Volunteers Needed

Support your local community and our resources.

We need to fill the following volunteer positions:

  • Treasurer
  • Communications
  • Program Development
  • Parks Enhancements
  • Casino Organization

Attend our AGM to learn more – June 27, 7:30 PM at CHCA Community Hall, 600 Northmount Drive NW.

For more information:


Volunteers Needed for Daytime & Evening Shifts Pure Casino Calgary

September 8-9 

Cambrian Heights Major Fund Raiser to Provide Programs and Services to the Community

Call or Email Isabel at 403-389-2269 or Isabel.a.boisvert@gmail.com for details or to volunteer

Participation Builds Your Community: An Interview with Jennifer Manns

What long-time Board Member has to say about volunteering for the Community:

Why did you Volunteer in Cambrian Heights?

I first became a Board Member over 12 years ago at an Annual General Meeting. I was one of the only attendees of the meeting so I was able to get a good sense of what the Board did and the real need for Volunteers.  I was asked if I wanted to help out and I said “Yes!”
 I had a young family at the time and as we had enjoyed many Community functions, I thought it was important to be part of the Association to make sure others were able to enjoy these events as well! I started as the Cambrian Heights School Liason as our kids went to the school and it was a good fit. I then became the Membership Coordinator and continue to hold that position and have helped out and attended many events.
What Benefit do you derive from participation in the Community? 
I have found that being a member of the Community Association has allowed me to be more connected to our neighbourhood. We have lived in Cambrian Heights for over 23 years and being part of the board over stages in our life has been a great way to build friendships, have a voice in your community and how it evolves over time and give back to others.
I found that by volunteering that you really are an important cog in the community, ensuring there are resources to run the facility and events to build and sustain that community. I have a special fondness for the Annual Halloween Party and have been involved in running it for over 10 years.
Why would I recommend that others participate? 
The Community Association is about Building Community and engaging with others. In this age of technology, Netflix and so many activities available outside your community, it’s important to get out of your bubble to make sure that you are an active part of the place you live.
The Community Association is ALL volunteer run! Board members, like other community members, have active busy lives, with kids, work, activities and hobbies and so the more people we get involved, the less effort is required. “Many hands make light work!”
I would encourage all residents that if you have ever attended and enjoyed any community programs or events that you consider volunteering at an event. Even cleaning up after the event is welcomed! I am positive you will meet someone new and have a good time!
What is the monthly time commitment? 
In addition to our monthly meetings, my Membership position takes a couple of hours a month.
The rest of the time I volunteer is based on what I can provide to help out with ongoing events. Again, I appreciate the time donated by those who have stepped up to try out a new idea or organize an event, so I will help out when I can. By organizing ticket sales prior to the event, volunteering at the event, or set up or take down. It is really up to you how much time you can provide. And it is always very much appreciated!

Participation Builds Your Community: An Interview with Barb Milne

What long-time Board Member has to say about volunteering for the Community:

Why did you volunteer in Cambrian Heights?

My relationship with the board began around 15 years ago when I contacted the community for support in protesting an eighty-foot cell tower that Bell Mobility was proposing on Northmount Dr. near 40th Avenue. In a community of bungalows, this height was the equivalent of an 8 storey building. Also, we already had three towers within a mile of this site. With cooperation in picketing the carwash site and circulating a petition, we successfully defeated the proposal. Later, I wanted to give something back, and I have sat on the board as the newsletter contact, ever since.

What benefit do you derive from participation in the Community?

I have gotten to know so many neighbours while working together on different initiatives, from setting up bridge classes to wine tastings. This forges a more meaningful sense of what community is.

Monthly time commitment?

We meet as a board 10 times a year, for 1 to 2 hours. Extra projects, such as helping with the AGM, or buying refreshments for an event might take another 8 or10 hours. I have enjoyed helping when I can, and if time does not allow and I am unable to help, I have never felt any pressure.

Why would I recommend that others participate?

Before I joined the board, I felt little connection to the larger community. I have since gained a voice in the month to month workings of the board and have gotten to know my fellow board members, as well as many residents. Seeing our community through the lens of others is an opportunity to appreciate what we have from multiple perspectives.

Please contact Daryl Connolly at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com for more information on how you can help. We have openings for board positions.

Participation Builds Your Community: An Interview with Susan MacGregor

What former Board member Susan MacGregor has to say about volunteering for the Community:

Why did you volunteer in Cambrian Heights?

The Board generously provides access to land by the hall for the use of the garden group. Partly in return, I joined the Board to provide general help and so that the members of the community garden could be represented. With the Board striving to increase the involvement of the community, I thought that the perspective of our gardening community might be different from others, and could assist.

What benefit do you derive from participation in the Community?

Broadly, through involvement in the monthly Board meetings I learned of upcoming events and issues in our community. This allowed me to participate in those of concern and interest to me; this has strengthened my commitment and feelings for the community. As a member of the garden group I have enjoyed more gardening, the vegetables I grew and made some new friends with similar interests.

Monthly time commitment?

The monthly Board meetings lasted 2 to 3 hours, with additional opportunities to help with Board-sponsored events and to lead the garden. The overall commitment varied depending on my interest and availability to participate in the special events. Coordinating the garden group was largely a summer activity that included ensuring that the plots were all being used, maintaining a membership and waiting list, and providing a conduit to and from the Board. On average, this took an hour or so a week.

Why would I recommend that others participate?

I would absolutely recommend that others participate in the community association, in whatever capacity they are able to do. For me, there are several reasons for saying this. The community has given me access to land to grow food when my garden at home is not suitable. Since I benefit, I believe that I also have a responsibility to give back. Being on the Board was an opportunity to meet neighbours, help others, learn, and to have some fun.

Please contact Daryl Connolly at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com for more information on how you can help. We have openings for board positions.

Participation Builds Your Community: An Interview with Gary Wilson

What former Board member Gary Wilson has to say about volunteering for the Community:

Why did you join the Cambrian Heights Board?

Because I wanted to help make our community a better place.

What benefits did you get out of your community participation?

I ended up with a good understanding of what the community has to offer my family and I made a lot of good friends in the community.

How much time monthly was required?

As a director I probably averaged two hours per month, that representing my attendance at the monthly meetings. As a planning committee member I probably averaged five or six hours per month between the meetings and handling correspondence around development permits. 

Why would you recommend participation to others?

This is a good way of getting to know your neighbours in the community and making friends among them. It also allows you to get your finger on the pulse of the community and so to understand all that it offers. For someone with free time on their hands, I can see that it would also offer ample opportunity to introduce new activities to the community.


Please contact Daryl Connolly at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com for more information on how you can help. We have openings for Secretary, V. President, Social and General Board positions.

Participation Builds Your Community: An Interview with Jodi Dixon

What former Board member Jodi Dixon has to say about volunteering for the Community:

Why do you volunteer in Cambrian Heights?

I’ve volunteered a lot in my life and they all seem to have a similar purpose – bringing people together.  Why?  Probably because I consider myself a shy extrovert, which isn’t as odd as it sounds.  I get to be in the middle of all that amazing energy and allow myself to talk and meet people when I want or keep busy the other times.  

Also, volunteering in the community just felt like a great way to get to know the people who live here.  After 8 years of living in Cambrian I can walk down most streets and I’ll know one family or person because I met them at an event.  This gives me a great sense of peace and well-being.

What benefits do you get out of your community participation?

I can actively create and care for the kind of community I want to live in – one where I feel safe, welcomed, have fun things to do, enjoy natural spaces and connect with people on a deeper level.

One of my favourite events which I helped organize began as an interest of mine – the Winter Sports Sampler in 2017 – but turned out to appeal to many others. When the Foothills Nordic club met with the Association to let our community know they were moving their operations to Confederation Golf Course, an idea began forming.  What if we expanded the Polar Party – which highlighted our ice rink – to other winter activities such as cross country skiing, snowshoeing and Nordic winter walking? We accomplished this combination of the Community Association support as well as the instructors from the U. of Calgary Outdoor Centre, Foothills Nordic and Scary Bunny Be Fit.  I participated in each activity and thoroughly enjoyed myself and loved seeing others having so much fun.

How much time monthly is required?

When I volunteered as Social Coordinator the hours would vary: some months would be high, up to 20 hours or more; other months it might be a couple of hours.  Now I volunteer on individual events as I can.  Those events can take 5 hours or less a month.

Why would you recommend participation to others?

To feel the reward of being connected to others, having a sense of greater purpose and it’s just plain fun.

Please contact Daryl Connolly at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com for more information on how you can help. We have openings for V. President, Social, Casino and General Board positions.