August Block Party a smashing success

In August some residents on Coleridge Road organized a Block Party and took advantage of the Cambrian Heights Community subsidy of $100 to help provide food and activities formal neighbours and their children.

We attach some photos of the event and congratulate such residents as Dave Mellott, Luke Fugazi, Brendan McCashin and their wives and neighbours for organizing the afternoon festivities that was well attended and brought residents of the area together to celebrate summer.

We encourage all residents of our community to consider organizing such an event either this Fall or in 2010. Feel free to contact the community at for grants details.

Cambrian Heights School Fall Sale

The Cambrian Heights School Fundraising Society has put your favourite catalogue home-based companies under one roof for your shopping enjoyment.

Everyone Welcome – Free Admission

Saturday, October 19 from 10 am – 3 pm

Cambrian Heights Community Centre

This event is a fundraiser for the Cambrian Heights School Council. We thank you in advance for your support. Fundraisers like this one help us to provide special opportunities for the students.

If you are unable to attend but are interested in placing an order, please email the council at for the online order links.

Pick up arrangements are made directly with the vendors or shipped directly to your door.

Annual Halloween Party & Dance 2019

Come enjoy a fun evening with your family and friends on Saturday, Oct 26 from 6-9pm at the Community Hall.

Dress in your favorite costume and celebrate the season with your family – enjoy a pizza buffet, DJ dance party, games and prizes!!  Parents can enjoy a cash bar with spirited and un-spiritied drinks.

Thank you Mary, Brad, Iris, Merv, Jenn and Tammy – these spooktacular neighbours are busy organizing the party BUT they will need those who attend to help out during the event.


$5 adults – with community membership, $7 adults non-member
$2 kids – with community membership, $3 kids non-member

Purchase your tickets online – due to Fire Code restrictions we are limited to Hall capacity. Please avoid disappointment and click here for tickets today.

Then select a volunteer role at:

This is crucial, as six people are not enough to do all that’s necessary to keep everyone safe and having fun.


Cambrian Heights Community Cooking Class

A three-course meal will be prepared by Red Seal Chef Don Turnbull.

  • Pumpkin Soup and a Beet Salad.
  • Turkey with North/South potatoes & Roasted Brussel Sprouts.
  • A Seasonal Torte.
  • During this meal, you will also learn how to de-bone a Turkey!

Enjoy the Finished Meal with Wine – Recipes Provided

Saturday, November 2nd from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Cambrian Heights Community Hall

Maximum 16 Participants

Get your tickets now. Limited spots available!

$25 Members  $30 Non-members

President’s Message – September 2019

July and August witnessed continual activity at the Community Hall with upgrades to lower and upper-level washrooms, replacement of all fluorescent lighting to energy-saving LED fixtures, painting and replacement of flooring over most of the main hall social and kitchen areas. These upgrades were made with assistance from the City of Calgary through their Capital Conservation Grant Program and the Province through their Community Facility Enhancement Program. We would like to thank both Councillor Sean Chu and our MLA Jeremy Nixon for their support in obtaining these funds. We have also added ceiling fans in our main hall for the comfort of large gatherings and our fitness programs. We are also planning to add additional seating for outdoor skating in the winter and McKnight soccer in the spring. The funds for these additions came from proceeds of our second quarter Casino fundraising through the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission program. The Hall will be available for viewing these upgrades in September.

Upcoming Events

September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall & Grounds
October 19 Home Based Trades 10 am – 3 pm Hall
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD Hall
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall
TBD Cooking Class Oct/Nov 5 – 8 pm Hall


Once again we will be starting our Fall social programs with another September Asado BBQ. I have enclosed a few pictures from last years event. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus music, singers, storey tellers, wine, cider and beer. This was a family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. Tickets must be purchased on our community website. We strongly recommend you do so quickly based upon our capacity limitations and experience from last year. If you would like to volunteer for this event or contribute to the music please contact Jodie Dixon ( and help make this another memorable family and neighbourhood event.

The parents of Cambrian Elementry School have once again combined with the Community Association to host a market day consisting of Home-Based Trades. This was a very successful event last year and is the main fundraising event for the parents to support children’s’ activity associated with the school. Please reference the poster in this months issue for details. Again this Fall we will host our annual Halloween Dance and Lego contest for the children. Details on both events will be published on the website during September. After the success enjoyed this spring we hope to have another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull. Stay tuned as more information on these events are posted on our website.

While our weekly yoga program was suspended for the July/August months along with with a reduced schedule four the weekly fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, and Body Lift ) these programs will be restarted in September with start times posted in our website and the Newsletter. For more detailed information on these programs please check our website.

As outlined previously we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Lease Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2005 and 2018. We will be looking for residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through design and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership to our community. If you wish to be involved or comment on this process please let us know by emailing A few interested residents have come forward already. We will be focusing our development ideas for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Off-Leash Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on October 7th. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Committee Members Needed to Protect & Enhance Dog Park

In the spring of 2018 Cambrian Heights community, along with strong support from the Rosemont community, united to lobby against the annexation by Calgary Parks of the community Park Reserve Lands on 32nd Avenue for the proposed expansion of Queen’s Park Cemetery. The community was successful, as were residents in 2005-6, in protecting this valuable green space. This space was established in 2007 as one of Calgary’s first Off-Leash Dog Parks and serves the residents of Cambrian Heights and neighbouring communities.

To build on these efforts, and as part of a broader “open spaces strategy” for the community, the Cambrian Heights Planning Committee is forming a committee to focus on the enhancement and development of this Park Reserve as an Off-Leash Dog Park into the future. We have joined with Rosemont and enlisted the support of Bentall Kennedy to raise funds and design improvements to this Park to enhance its usability and effectiveness as a place where all residents of our communities may bring their dogs for exercise, social interaction and enjoyment of the outdoors.

If you have ideas, some time, energy and a desire to protect this valuable resource please contact by email either Daryl Connolly ( or Daryl Beatty ( to offer your participation.

Join us to celebrate parks in Calgary

ParksFest invites Calgarians from every quadrant of the city to dream big, share ideas and re-imagine the future of community parks.

ParksFest is a free, public outdoor event, taking place in Haultain Park on Saturday, September 21 from 1 – 4 p.m. This event will feature giant inflatable games, carnival games and stage performances. ParksFest also marks the official 10th anniversary celebration of Parks Foundation Calgary’s Building Communities program. To celebrate we will be awarding $50,000 through our special funding round – the Energize Awards.

Building Communities was created in 2009 with a vision of providing safe, interactive and fun spaces for Calgarians to play and build connections. Since its inception, Building Communities has provided more than $23 million dollars towards 160 local community projects. This year, to celebrate their 10th anniversary, ten local community projects were selected to compete for an additional $50,000 in award money ($25,000 for first place, $15,000 for second place, $10,000 for third place). These are called the Energize Awards. Calgarians will get a chance to place their vote at ParksFest for the Building Communities projects they think are most deserving of an Energize Award.

Click HERE to watch a video story of each project. All voting will take place on September 21 at ParksFest, with the successful award winners being named that day.

President’s Message – August 2019

July and August are quiet months for the Community Association as summer activities and vacations are enjoyed by all the directors and volunteers. There will however be activity at the Community Hall as some renovations and maintenance projects are undertaken. A major upgrading of lighting and flooring is scheduled along with some bathroom facilities improvements. These must be scheduled over the summer months while the Edelweiss Preparatory School is in recess.

Upcoming Events

September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall & Grounds
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD Hall
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall
TBD Cooking Class TBD Hall

Once again we will be starting our Fall social programs with another September Asado BBQ. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music, wine, cider and beer. This was a family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. If you would like to volunteer for this event or contribute to the music please contact Jodie Dixon ( and help make this another memorable family and neighbourhood event.

This Fall we will also host our annual Halloween Dance and Lego contest for the children. After the success enjoyed this spring we will have another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull. Stay tuned as more information on these events are posted on our website (

Our weekly yoga program will be suspended for the July/August months as will the four weekly fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, and Body Lift ) offered at the Hall in the early evenings. These programs will be started up in September with information posted in our website and the Newsletter. However, over the summer months, we will be offering Monday/Wednesday “Body Lift Method” classes. For more information check our website.

We wish to thank all the volunteers (John Lee, Peter Meyer, De Myer, Lara Wilson and Mike) plus our organizer Gary Wilson for the great job they once again did with our Spring Cleanup June 16.  A poster in this Newsletter summarizes the amount of waste and recyclables collected along with 54 kilograms of electronics. A great community event and a big thank you to all that participated. I have attached some pictures from the event including the small traffic jam on Northmount Drive.

As outlined previously we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Lease Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2018. We will be looking for residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through design and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership to our community. If you wish to be involved or comment on this process please let us know by emailing We will be focusing our development ideas for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on September 9th.  All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.


Remember Participation Builds Your Community

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Cambrian Heights – Reimagining Our Parks

The Cambrian Heights Community Association (CHCA) is developing an open spaces strategy as part of its “Creating Our Future Together” initiative. This strategy is about ensuring Cambrian Heights is a community with “great open spaces” that serve as natural gathering points in the community and promote the quality of life of residents. Additionally, increased usage of these spaces contributes to building a vibrant community and helps to ensure their preservation for generations to come.

A key aspect of this strategy involves reimagining our open spaces, looking beyond what they currently are to what they could ultimately become. At this point, one area of focus is the park space located at northeast corner of 32nd Avenue NW & 10th Street NW. This space, which is a designated off-leash space, is a destination for pet owners from throughout the area and was the focus of a recent attempt by the City to remove this valuable park from our community for expansion of Queen’s Park Cemetery.

So, how might we reimagine and enhance this off-leash space to create the best possible experience for animals and people alike? If you are interested in getting involved in this conversation, the CHCA is looking for you. Please contact us at

Thank you Community of Cambrian Heights for a great Community Cleanup

On behalf of the City of Calgary, the Community Cleanup Program led by Calgary Community Standards would like to thank the volunteers and the residents for a job well done at the Community Cleanup this year.

Thank you community clean up