On February 11 the Community hosted two events. The first was the last in our sequence of outdoor winter events, an Introduction to Snowshoeing. This was held at Confederation Park where our previous introductory Cross Country Skiing course in association with the Foothills Nordic Club was held. Again mother nature provided excellent snow conditions and ideal temperatures. All three of these Winter participation activities were a success and enjoyed by all who took advantage of the opportunity to learn about and enjoy these winter sports. Similarly, the Winter Polar Party held in late January for the third year was well attended with 80-100 participants including an increasing number of children of all ages. Thanks again to our Social Director Jodi Dixon and her band of volunteers.
The evening of February 11 the Community Hall witnessed an evening of games and fun for children and adults alike. This program continues our focus towards encouraging the use of Community facilities for social activities that may be enjoyed by the residents of Cambrian Heights. Your community offers excellent facilities and the financial ability to promote more social or educational activities for our residents. We need to expand our Social Committee with volunteers who bring enthusiasm and new ideas and who need only commit time to help organize and help manage one such activity a year. We have dedicated and experienced Directors to help guide and advise but need more residents offering a little time once a year to help expand and improve our Programs and Events. Please contact our Social Director Jodi at social@cambrianheightscommunity.com or myself at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com for further insights into participation with our volunteer team.
Upcoming events include a French themed Wine Tasting on March 25. This will provide the opportunity of learning about French grape growing regions while tasting six wines and enjoying a welcome glass of Prosecco. Regional cheeses and meats will also be provided for the evening. Purchase your tickets in advance at our website. The remaining events for the first half of the year are a Health & Wellness Night for ladies on May 4, the Community Annual General Meeting May 18 and the annual Community Cleanup June 18. Please check our website for details of these events including times and entrance fees. As is our custom, members of the Community Association will pay a lower entrance fee for ticketed social events.
Of course the ice rinks will be maintained throughout the winter for all to access thanks to our rink volunteers. With two sheets of ice and the sustained winter weather, the rinks have been well utilised this year. Should you wish to help out the current rink volunteers this year or next please contact Scott Jacobson at 403-771-9755.
We continue to use a Facebook page to help communications and stimulate informational sharing and discussion amongst residents of the Community. It is under “Groups” with an address of “cambrianheightscommunity”. Please register for the Group and join this conversational page and share your thoughts and insights about where you live. One of our volunteers will also update any news of interest to the community.
As a reminder your 2017 membership dues are now payable. We are maintaining our fee schedule costs for the year to encourage your renewal. The easiest way to renew or join is through our website or if you wish via mail as outlined in the monthly Cambrian Heights Newsletter. The Board encourages all residents to participate in the community activities and future events. By attending one or more social/sports events during the year your fees will be recovered.
If you are interested in exploring involvement with the Board or any specific volunteer activity please contact us at our email address. We will have three vacancies on the Board after the AGM in May. The next meeting of the Board will take place Monday, March 6 at the Georgina Thomson building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM. All residents are welcome to attend and share any concerns, questions or ideas you may have relevant to Cambrian Heights.
Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.
On Behalf of the Board;
Daryl Connolly, President