities inside the Hall.

If you’d like more information please contact us at or call Jodi at 403-276-4242.

A shout out to our wonderful sponsors and donors: Volunteers from the Cambrian Heights Community Association, Salsita Mexican Food Market, Barbecues Galore, Glenn Pickard and the City of Calgary.

See you on the 22nd!

Dog Park Closure Update September 17, 2018

On September 14, the City Planning Department informed community residents that Calgary Parks had withdrawn their Re-Designation Application DL2018-0062 converting the Community’s existing Reserve (S-SPR) Park land bounded by 10th Street and 32nd Avenue into S-CRI (Special Purpose – City and Regional Infrastructure) classification thereby allowing an expansion of the Queen’s Park Cemetery (“QPC”) onto these lands.

These lands are currently being used as a Dog Park and have been part of the Community since its inception in 1956. We wish to thank all those residents who filled objections and/or attended the two Open Houses sponsored by the City to express their opposition. We also wish to thank Councillor Chu for his help and Calgary Parks for responding to this overwhelming opposition by withdrawing their Application.

To those residents who volunteered to research the history of the lands, who dedicated considerable time in formulating written informational bulletins, who walked our streets passing out community informational letters and who took every opportunity to talk with their neighbours, a special thanks from the Board of Directors.

Community Cleanup 2018 was a Success!

On September 9th. the Community hosted another successful Community Cleanup for yard waste, metal recycling, household waste and electrical appliances, tires and reusable clothing.

None of this would have been possible without the organizational leadership of community resident Gary Wilson and his volunteers.

The Community appreciates the efforts that went into our third year of this event. If you would like to get involved in future events of this type please let us know at

Cannabis in the Community

Cannabis is legal in Canada on October 17th, 2018!

Plan to attend this informative Town Hall designed to clarify the new rules and regulations around the legalization of cannabis and what they mean to you!

Presentations with Q&A Session

Tuesday, September 18, 2018
7:00 PM

Dalhousie Community Centre
5432 Dalhart Road NW

Everyone Welcome!

Fire up the fun with local live music and grilled farm fresh food!

September 22 marks the beginning of Fall; come celebrate the season with friends and neighbours over delicious food, music and fun. Too often we forget to take the time to enjoy the simple pleasure of enjoying the company of others. So walk over to the Hall to relax, lend a hand, or share your musical talent at our first ever Asado and Open Mic.

If you’re not familiar with the term asado, it is a gathering involving an open fire, fresh food and neighbours. People lend a hand in the preparation and grilling – a great way to get to know each other while creating a beautiful meal for all to share.

Our stage welcomes all musicians. No matter if you’re just learning the ukulele, or you’re a seasoned singer, or play in a garage band – feel free to share your passion with us.  There will be a sign-up sheet at the stage to play up to 4 songs at a time.  We’ll provide the basics so you can plug and play.

Fun and games in our community fields – bring your gear for a game of softball, enjoy the bouncy house (thanks Glenn), mini golf, or challenge your neighbour to a game of bocce or horseshoes.

Before the cooler temperatures have us behind closed doors again, come out and enjoy a gathering of friends and neighbours.

Asado and Open Mic

September 22, 2018
3 pm to 9 pm

Cambrian Heights Outdoor Fields

Free Admission

Tickets for Dinner:

$8 with 2018 membership / $10 non-member
Includes grilled meat and/or vegetables, corn tortillas or flatbread, salsa, sauces, fruit and non-alcoholic drink


Meet others while helping:

  • Asadores Pablo and Gray, need a few people to help with the grilling and kitchen prep – learn this traditional Latin American cooking method with no cooking experience required.
  • Jodi needs help with the Open Mic such as preparing the stage, sound system and welcoming the amazing talent.
  • We have everything we need for activities, now we need people to set up and keep an eye on the action.
  • If anyone enjoys beer or wine, we’d love volunteers to help with a beer garden.
  • We would like to keep ingredients as local as possible; we welcome any suggestions for sourcing, lamb, pork or vegetables for grilling.

Please contact Jodi or Pablo at or leave a message at 403-284-1175.