President’s Message – January 2019

We welcome all residents into 2019 and trust everyone enjoyed the Christmas and Holiday Season. While there were no Hall events in December, our two events in November were both very successful. Thanks to the Parents of Cambrian School a Home Based Trade Show was held November 3. Over 200 attended the event and it is planned to repeat the trade show in the Fall of 2019. Watch our website ( for the date announcement. Also, on November 17 our second annual Lego Contest was held. There were 36 entries and over 75 residents viewed the entries over the day. Awards were given out to all levels but most entries were in the 7-8 age group. In addition, there were two professional displays and handouts provided by the Lego Store. Some pictures from the event can be found here. This event will also be repeated in the Fall of 2019.

We have scheduled our annual Polar Party for Saturday, January 26. Once again, this event promises to be a great outdoor event for children, with free ice skates provided and hot chocolate, games and music to entertain. The Cambrian School Parents are also planning a chilli and baked goods fundraiser inside the Hall. If you want to get involved and contribute a much appreciated helping hand, please contact Jodi at

Also on February 9, we have scheduled a Volunteer Appreciation evening for all those that have volunteered from the Community at special events, Casino’s or during the “Dog Park” issue this spring. Please come out and share complimentary beverages and food in a Pub style atmosphere with the Board members to discuss past successes, issues of concern and future event ideas. Feel free to bring a guest who may benefit from the evening.

Our Hall now has full commercial kitchen status having passed both health and safety inspections. As such we are hoping to schedule our first cooking class in March. Stay tuned for details. If you have any ideas towards community kitchen use or questions please contact our Hall Manager Lora Riep at

We are also planning another Wine Event in April details of which will be published next month. Please check our website for updates and details of all events. Volunteering for setup, takedown or general assistance is an excellent way to make sure such events continue and to meet other members of the community.

We continue to need participation at the Board level. We are looking for a Vice President, Secretary, Social Events and general participation directors. We have job descriptions and experienced past directors available to guide and ease the transition into these community positions. For more information please contact

Our main fundraiser which supports the activities of the community and maintenance of the Hall and grounds is our Casino, which this year will be at Calgary Casino on May 29 and 30. We are looking for volunteers for daytime and evening shifts. Please contact Sonya at for more information.

The next meetings of the Board will take place on February 4 and March 4. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Casino Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for the Community Casino dates of May 29 & 30. Day or night shifts.

Join your neighbours in the primary financing event for your community association. Lots of support. First timers need not be apprehensive.

Call Sonya at 403-852-0198 or email

Snow farmers save community cross-country skiing

Every urbanite should experience farming. Volunteer snow farmers are busy harvesting snow at Confederation Park Golf Course – trying to extend ski trail life with this year’s warm, dry winter. Snow farming includes manual and mechanized moving of snow onto trail routes, prolonging a trail’s life. It’s a great way to try your hand at farming (guaranteed no crop failure), get strong shoveling and meet other outdoorsy community members!

Ski trails at Confederation Park Golf Course and Canmore Park provide quick access to skiing in the city, are a great way to get outdoors with friends and family, and are brought to you by the Calgary Nordic Alliance. Last year saw nearly 30,000 winter visits to the course. The Calgary Nordic Alliance relies on volunteers and donations to make trails happen. If you’ve enjoyed the trails make a donation! If you have some extra time or want to meet other skiers consider volunteering (snow harvesting, snowmaking, greeters, communication and board openings).

The Calgary Nordic Alliance supports reliable, accessible cross-country skiing for Calgarians and represents many local clubs, including non-profits Foothills Nordic Ski Club and Calgary Ski Club.

Michelle Deacon – Calgary, AB

President’s Message – December 2018

The highlight of October was our annual Halloween party on October 27 at the Community Hall. This year over 180 children and their parents attended the event and participated in the games and entertainment. Advanced ticket sales greatly aided the organizers but did cause some confusion for those arriving without tickets on the evening of the event. Capacity limitations necessitated some waiting as the younger children left and others were allowed into the hall. Changes in how the event was structured will be considered for next year to accommodate all ages more effectively. I would like to especially thank Jennifer Manns and Jessica Demers for their efforts in organizing the event. If anyone would like to volunteer for this event next year please contact any of the community directors. A few pictures are shown of the event but please visit our website for a full pictorial review.

At the writing of this newsletter, we have scheduled a Christmas Trade Show hosted by the Cambrian Heights Elementary School Parents on November 3 and our second Lego Contest event at the Hall on Saturday, November 17. The Lego Event promises to be bigger and better than last year and hopefully, anyone interested in entering or just viewing the entries will have done so.

We also encourage all residents to take advantage of the various early evening programs at the Community Hall. We have Yoga every Wednesday evening from 7-8, Jazzercise Monday & Wednesday 5:45-6:45 PM, Fun & Fitness Tuesday evenings (check the website for times) and Piloxing Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM.

We have scheduled our annual Polar Party for Saturday, January 26. Once again, this event promises to be a great outdoor event for children, with free ice skates provided and hot chocolate, treats, games and music to entertain. If you want to get involved and contribute a much appreciated helping hand, please contact Jodi at .

Please check our website for updates and details of all events. Volunteering for setup, takedown or general assistance is an excellent way to make sure such events continue and to meet other members of the community.

From the Planning and Development perspective, there continues to be new applications for development permits within the Community. We expect this to continue and reference you to the website for information on procedures as well as contacts within the CHCA Planning Committee. We encourage everyone to get involved as this re-development of our Community takes place.

We are in need of the following part-time volunteer positions:

  • Secretary for Board & Annual General Meetings
  • Social Activity Organizers
  • Casino Fund Raising Organizers

Job descriptions and experienced past directors are available to guide and ease the transition into these community positions. For more information please contact .

With great reluctance, we accepted the resignation of Susan McGregor as a director and organizer of the Community Garden in October. Her efforts over the last five years have been greatly appreciated. She left with a great legacy and also recruited a new volunteer, Christine Breed, to replace her in regards to the Community garden and Chris was voted onto the Board of Directors at the recent November Board meeting. We welcome Chris and look forward to her input and involvement with the community.

The next meetings of the Board will take place January 7 and February 4. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas for our community. These meetings take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.


Remember Participation Builds Your Community.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Home Based Trade Show

The Cambrian Heights School Fundraising Society lead by Krista Steinke and her volunteer group put on a very successful home based trade show and online sale on Saturday, November 3 at our Community Hall.

The Cambrian Heights Community supported this activity with free hall usage as we continue to build our mutually beneficial relationship with the Cambrian School parent association. More than 200 people attended this event, the vast majority from our community.

The Cambrian School parents plan to repeat this event next year.

Supporting new concept events remains a priority goal of the Community Board as well as supporting our local school.

Polar Party 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019
11 am – 2 pm

Outdoor Ice Rink, the Community Association is hosting a free drop-in event:

  • Skate Shack is back – free skates and helmets to borrow
  • Complimentary hot chocolate or apple cider
  • Firepit
  • Outdoor crafts and activities
  • Two sheets of ice for hockey, skating, and ice bowling

Indoors, the Cambrian Heights Parents Fundraising Society is holding their annual Winter Fundraiser to support our local elementary school. Bring your toonies and excitement for:

  • Bake Sale
  • Chilli Cook-Off

To register for the chilli cook-off or help with the fundraiser, please contact Jessica at or 403-681-8640

If you enjoy being active outdoors, consider volunteering an hour of your time to man the firepit, hot drinks, or lead an activity.

Contact Jodi at or 403-276-4242



Lego Contest 2018 was a huge success!

On Saturday, November 17 the second Annual Lego Contest was held at the Cambrian Heights Community Hall. Thanks to Nancy Else and her volunteers there were 36 entries and two displays on exhibition over the day. An estimated 75 attendees viewed the entries. They included remote control cars, windmills, farms, space stations, microscopes and Lord of the Rings creations. In addition, there were two professional displays of a Lego City and Star Wars. Most of the contestants were in the 7-8 year old category. Prizes were awarded and the Lego Store provided bags and magazines for everyone. Planning has already started towards expanding this event in November of next year. Pictures from the event are shown below.

President’s Message – November 2018

Our first ever Asado BBQ and Open Mike Event on September 22 was a tremendous success. Asado is a Latin American term for a social gathering involving open fire and freshly grilled food. Despite cold weather that eliminated the outdoor children’s activities over 150 residents and neighbours attended the event held inside the Community Hall. Councillor Chu attended the event on behalf of the City. A pig and lamb were roasted outside as well as corn on the cob supplemented by various Latin American vegetables, sauces and spices. A special thanks must be handed out to sponsors Salsita Mexican Food Market, Barbeques Galore and Glenn Pickard for his welding, cooking and music skills. Live music was provided by local community residents and continued playing well into the evening. Also, we must recognize Jodie Dixon and Pablo Policzer who organized the event and recruited a large volunteer base for the evening. We thank all who participated and hope to make this an annual event. I have included some pictures from the event.

On September 29th the Community Hall hosted a Scrapbooking Workshop which was very well attended and much appreciated by all attendees. Put on by Valerie Kapsha it raised $2,000 for Calgary Reads. For information on any repeat of this event please contact

By the time this letter is published in the November Community Newsletter, we will have hosted our annual Halloween Party and Dance on October 27th at the Community Hall. As usual, there was a DJ providing music for the children as well as pizza, treats, best costume prizes and other fun activities. This has always been a popular family event and I hope you took the opportunity to participate.

We also encourage all residents to take advantage of the early evening programs at the Community Hall. We have Yoga every Wednesday evening from 7-8, Jazzercise Monday & Wednesday 5:45-6:45 PM, Fun & Fitness Tuesday evenings (check website for times) and Piloxing Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM.

A list of currently scheduled fall events at the Community Hall are as follows:

Christmas Trade Show – Nov. 3

Lego Contest – Nov. 17

Sugar Craft Guild – Nov. 24

The Christmas Tradeshow is being put on by the Cambrian School Parents as a fundraiser for the school. For more information please contact The Lego contest will involve the theme of Science and Technology. This is the second time around for this Event which was well received last year. For more information see our website at or contact Nancy Else at

We are also hosting a Sugar Craft Guild Event on November 27. The Guild promotes the art of sugar crafting and cake decorating. For more information please contact Krista at

Please check our website for updates and details of all events. Volunteering for setup, takedown or general assistance is an excellent way to make sure such events continue and to meet other members of the community.

From the Planning and Development perspective, there has been an increasing amount of new developments within the Community over this year, especially in the southern portion. We expect this to continue and reference you to the website for information on procedures as well as contacts within the Planning Committee for your Community. We encourage everyone to get involved as this re-development of our Community takes place. 

We continue to be urgently in need of the following part-time volunteer positions:

  • Secretary for Board & Annual General Meetings
  • Social Activity Organizers
  • Planning & Development Committee Members
  • Casino Fund Raising Organizer 

Job descriptions and experienced past directors are available to guide and ease the transition into community service. For more information please contact .

The next meetings of the Board will take place on December 3 and January 7. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas you may have for our community. These meetings take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Annual Halloween Party & Dance

Dress up in your best costume and join us at the CHCA Community Hall for the always Spooktacular Family Halloween Party and Dance!

New start time this year for the little ghosts and goblins 5 PM – 9 PM

5:00-6:00 pm: Fun Halloween activities and games for the kids
6:00-7:00 pm: Pizza, veggies & snacks
7:00-9:00 pm: Dance with DJ, costume prizes and games

Adults – $5
Kids – $2

Food tickets with Admission.
Additional drinks, snacks and Adult Beverages for purchase

Last year was SOLD OUT!

Click here to purchase your tickets in advance and avoid disappointment!

Cambrian Heights Lego Contest 2018

Join us for the Cambrian Heights Lego Contest on

Saturday, November 17th
11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Prizes, Snacks, and Ribbons

Theme: Science and Technology

Event timing:

Drop Off: 11:00 am – 12:00
Exhibit Judging: 12:00 am – 12:45 pm
Exhibit Viewing: 12:45 – 2 pm
Exhibitor Ribbons and Grand Prize Draw: 2 pm
Exhibit Pick up: 2:00-2:30 pm

Age Categories:

3-4 years olds (Duplo is allowed for this category)
5-6 year olds
7-8 year olds
9-10 year olds
11-12 year olds
13 -14 year olds

If people are interested in judging they may contact Nancy Else at


  1. Entries are to be original designs. Not from a kit or by following instructions.
  2. Entries no larger than 15 inches by 15 inches wide, and no taller than 24 inches.
  3. Names must be on all entries.
  4. Judges decisions are final.
  5. All entries must be constructed at home and brought to the hall.
  6. Ribbons will be given for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners.
  7. Each entry equals 1 chance to win a special prize.
  8. Lego-like pieces are acceptable.
  9. All children from any community are welcome.
  10. Contest will be limited to the first 100 children.
  11. All creations must be taken home on event day (no exceptions)
  12. All entries to be dropped off on event day (no exceptions)
  13. Limit of two entries per person.