President’s Message – May 2015

Our next event is the Community Cleanup Program on May 16th from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the Cambrian Heights Community Hall (600 Northmount Drive). This cleanup event is being held on a joint basis with Rosemont Community. This will involve household waste, yard waste home electronics and appliances, non alkaline car batteries and tires metals and reusable clothing. Please check for more details in the newsletter or on the website.

The annual CHCA Stampede Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, July 11th. This is always a popular event for the whole family so be sure to mark it on your calendar.

With the new fall year we are hoping to add additional events in the Fall to compliment our very successful annual Halloween Party at the end of October. Check our website for details of all social events, news and contact information. If you wish to volunteer for any of these events please do so by contacting any of the Directors listed in the newsletter or website. Get involved to support and make a better community!

The Cambrian Heights Planning Committee was formed to monitor and respond appropriately to development applications within our community. The most significant of these issues in 2015 is the change in how Secondary Suites are regulated for all R land use districts in wards 7, 8, 9 and 11 as proposed by City Council. These regulations would allow Permitted Use (e.g. basement suites) and Discretionary Use (e.g. backyard suites) in all R designated districts as approved by the Development Authority. The Cambrian heights Board will be considering at its April 13th meeting a resolution dealing with this proposal. We continue to invite residents to comment with their opinions to our address.

As mentioned last month we are planning further work on the Hall and to the kitchen facilities and are awaiting a decision on City support grants. The City has elected to request additional testing of the air ventilation systems prior to proceeding with the upgrades. These will be undertaken as soon as possible. When these upgrades are completed we will restore the kitchen to full cooking facility status allowing expanded utilization in the future. This and all other program activities are undertaken within the financial ability of the Community, which currently remains solid due to hall rental income and casino proceeds. We have additional long term plans for the facility that were highlighted at our April 26th Annual general Meeting. We encourage all residents to participate in the community activities and future planning by joining the association and communicating your thoughts either through emails or by attending one of our Board meetings which are always open to community residents.

On behalf of the Board;

Daryl Connolly, President

President’s Message – April 2015

With the success of our first Winter Skating Party we will make this another annual event. Many thanks go to the Rink Guys as the ice withstood spring like weather and bright sunny skies. Pop music, copious amounts of whipped cream and hot chocolate, cookies, a fire pit and a visit by our MLA Kyle Fawcett complimented the on ice activities. Also thanks goes out to Kidsport Canada for the use of Skate Shack providing free skates and helmets. Our next event will be an Open House after the Annual General Meeting April 28th. We encourage everyone to attend to learn about the Community, its plans for the near and long term as well as visiting with our invited guests from the Federation of Calgary Communities, our Ward 7 Councillor Druh Farrell and our MLA Kyle Fawcett. Following this event will be a Community Cleanup Program on a joint basis with Rosemont Community May 16th, and the annual CHCA Stampede Breakfast July 11th. We are hoping to add additional events in the Fall to compliment our very successful annual Halloween Party at the end of October. Check our website for details of all social events, news and contact information. If you wish to volunteer for any of these events please do so by contacting any of the Directors listed in the newsletter or website. Get involved to support and make a better community!

As indicated previously the Board has formed a Planning Committee to monitor and respond appropriately to development applications within our community. What we need is feedback from the Community as to what residents want to see in terms of new development. At year end both our mayor and Ward councillor were advocates for Secondary Suites and the City seems poised for increased inner city resident density in Cambrian Heights. We need your opinions in order to reflect the Community on these issues to City Council. Please email your comments to with any thoughts on this critical issue to our community. Also reference our website for up-to date information on this and other City Planning issues.

As mentioned last month we are planning further work on the Hall and to the kitchen facilities and are awaiting a decision on City support grants. When completed this will restore the kitchen to full cooking facility status allowing expanded utilization in the future. All such activity will be undertaken within the financial ability of the Community, which currently remains solid due to hall rental income and casino proceeds. We have additional long term plans for the facility that will be considered by the Board during the next fiscal year. All such activity will be predicated on increased usability of the facilities by the Community residents. While we encourage Community Membership, all our activities are open to every resident of Cambrian Heights. We encourage you to participate and communicate your thoughts on existing and new programs that will enhance your community experience.

On Behalf of the Board;
Daryl Connolly, President

President’s Message March 2015

Our Community Association continues to focus in 2015 on increasing social events and use of
the Community Hall. On February 14th we held our first Winter Skating Party. Future events
include an Open House at the Annual General Meeting April 28th., a Community Cleanup
Program on a joint basis with Rosemont Community May 16th, and the annual CHCA Stampede
Breakfast July 11th. We are hoping to add additional events in the Fall to compliment our very
successful annual Halloween Party at the end of October. Check our website for details of all social events, news and contact

As indicated previously the Board has formed a Planning Committee to monitor and respond
appropriately to development applications within our community. What we need is feedback
from the Community as to what residents want to see in terms of new development. At year end
both our mayor and Ward councillor were advocates for Secondary Suites and the City seems
poised for increased inner city resident density in Cambrian Heights. What are your questions/
opinions? What type of developments would you like to see or not see? Get in touch with any
Board member and in particular members of the Planning Committee so we may better
understand and therefore reflect the wishes of Cambrian Heights residents.

On a matter of safety and social concern in our community I have previously asked for your
help. We informed everyone of repeated instances of one or more persons driving their vehicles
through our community Parks and play fields knocking over small trees and shrubs and at the
same time endangering any pedestrians in the area. We are exploring alternatives with the City
Parks and Police to discourage this activity. There is no practical way to barrier our parks to
vehicular access. We continue to ask anyone witnessing such activity to report it immediately to
the police (it is a crime and therefore can be reported to 911 or directly to the police nonemergency
line at 403-266-1234 press “0” to speak to someone right away) or if reporting
damage from such activity to “311”.

On the facilities front we have installed lights to better enable viewing at night of our event sign
in front of the Community Hall on Northmount Drive. In addition during 2015 we are planning
further upgrades in the hall and to the kitchen facilities. If completed as planned this will restore
the kitchen to full cooking facility status allowing better utilization in the future. All such activity
and future developments will be undertaken within the financial ability of the community which
currently remains strong. We continue to encourage new residents and old to join and
participate in the Community Association and bring forward new ideas and the volunteer spirit
Calgary is known to possess. We make things better through participation.

On Behalf of the Board;

Daryl Connolly, President

Presidents Message February 2015

A New Year brings with it new issues/directions and of course resolutions. Your Board will continue to work towards both improving communication of all issues whether they be old, new or modified. I will try to highlight these issues in the monthly President’s Message but suggest everyone check the website a few times every month for up to date detailed information on issues and events. Our monthly newsletter is also a valuable source worth reviewing every month.

For 2015 our focus will remain on increasing social events and use of the Community Hall. The number of these events is only restricted by availability of volunteers and of course new ideas. If you have any suggestions and/or are able to volunteer for events please contact us at You are also encouraged to partake in the first event of 2015 and meet some directors who will be in attendance. It remains the best way to maximize your community benefits and meet new neighbours. Our first event will be a Winter Skating Party February 14th. Check the website for details. Future events include a Community Cleanup Program and an Open House at the AGM in the second quarter plus the annual Stampede Breakfast in July.

As indicated previously the Board has formed a Planning Committee to monitor and respond appropriately to development applications within our community. What we need is feedback from the Community as to what residents want to see in terms of new development. At year end both our mayor and Ward Councillor were advocates for Secondary Suites and the City seems poised for increased inner city resident density in Cambrian Heights. What are your opinions? Get in touch with any Board member so we may better reflect the wishes of Cambrian Heights residents.

On two matters that relate to safety and social concerns in our community I have asked for your help. Last month we requested dog owners respect the on leash rules set out by the City for all green spaces and in particular the restrictions for dogs in our playgrounds and sports fields. In addition we reported considerable damage to our public parks and green areas during a mid November snowfall by one or more persons driving their vehicles through these off road areas knocking over small trees and shrubs and at the same time endangering any pedestrians in the area. This reckless activity has continued. As a result the Board has enlisted the Calgary Police Department and bordering residents with camera’s in an effort to curb this activity. We are also investigating potential physical deterrents with the City. We ask anyone witnessing such activity to report it immediately to the police and request that people wishing to experience off road activities with their vehicles restrict such driving to appropriate venues.

On the facilities front we have recently installed lights to better enable viewing at night of our event sign in front of the Community Hall on Northmount Drive. In addition during 2015 we are planning upgrades to washrooms in the Hall and to the kitchen facilities. If completed as planned this will restore the kitchen to full cooking facility status allowing better utilization in the future. We are committed to maintaining the Hall as a focal point for the Community activities and will continue in this pursuit.

On behalf of the Board;
Daryl Connolly, President

President’s Message January 2015

With the beginning of a new year comes annual resolutions to improve our health, communicate better with others, make better business decisions and generally improve the quality of our lives. Your Cambrian Heights Community Association (“CHCA”) shares those resolutions as we progress into 2015.

From a health perspective we encourage participation in the jazzercise and yoga programs currently being offered at the Community Centre and detailed on our website ( From a communication perspective we have recently updated our website and will be planning a significant revision in 2015 to reflect increased awareness for residents of our community in development activity, social and educational programs and City transportation issues that impact Cambrian Heights. Please contact the association ( with any suggestions you may have to improve the quality of our website.

As indicated in my December report the Board is working on both developing a system through the Planning Committee to monitor and respond appropriately to development applications within our community. We are also developing a short and long term Business Plan in 2015 to guide the Boards allocation of financial resources and program activities. We constantly look for new ideas to increase the community participation in our facilities and welcome involvement of all community members either through email or attendance at our monthly Board meetings.

While 2015 will once again see the Community Association host its annual Stampede Breakfast, we are also planning a Winter Skating Party over the Family Day weekend and an Open House at the Community Centre sometime in March-April. Please access the website or Newsletter for dates and details.

On two matters that relate to safety and social concerns in our community I have to ask for your help. The first request is to dog owners to respect the on leash rules set out by the City for all green spaces and in particular the restrictions for dogs in our playgrounds and sports fields. Information is available at the City website ( – search dog parks). The City has removed signage but we remind everyone that specific off leash areas have been established but otherwise dogs are to remain on leash. On a second issue there was considerable damage to our public parks and green areas during our last snowfall by one or more persons driving their vehicles through the off road areas knocking over small trees and shrubs and at the same time endangering any pedestrians in the area. We ask anyone witness such activity to report it immediately to the police and request that people wishing to experience off road activities with their vehicles restrict such driving to appropriate venues.

On behalf of the Board we wish all residents a happy and prosperous 2015 and remind everyone that improving and enjoying our community is directly related to participation and volunteering.

President’s Message December 2014

This is my first report since assuming the position of President for the Cambrian Heights Community Association at the November meeting. While I have been a resident of this community for over 25 years it is only in the last few years that I have come to appreciate the volunteer work necessary to manage, fund and develop the programs for the Community. Fortunately we have had great people step up in the past and as a result your Community is well funded and offers a Community Hall well maintained and accessible for a wide variety of social activities.

During the past year a number of facility upgrades has enhanced the Community Hall in the Edelweiss Preparatory School classrooms downstairs and the kitchen and washrooms on the main floor. Lighting and painting have upgraded the outside of the Hall and a continuing effort is being made to improve the usefulness of the Hall to host community activities. The 2014 capital program was over $85,000 of which the City of Calgary provided grants of approximately $45,000. Plans are being formalized for some additional capital improvements in 2015.

The Community Hall is currently being utilized for weekly yoga, jazzercise and church activities as well as weddings and special social events. Recently the Community Halloween party was held and was a great success with over 135 attendees. Thanks goes to the organization volunteers for a very fun filled evening for both children and parents with music, costume awards and contests. For the first time, a Scavenger Photo contest was held in association with Halloween. While the participation was not large, a number of enthusiastic participants sent in photos. A summary of the contest winners and pictures is shown elsewhere in this chronicle.

One of our objectives will be to increase in 2015 the Community events at the Hall and already we are discussing initiating an annual Winter Carnival for February centered around the ice rink. The use of the Hall and facilities is only limited by volunteer availability and ideas that bring the community families together. We are a small community with an increasing number of new residents as the demographics change in this inner city neighbourhood. We welcome ideas and all levels of participation to expand the number of community events. Please contact any member of the Board to discuss the possibilities for new ideas and events.

Early this summer, the Board recognized the growing level of construction permits being approved by the City in our community. While this has not reached the level of activity being experienced by some of our adjoining communities, we thought it prudent to form a Planning Committee to address this issue for the Board and impacted residents. This committee has taken shape with three directors, including myself, establishing the objectives and terms of reference for the committee with the help of the Federation of Calgary Communities (“FCC”). We will be looking for community volunteers for this committee in the new year. Anyone interested is learning about this very impacting development activity or discussing the role of the committee should contact existing members as identified in the Community Directors list.

The Board of Directors has also initiated, with the help of the City Community Recreational Coordinator, the development of a Business Plan for the Community to better focus objectives, communication and participation within our neighbourhood. This will provide guidance and objectives for our 2015 programs and budget. In addition, we will focus in 2015 on enhancing our community communications through improving our website and social media resources.

All the above initiatives will be designed to increase our memberships and provide value to the community residents and reasons to get involved. Our Community Association remains the focal point to maintain and improve the experience of living in Cambrian Heights. Participation, however, remains the ultimate key for success.

As we enter the Christmas and Holiday Season, each of us on the Cambrian Heights Board extends best wishes to you and your families for a safe and happy Holiday Season and New Year.

Daryl Connolly, President