Upcoming Events at Cambrian Heights Hall
April 26 | Gardening with Trees and Shrubs | 7:00-8:30pm | RSVP – max 25 |
April 28 | Annual General Meeting | 7:00-9:30pm | Plans for 2017 |
May 7 | Family Style Pub & Game Night | 6:30-9:30pm | Volunteers needed |
May 28 | Pruning and Planting 101 | 11am-12pm | RSVP – max 30 |
June 11 | Community Garage Sale | 10am-4pm | Volunteers needed |
June 12 | Community Clean Up | 9am-1:30pm | Volunteers needed |
June 25 | The Under Story – planting under trees | 11am-12:30pm | RSVP – max 25 |
For more information, rsvp or volunteer call (403) 284-1175.
We have made some changes as to the announcement of new events with the table shown above. This Upcoming Events table will be published monthly to better allow planning for and participation in our events for the residents of Cambrian heights. During our 2016 year we have introduced a new Wine tasting event while continuing with the second annual Skating/Polar Party and our annual Fall Open House and Halloween Party.
On March 11th we held our first Wine Tasting event and it was a great success. Attendance exceeded our expectations such that we had to close ticket sales. A very enjoyable and informative evening provided us incentive to do this again in our 2017 fiscal year planning. We would like to give special thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this event so successful as well as our great appreciation to Cindy Sidhu owner of Northmount Liquor Store and Susan Norrie of Pacific Wines and Spirits.
As a result of our community being selected by the City for a Tree Planting Initiative we will be hosting a number of informative seminars around the planting and care of trees and shrubs. See our Events calendar and participate in these free educational seminars at the community hall.
To start our 2017 fiscal year the Community will be hosting the Annual General Meeting on April 28th, a Family Pub Night on May 7th, the Community Garage Sale & Cleanup on June 11/12 and our always successful Stampede Breakfast July 16th. New events are being discussed for the Fall and we encourage anyone with ideas or suggestions to contact the Board at cambrianheights@gmail.com or attend one of our Board meetings.
Our 2017 fiscal year (April 2016 – March 2017) celebrates the 60th anniversary for the Community. We are currently organizing a Picnic/BBQ on September 17th to celebrate this event. We envision at this time serving hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and beverages. This will be a family affair and thus games and activities are planned for both the adults and children. As plans for this event mature we will be providing additional details. Anyone wishing to add suggestions or volunteer to assist in the planning, preparation or helping out with this event please contact Jodi Dixon at social@cambrianheightscommunity.com or anyone else on the Board of Directors. Participation and volunteerism are required to create successful events.
The Community Association continues to offer a $100 maximum grant for community block parties. This grant will be provided to a maximum of 10 such block parties over the 2016-17 fiscal years (April/2015-March/2017). Application for this grant can be made through the community email address. Costs will be reimbursed (excluding alcoholic beverages) with receipts pertaining to organized block parties with broad attendance of all age groups. We encourage you to access this funding and create your own block event for the spring, summer or fall.
The City of Calgary has initiated a number of planning and development issues that will effect our community either directly or indirectly. We encourage everyone to visit the following resources to understand and appreciate how these changes will improve and impact the enjoyment and lifestyle within our community: www.calgary.ca/bikeprojects., http://www.calgary.ca/CSPS/Parks/Pages/Construction/Confederation-Park-Improvements.aspx, http://www.calgary.ca/engage/Pages/Green-Line-North.aspx.
As we have previously discussed in these monthly messages our Planning Committee continues to be active in regards to monitoring the issuance of Development Permits (“DP’s”) by the City in our community. This activity covers the gauntlet from secondary suites in RC-1 neighbourhoods, to best guidelines for maintaining the identity of our community with the growth and densification, to long term transportation issues. Everyone should remain vigilant as to developments within their streets and if there are questions or concerns write to the community association (cambrianheights@gmail.com) or contact Daryl Beatty or Gary Wilson of the Planning Committee. If you wish to get involved in the discussion of these issues please contact the committee Chairman Daryl Beatty.
The website now provides memberships to be subscribed over the internet for convenience of the residents. There is also an ability for all residents who wish to receive email notifications of special events or issues of interest to the community to register. We encourage all residents to participate in the community activities and future events and program planning by joining the association and communicating your thoughts either through emails or by attending one of our Board meetings which are always open for residents. Our next meeting will take place Monday April 4th. at the Georgina Thomson building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM.
Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.
On Behalf of the Board;
Daryl Connolly, President