Polar Party 2020

Saturday, February 1, 2020
11 am – 2 pm

Outdoor Ice Rink, the Community Association is hosting a free drop-in event:

  • KidSport Skate Shack – use of free skates and helmets
  • Hot chocolate and apple cider
  • Firepit

Indoors, the Cambrian Heights Parents Fundraising Society is holding its annual Winter Fundraiser to support our local elementary school. Bring your toonies and excitement for:

  • Bake Sale
  • Chilli Cook-Off
  • Crafts/Activities

For more info or to volunteer, contact social@cambrianheightscommunity.com

Lego Contest 2019 had many impressive entries

On November 30 we held our third annual kids Lego Contest thanks to the organizer Nancy Else. It was again very well attended with 33 entries and about 75 people viewing the various Lego creations. Everyone was impressed with the creativity by the kids and especially the project done by the University of Calgary engineering students.

Please enjoy the pictures below and support events such as these through participation and adding your name to the volunteer list.

Contact President@cambrianheightscommunity.com should you wish to obtain information on volunteering or getting involved with other Cambrian Heights Community activities.


President’s Message – December 2019

The Community Hall was very active in the last few weeks of October and into November. Three events were hosted and a community landscaping project was completed. On October 19 the Cambrian School once again hosted their fall Home Based Trade Show featuring a full line-up of vendors. The event is an annual fundraiser for the Cambrian School Parent Association and once again it was a success. Pictures enclosed give you a feel for the number of vendor booths. They are planning to host this event again in November 2020 with the support of the Community Association.

The annual Halloween Dance was held October 26 to a sold-out crowd of children and adults alike. Games, music, pizza and treats provided the children an evening of activity, costumes and fun. We were pleased that new volunteers were recruited to orchestrate the event and the DJ was particularly involved in directing numerous music-focused activities. Pictures from the event demonstrate the variety of costumes present throughout the evening.

On November 2 the Hall hosted 15 participants in our second Cambrian Heights Cooking Class. This evening, purposely designed for a maximum of 16 attendees to maintain the intimacy of this fall feast including homemade soup, a deboned turkey meal with all the trimmings, dessert, and wine. Chef Don Turnbull provided tips on preparation, decoration and easy cooking techniques that everyone appreciated as well as the fine meal created.

Our future events are listed below including the kids Lego Contest directed by Nancy Else on November 30. This is always a fun viewing event and I hope some of you stopped by to witness the creativity of the children participating.

For 2020 we have so far scheduled the annual Polar party February 1st., followed by a Volunteer Appreciation night in March, a Wine Tasting focusing of French Provence wines in May and our Annual Meeting in June. Watch for more details of these events in future newsletters as well as our website (www.cambrianheightscomunity.com) and our facebook page.

Upcoming Events

November 2, 2019 Cooking Class 5 – 8 pm Hall
November 30, 2019 Lego Contest 12 – 2:30 pm Hall
February 1, 2020 Polar Party 11:30 am – 2: 30 pm Hall Ice Rinks
March 7, 2020 Volunteer Appreciation 7:30 pm – 9 pm Hall
May 9, 2020 Wine Tasting 7:30 pm – 9 pm Hall
June 16, 2020 Annual General Meeting 7:30 pm – 9 pm Hall

Our weekly yoga program and our fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, Body Lift and new Barre Above) programs are continuing although the Christmas Season will witness suspension until January. Check the website for any updated schedule changes.

In running the Community and both adding facilities and undertaking outdoor maintenance of our property we are always looking for volunteers to help out. In October we advertised for help in trimming bushes and upgrading the garden plots on our community lands. A party of 12 volunteers undertook this work on a fall Saturday morning and afternoon. It was hard work but participation strengthened our belief in community spirit. Thanks to all that participated.

Also in a busy October, the Community Association installed a second set of benches on the property which will provide seating between our two ice surfaces this winter. The parents for the spring soccer leagues will also appreciate these benches. Items like these are financed with the proceeds of our Casino nights provided through the AGLC. That is why these two nights of volunteering by upwards of 45 residents are so important to the community. Think about volunteering for the next casino as you enjoy the comfort of these benches.

As outlined previously, we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Leash Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2005 and 2018. We have formed a committee of residents to undertake a determination of how to improve this park through design and facility additions reflecting its importance and ownership within our community. If you wish to comment on this process or be involved in future fundraising to preserve this park please let us know by emailing cambrianheights@gmail.com. This is a joint initiative by Cambrian Heights and Rosemont with support from the team at BentallGreenOak who manages the North Hill Mall.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on December 2. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

On behalf of the Cambrian Heights Board, we wish for you and your families the best of the December holiday season.

Remember Participation Sustains Your Community’s Livability

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Cooking Class November 2, 2019

Chef Don Turnbull hosted the second cooking class this year at Cambrian Heights’ new commercial kitchen. This time the focus was on autumn with the deboning of a turkey-sized for 16 and cooked with all the trimmings within 1.5 hours. In addition to the main meal, there was specially prepared soup and a delicious dessert. Don was helped by Nancy Else with her two daughters who served the main course with wine in the main hall with festive music. Everyone enjoyed the cooking, carving, and presentation secrets of Chef Don with active questions and answers throughout the evening. The demand for another event was unanimous. A few pictures below demonstrate the intimate atmosphere and wonderful food prepared that evening.


Home Based Trade Show October 16, 2019

For the second year, the Parents of Cambrian School were supported by the Cambrian Heights Community in their Home Based Trade Show fundraiser. This year the vendor space was sold out offering a variety of crafts and market merchandise. The event was a success as monies were raised to support activities for the children in the school. Krista Steinke and her team of volunteers worked diligently to help the vendors best display their merchandise. While pre-event advertising used their parental association social media and Cambrian Heights helped with their signage and social media output, foot traffic was lighter than the prior year. Efforts for additional street signage next year should help improve the attendance as will testaments from this year’s happy shoppers. The pictures below show some of the vendors and the setup in the community hall. Be sure to attend next year and mark on your calendars on November 7th.

Halloween Party October 26, 2019

This years Halloween Party and Dance was once again a great success. Over 140 attended the event with children of all ages involved in the costume contests, music and games. The DJ was great this year and helped create an enthusiastic evening for all. The pizza and treats the energy level remained high all evening. We want to thank Board members Jodi and Jennifer as overseers and to the new volunteers Mary Hopkins, Tammy Orsay, Iris Martinez and Merv Matson who managed the event planning and evening. Everyone was having too much fun to take pictures but the few we have are shown below.

President’s Message – November 2019

September witnessed continual activity at the Community Hall with the completion of upgrades to the lower and upper levels. We have attached pictures below highlighting the main Hall and kitchen areas. These upgrades were made with assistance from the City of Calgary through their Capital Conservation Grant Program and the Province through their Community Facility Enhancement Program. We would like to thank both Councillor Sean Chu and our MLA Jeremy Nixon for their support in obtaining supporting funding. The community funding for these additions came from the proceeds of our second quarter Casino fundraising through the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission program. This illustrates the importance to the Community of the Casino activity and our appreciation goes out to those volunteers that made it happen.

Upcoming Events

October 19 Home Based Trades 10 am – 3 pm Hall
October 26 Halloween Dance 6 – 9 pm Hall
November 2 Cooking Class 5 – 8 pm Hall
November 30 Lego Contest 12 – 2:30 pm Hall

The parents of Cambrian Elementry School have once again combined with the Community Association to host a market day consisting of your favourite catalogue home-based companies. This was a very successful event last year and is the main fundraising event for the parents to support children’s’ activity associated with the school. Please reference the poster in this month’s issue for details.

Again this Fall we hope to host our annual Halloween Dance and party for the children. At this point, we need new volunteers to help organize this event. If you are able to help in this regard please contact us at cambrianheights@gmail.com. The Halloween Dance is annually very popular and we encourage you to help sustain this event. If confirmed we encourage you to purchase your tickets in advance on our website (www.cambrianheightscommunity.com) to avoid the disappointment felt by a few last years as we reached hall capacity. Details of this event may be found in this newsletter issue or our website.

After the success enjoyed this spring we are scheduling another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull for Saturday, November 2. This class will feature fall recipes for turkey (including deboning), sweet potatoes, roasted Brussel sprouts with bacon and a seasonal dessert. Tickets are only $25 (members) and include the meal with wine. A poster with details for the event may be found in this issue. Only 16 tickets will be sold to enhance the intimate experience. Again these tickets will be available on our website.

Our weekly yoga program and our fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, Body Lift and new Barre Above) programs were restarted in September with evening times posted on our website and in the Newsletter. For more detailed information on these programs please check either of these sources.

We will once again be hosting our annual Lego contest on Saturday, November 30. This has become an ever increasingly popular event so we encourage you to check the poster in this issue or on the website. For further details do not hesitate to contact Nancy Else at nan-cy.else@gmail.com

In running the Community and both adding facilities and undertaking outdoor maintenance of our property we are always looking for volunteers to help out. Such recent items as trimming bushes and installing benches need volunteers for an afternoon of mild labour. If you are able to help out in such activities please register with us by contacting the Board of Directors through presi-dent@cambrianheightscommunity.com. Your efforts will contribute towards our ability to finance community facility improvements for the benefit of all residents and their families.

As outlined previously, we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Leash Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2005 and 2018. We are forming a committee of residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through de-sign and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership within our community. If you wish to be involved in this process please let us know by emailing cambrianheights@gmail.com. A few interested residents have come forward already. We will be focusing our development ide-as for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Off-Leash Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on October 7. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Sustains Your Community’s Livability

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Cambrian Heights Lego Contest 2019

Join us for the Cambrian Heights Lego Contest on

Saturday, November 30th
12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Prizes, Snacks, and Ribbons

To honour the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing our theme will be “Out of This World”

Event timing:

Drop Off: 12:00 pm – 12:45
Exhibit Judging: 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm
Exhibit Viewing and Refreshments: 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Exhibitor Ribbons and Grand Prize Draw: 2:30 pm
Exhibit Pick up: 2:30-3:00 pm

Age Categories:

3-4 years olds (Duplo is allowed for this category)
5-6 year olds
7-8 year olds
9-10 year olds
11-12 year olds
13 -14 year olds

If you are interested in judging you may contact Nancy Else at Nancy.else@gmail.com


  1. Entries are to be original designs. Not from a kit or by following instructions.
  2. For entries larger than 15 inches by 15 inches wide, and taller than 24 inches please contact the event coordinator in advance to ensure there is enough space.
  3. Names must be on all entries.
  4. Judges’ decisions are final.
  5. All entries must be constructed at home and brought to the hall.
  6. Ribbons will be given for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners.
  7. Each entry equals 1 chance to win a special prize.
  8. Lego-like pieces are acceptable.
  9. All children from any community are welcome.
  10. Contest will be limited to the first 100 children.
  11. All creations must be taken home on event day (no exceptions)
  12. All entries to be dropped off on event day (no exceptions)
  13. Limit of two entries per person.

Asado & Open Mic 2019: A great success!

On a beautiful September afternoon, we gathered with about 100 friends and neighbours to enjoy the process of creating a meal together, listening to music and sharing a glass of cheer.  This was our 2nd Asado Event and once again it was a great success and a party that went well into the evening. Pictures from the event are provided below. We thank Jim Tubman for his photography skills. We also thank all those who spent the day with us.

Ana, Glenn, Ben, Vivian, Peter, Al, Lara, Martina, Renette, Jeanette, Alyn, Carol, Jim, Dave, Lori, Leslie, Dave, Jen, Derek, Lynne, Angelique, Michelle, Sue, Chris, Daryl, all our kids, and so many others who joined in and lent a hand!

The Cambrian Heights Community Association especially salutes each of Jodi Dixon, Gray Kettle & Pablo Policzer for their tireless work as authors, organizers, cooks, setup, managers and cleanup supervisors for an event of this magnitude.

The Cambrian Heights Community Association and Ward 4 Community Event Fund supported the Asado by subsidizing all our tickets!  Thank you to our board members who work behind the scenes to keep Cambrian Heights connected.

Ross from Barbecues Galore, Jean at Salsita Mexican Food Market and Jordon at Kelly’s Specialty Meats generously supported our event!   When you visit them at their stores, take a moment to say hello, they’re really great people.


President’s Message – October 2019

September witnessed continual activity at the Community Hall with the completion of upgrades to the lower and upper levels. We have attached pictures below highlighting the main Hall and kitchen areas. These upgrades were made with assistance from the City of Calgary through their Capital Conservation Grant Program and the Province through their Community Facility Enhancement Program. We would like to thank both Councillor Sean Chu and our MLA Jeremy Nixon for their support in obtaining supporting funding. The community funding for these additions came from proceeds of our second quarter Casino fundraising through the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission program. This illustrates the importance to the Community of the Casino activity and our appreciation goes out to those volunteers that made it happen.

Upcoming Events

October 19 Home Based Trades 10 am – 3 pm Hall
October 26 Halloween Dance 6 – 9 pm Hall
November 2 Cooking Class 5 – 8 pm Hall
November 30 Lego Contest 12 – 2:30 pm Hall

The parents of Cambrian Elementry School have once again combined with the Community Association to host a market day consisting of your favourite catalogue home-based companies. This was a very successful event last year and is the main fundraising event for the parents to support children’s’ activity associated with the school. Please reference the poster in this months issue for details.

Again this Fall we hope to host our annual Halloween Dance and party for the children. At this point, we need new volunteers to help organize this event. If you are able to help in this regard please contact us at cambrianheights@gmail.com. The Halloween Dance is annually very popular and we encourage you to help sustain this event. If confirmed we encourage you to purchase your tickets in advance on our website (www.cambrianheightscommunity.com) to avoid the disappointment felt by a few last years as we reached hall capacity. Details of this event may be found in this newsletter issue or our website.

After the success enjoyed this spring we are scheduling another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull for Saturday, November 2. This class will feature fall recipes for turkey (including deboning), sweet potatoes, roasted Brussel sprouts with bacon and a seasonal dessert. Tickets are only $25 (members) and include the meal with wine. A poster with details for the event may be found in this issue. Only 16 tickets will be sold to enhance the intimate experience. Again these tickets will be available on our website.

Our weekly yoga program and our fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, Body Lift and new Barre Above) programs were restarted in September with evening times posted on our website and in the Newsletter. For more detailed information on these programs please check either of these sources.

We will once again be hosting our annual Lego contest on Saturday, November 30. This has become an ever increasingly popular event so we encourage you to check the poster in this issue or on the website. For further details do not hesitate to contact Nancy Else at nancy.else@gmail.com

In running the Community and both adding facilities and undertaking outdoor maintenance of our property we are always looking for volunteers to help out. Such recent items as trimming bushes and installing benches need volunteers for an afternoon of mild labour. If you are able to help out in such activities please register with us by contacting the Board of Directors through president@cambrianheightscommunity.com. Your efforts will contribute towards our ability to finance community facility improvements for the benefit of all residents and their families.

As outlined previously, we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Leash Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2005 and 2018. We are forming a committee of residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through design and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership within our community. If you wish to be involved in this process please let us know by emailing cambrianheights@gmail.com. A few interested residents have come forward already. We will be focusing our development ideas for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Off-Leash Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on October 7.  All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Sustains Your Community’s Livability

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA