President’s Message – November 2019

September witnessed continual activity at the Community Hall with the completion of upgrades to the lower and upper levels. We have attached pictures below highlighting the main Hall and kitchen areas. These upgrades were made with assistance from the City of Calgary through their Capital Conservation Grant Program and the Province through their Community Facility Enhancement Program. We would like to thank both Councillor Sean Chu and our MLA Jeremy Nixon for their support in obtaining supporting funding. The community funding for these additions came from the proceeds of our second quarter Casino fundraising through the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission program. This illustrates the importance to the Community of the Casino activity and our appreciation goes out to those volunteers that made it happen.

Upcoming Events

October 19 Home Based Trades 10 am – 3 pm Hall
October 26 Halloween Dance 6 – 9 pm Hall
November 2 Cooking Class 5 – 8 pm Hall
November 30 Lego Contest 12 – 2:30 pm Hall

The parents of Cambrian Elementry School have once again combined with the Community Association to host a market day consisting of your favourite catalogue home-based companies. This was a very successful event last year and is the main fundraising event for the parents to support children’s’ activity associated with the school. Please reference the poster in this month’s issue for details.

Again this Fall we hope to host our annual Halloween Dance and party for the children. At this point, we need new volunteers to help organize this event. If you are able to help in this regard please contact us at The Halloween Dance is annually very popular and we encourage you to help sustain this event. If confirmed we encourage you to purchase your tickets in advance on our website ( to avoid the disappointment felt by a few last years as we reached hall capacity. Details of this event may be found in this newsletter issue or our website.

After the success enjoyed this spring we are scheduling another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull for Saturday, November 2. This class will feature fall recipes for turkey (including deboning), sweet potatoes, roasted Brussel sprouts with bacon and a seasonal dessert. Tickets are only $25 (members) and include the meal with wine. A poster with details for the event may be found in this issue. Only 16 tickets will be sold to enhance the intimate experience. Again these tickets will be available on our website.

Our weekly yoga program and our fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, Body Lift and new Barre Above) programs were restarted in September with evening times posted on our website and in the Newsletter. For more detailed information on these programs please check either of these sources.

We will once again be hosting our annual Lego contest on Saturday, November 30. This has become an ever increasingly popular event so we encourage you to check the poster in this issue or on the website. For further details do not hesitate to contact Nancy Else at

In running the Community and both adding facilities and undertaking outdoor maintenance of our property we are always looking for volunteers to help out. Such recent items as trimming bushes and installing benches need volunteers for an afternoon of mild labour. If you are able to help out in such activities please register with us by contacting the Board of Directors through Your efforts will contribute towards our ability to finance community facility improvements for the benefit of all residents and their families.

As outlined previously, we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Leash Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2005 and 2018. We are forming a committee of residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through de-sign and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership within our community. If you wish to be involved in this process please let us know by emailing A few interested residents have come forward already. We will be focusing our development ide-as for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Off-Leash Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on October 7. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Sustains Your Community’s Livability

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – October 2019

September witnessed continual activity at the Community Hall with the completion of upgrades to the lower and upper levels. We have attached pictures below highlighting the main Hall and kitchen areas. These upgrades were made with assistance from the City of Calgary through their Capital Conservation Grant Program and the Province through their Community Facility Enhancement Program. We would like to thank both Councillor Sean Chu and our MLA Jeremy Nixon for their support in obtaining supporting funding. The community funding for these additions came from proceeds of our second quarter Casino fundraising through the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission program. This illustrates the importance to the Community of the Casino activity and our appreciation goes out to those volunteers that made it happen.

Upcoming Events

October 19 Home Based Trades 10 am – 3 pm Hall
October 26 Halloween Dance 6 – 9 pm Hall
November 2 Cooking Class 5 – 8 pm Hall
November 30 Lego Contest 12 – 2:30 pm Hall

The parents of Cambrian Elementry School have once again combined with the Community Association to host a market day consisting of your favourite catalogue home-based companies. This was a very successful event last year and is the main fundraising event for the parents to support children’s’ activity associated with the school. Please reference the poster in this months issue for details.

Again this Fall we hope to host our annual Halloween Dance and party for the children. At this point, we need new volunteers to help organize this event. If you are able to help in this regard please contact us at The Halloween Dance is annually very popular and we encourage you to help sustain this event. If confirmed we encourage you to purchase your tickets in advance on our website ( to avoid the disappointment felt by a few last years as we reached hall capacity. Details of this event may be found in this newsletter issue or our website.

After the success enjoyed this spring we are scheduling another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull for Saturday, November 2. This class will feature fall recipes for turkey (including deboning), sweet potatoes, roasted Brussel sprouts with bacon and a seasonal dessert. Tickets are only $25 (members) and include the meal with wine. A poster with details for the event may be found in this issue. Only 16 tickets will be sold to enhance the intimate experience. Again these tickets will be available on our website.

Our weekly yoga program and our fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, Body Lift and new Barre Above) programs were restarted in September with evening times posted on our website and in the Newsletter. For more detailed information on these programs please check either of these sources.

We will once again be hosting our annual Lego contest on Saturday, November 30. This has become an ever increasingly popular event so we encourage you to check the poster in this issue or on the website. For further details do not hesitate to contact Nancy Else at

In running the Community and both adding facilities and undertaking outdoor maintenance of our property we are always looking for volunteers to help out. Such recent items as trimming bushes and installing benches need volunteers for an afternoon of mild labour. If you are able to help out in such activities please register with us by contacting the Board of Directors through Your efforts will contribute towards our ability to finance community facility improvements for the benefit of all residents and their families.

As outlined previously, we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Leash Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2005 and 2018. We are forming a committee of residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through design and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership within our community. If you wish to be involved in this process please let us know by emailing A few interested residents have come forward already. We will be focusing our development ideas for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Off-Leash Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on October 7.  All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Sustains Your Community’s Livability

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – September 2019

July and August witnessed continual activity at the Community Hall with upgrades to lower and upper-level washrooms, replacement of all fluorescent lighting to energy-saving LED fixtures, painting and replacement of flooring over most of the main hall social and kitchen areas. These upgrades were made with assistance from the City of Calgary through their Capital Conservation Grant Program and the Province through their Community Facility Enhancement Program. We would like to thank both Councillor Sean Chu and our MLA Jeremy Nixon for their support in obtaining these funds. We have also added ceiling fans in our main hall for the comfort of large gatherings and our fitness programs. We are also planning to add additional seating for outdoor skating in the winter and McKnight soccer in the spring. The funds for these additions came from proceeds of our second quarter Casino fundraising through the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission program. The Hall will be available for viewing these upgrades in September.

Upcoming Events

September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall & Grounds
October 19 Home Based Trades 10 am – 3 pm Hall
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD Hall
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall
TBD Cooking Class Oct/Nov 5 – 8 pm Hall


Once again we will be starting our Fall social programs with another September Asado BBQ. I have enclosed a few pictures from last years event. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus music, singers, storey tellers, wine, cider and beer. This was a family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. Tickets must be purchased on our community website. We strongly recommend you do so quickly based upon our capacity limitations and experience from last year. If you would like to volunteer for this event or contribute to the music please contact Jodie Dixon ( and help make this another memorable family and neighbourhood event.

The parents of Cambrian Elementry School have once again combined with the Community Association to host a market day consisting of Home-Based Trades. This was a very successful event last year and is the main fundraising event for the parents to support children’s’ activity associated with the school. Please reference the poster in this months issue for details. Again this Fall we will host our annual Halloween Dance and Lego contest for the children. Details on both events will be published on the website during September. After the success enjoyed this spring we hope to have another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull. Stay tuned as more information on these events are posted on our website.

While our weekly yoga program was suspended for the July/August months along with with a reduced schedule four the weekly fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, and Body Lift ) these programs will be restarted in September with start times posted in our website and the Newsletter. For more detailed information on these programs please check our website.

As outlined previously we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Lease Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2005 and 2018. We will be looking for residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through design and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership to our community. If you wish to be involved or comment on this process please let us know by emailing A few interested residents have come forward already. We will be focusing our development ideas for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Off-Leash Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on October 7th. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – August 2019

July and August are quiet months for the Community Association as summer activities and vacations are enjoyed by all the directors and volunteers. There will however be activity at the Community Hall as some renovations and maintenance projects are undertaken. A major upgrading of lighting and flooring is scheduled along with some bathroom facilities improvements. These must be scheduled over the summer months while the Edelweiss Preparatory School is in recess.

Upcoming Events

September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall & Grounds
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD Hall
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall
TBD Cooking Class TBD Hall

Once again we will be starting our Fall social programs with another September Asado BBQ. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music, wine, cider and beer. This was a family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. If you would like to volunteer for this event or contribute to the music please contact Jodie Dixon ( and help make this another memorable family and neighbourhood event.

This Fall we will also host our annual Halloween Dance and Lego contest for the children. After the success enjoyed this spring we will have another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull. Stay tuned as more information on these events are posted on our website (

Our weekly yoga program will be suspended for the July/August months as will the four weekly fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, and Body Lift ) offered at the Hall in the early evenings. These programs will be started up in September with information posted in our website and the Newsletter. However, over the summer months, we will be offering Monday/Wednesday “Body Lift Method” classes. For more information check our website.

We wish to thank all the volunteers (John Lee, Peter Meyer, De Myer, Lara Wilson and Mike) plus our organizer Gary Wilson for the great job they once again did with our Spring Cleanup June 16.  A poster in this Newsletter summarizes the amount of waste and recyclables collected along with 54 kilograms of electronics. A great community event and a big thank you to all that participated. I have attached some pictures from the event including the small traffic jam on Northmount Drive.

As outlined previously we at Cambrian Heights have initiated a Community Parks focus to better develop, recognize and utilize our park spaces in the future. One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Lease Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2018. We will be looking for residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through design and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership to our community. If you wish to be involved or comment on this process please let us know by emailing We will be focusing our development ideas for this park space in the Fall in association with support from our neighbours at Rosemont and the team at Bentall Kennedy who manages the North Hill Mall. Please get involved if you value this current Dog Park and wish to maintain it for our use in the future.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on September 9th.  All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.


Remember Participation Builds Your Community

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – July 2019

July and August are quiet months for the Community Association as summer activities and vacations are enjoyed by all the directors and volunteers. There will however be activity at the Community Hall as some renovations and maintenance projects are undertaken. A major upgrading of lighting and flooring is scheduled along with some bathroom facilities improvements. These must be scheduled over the summer months while the Edelweiss Preparatory School is in recess.

On May 29-30 our major fundraising event was held at Casino Calgary. We wish to thank all volunteers who contributed their time to the critical fundraiser for Cambrian Heights. A special thanks go out to Sonya Hnatiw for her efforts in coordinating volunteers and the organizational planning. Without this fundraiser, your Community Association activities and facilities would not be able to continue operations as currently organized.

At the writing of this report, we were preparing for our Annual General Meeting June 11 and our fifth annual Spring Cleanup June 16 in association with Rosemont Community. We hope you were able to take advantage of these events and the Community wishes to again thank Gary Wilson for his organization of the Cleanup event.

Upcoming Events


September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall & Grounds
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD Hall
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall
TBD Cooking Class TBD Hall


Once again we will be starting our Fall social programs with another September Asado BBQ. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music, wine, cider and beer. This was a great family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. If you would like to volunteer for this event please contact Jodie Dixon ( and enjoy the full impact of this neighbourhood event.

This Fall we will once again host our annual Halloween Dance and Lego contest for the children. After the success enjoyed this spring we will have another Cooking Class hosted by Chef Don Turnbull. Stay tuned as more information on these events are posted on our website.

Our weekly yoga program will be suspended for the July/August months as will the four weekly fitness drop-in programs (Piloxing, Kickboxing, and Body Lift ) offered at the Hall in the early evenings. These programs will be started up in September with information posted on our website and the August Newsletter issue. However, over the summer months, we will be offering Monday/Wednesday “Body Lift Method” classes outdoors. For more information check our website or the poster in this months Newsletter.

In our last report, we highlighted the Jane’s Walk and our focus on community parks. In this context, we wish to name these various green spaces and improve their usage through consultation with residents. The attached photo’s show two members of the “Thursday Afternoon Classy Painters” enjoying Confederation Park in early May as a source of artistic inspiration. A great use of our parks.

One of our first focus areas will be the park on 10th Street and 32nd Avenue adjoining Queen’s Park Cemetery. This is currently an Off-Leash Dog Park and the focus of much controversy in 2018. We will be looking for residents who want to take part in determining how to improve this park through design and facility additions to reflect its importance and ownership to our community. If you wish to be involved or comment on this process please let us know by emailing

The next meeting of the Board will take place on September 9.  All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – June 2019

June will welcome summer and the end of an active social program for the community over the first 5 months of 2019. I hope you have been able to attend some of these events and appreciate the new friends you have met. We, of course, hope to continue and expand these events next year. Our latest event was Jane’s Walk on May 4th which focused on the green spaces and parks within Cambrian Heights and how we might better utilize, improve and better identify these valuable inner City Parks. Thanks to our three volunteers who made the event possible, Pablo Politzer, Vivian Stieda and Daryl Beatty the event drew 15 participants willing to venture out on a cool and wet Saturday afternoon. We thank all attendees for their spirit and input after the walk. Some pictures from the event are shown here and a full pictorial and details of the discussions are presented on our website ( In addition, should you want to get involved with ideas or join with us to improve our Parks facilities and design please contact the Community at

Another joint event will be held at the Community Hall sponsored by the Community Association and the Parents of Cambrian School. This first-ever Mother’s Day dance was scheduled for May 11th and focused on children with music, games and snacks. We hope you were able to attend.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on June 11 in the evening. At this meeting find out what is happening in the Community and vote to elect a Board of Directors and provide suggestions for programs and activities into 2020. Our fifth annual General Cleanup once again returns to a spring date and will continue to be a joint program with Rosemont Community. June 16 is Father’s Day and what better timing to finish off all those home projects and dispose of yard waste and items stored in the garage untouched for years. Again consult the Community website for details of disposable items and contact Gary Wilson at if you are able to lend a hand that morning.

Upcoming Events

June 11 AGM 7:30 – 9 pm Hall
June 16 Spring Cleanup 9 am – 1:30 pm Hall Parking Lot
September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall & Grounds
October 19 Home Based Trade show TBD Hall
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD Hall
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall

Over the summer months, we are planning Hall facility upgrades that will impact the use of the Hall. Once again we will be starting our Fall social programs with another September Asado BBQ. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music, wine, cider and beer. This was a great family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. This year we promise to anticipate the overflow attendance this event drew the first time. If you would like to volunteer for this event please contact Jodie Dixon ( and enjoy the full impact of this neighbourhood event.

We continue to offer our weekly Yoga program and four weekly fitness drop-in pro-grams (Piloxing, Kickboxing, and Body Lift ) offered at the Hall in the early evening. These programs are subsidized by the Community and are offered at very attractive pricing. Details of these programs may be found on our community website and we encourage your participation and commitment to staying healthy.

At our last Board of Directors meeting the Calgary Police Service reviewed the objectives of their Residential Traffic Service Unit. There is a poster in the June Newsletter outlining this information and indicating where any resident may report a traffic safety issue in their community at the website. There is more detailed information to be found on our community website. We encourage all residents to use this service when traffic safety issues are identified.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on September 9. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – May 2019

May will continue the active social event calendar that the Community Association and its volunteers have established for 2019. Our Jane’s walk on May 4th will focus on the green spaces and parks within Cambrian Heights and how we might better categorize utilize and name these areas. We will ask for your input as to what improvements might make these green spaces enhance their value to the Community. The focus will also be on the Dog Park that was the site of the Queen’s Park Cemetery proposed expansion in 2018 that was vigorously and successfully opposed by the area residents. We encourage everyone to come out for a mid-day walk and participate in formulating the future of these green spaces.

Also in May, a joint event will be held at the Community Hall sponsored by the Community Association and the Parents of Cambrian School. This first-ever Mother’s Day dance is scheduled for May 11th and focused on the children with music, games and snacks. We hope you will bring the family for this late afternoon event. More information may be found on our website ( or by contacting Krista Steinke (

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on June 11 in the evening. At this meeting find out what is happening in the Community and vote to elect a Board of Directors and provide suggestions for programs and activities into 2020. Our fifth annual General Cleanup once again returns to a spring date and will continue to be a joint program with Rosemont Community. June 16 is Father’s Day and what better timing to finish off all those home projects and dispose of yard waste and items stored in the garage untouched for years. Again consult the Community website for details of disposable items and contact Gary Wilson at if you are able to lend a hand that morning.

Upcoming Events

May 4 Jane’s Walk 11 am – 1 pm Meet at Hall
May 11 Mother’s Day Dance 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Meet at Hall
June 11 AGM 7:30 – 9 pm Hall
June 16 Spring Cleanup 9 am – 1:30 pm Meet at Hall
September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall
October 19 Home Based Trade show TBD
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall

On April 6 we held the Spring Wine event which featured fun wines to welcome in the freshness and warmth of the spring season. Highlander Wines & Spirits once again provided a sampling of exciting wines, education on their origins and excellent pricing on the ordering of these selected wines. Pictures of the attendees and accompanying charcuterie boards are shown. Participants enjoyed the casual nature of the evening, especially the efforts of Evan Hopkins, the Manager of Highlander’s North Hill store. Special thanks also go out to Barb Milne and her volunteers for making this fifth community wine tasting a memorable evening for all.

Over the summer months, we are planning on Hall facility upgrades that will impact the use of the Hall. Once again we will not be having a Stampede Breakfast but rather focusing on another September Asado BBQ. This was a
great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music, wine, cider and beer. This was a great family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. This year we promise to anticipate the full attendance this event drew the first time out

We continue to offer our weekly Yoga program or one of the four weekly exercise drop-in programs offered at the Hall in the early evening. Details of these programs may be found on our community website and we encourage your participation and commitment to stay healthy.

Our main fundraiser which supports the activities of the Community and maintenance of the Hall and grounds is our Casino, which this year will be at Calgary Casino on May 29 and 30. We are looking for volunteers for daytime and evening shifts. A meal is provided and most find the social aspects of the volunteering fun. Please contact Sonya ( for more information and/or to offer your one day or evening commitment to keeping your Community in a position to provide social and community planning programs that enhances Cambrian Heights as a great place to live and raise a family.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on May 6. This will be the last Board meeting until September. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – April 2019

April continues the active social event calendar that the Community Association and its volunteers have established in 2019. A first-ever Cooking Class on March 9th was a sold-out event hosted by Don Turnbull and his daughter Nancy Else. A total of 21 attendees witnessed the preparation and feasted on broccoli soup, Caesar salad, two different meat dishes with carrots and baby potatoes, plus delicious crepes to finish. Chef Don Turnbull impressed all with his preparation, meat carving, simple recipes and tricks in the kitchen. All attendees encouraged a repeat of this fun night.

Upcoming Events

May 4 Jane’s Walk 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Meet at Hall
May 11 Mother’s Day Dance 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Meet at Hall
June 11 AGM 7:30 – 9 pm Hall
June 16 Spring Cleanup 9 am – 1:30 pm Meet at Hall

Coming up on April 6 will be the Spring Wine event which will feature fun wines to welcome in the freshness and warmth of the spring season. Highlander will once again provide a sampling of exciting wines, education on their origins and excellent pricing on the ordering of these selected wines. Attendance will be limited to 40 community members and their guests.

On Saturday, May 4 we will once again sponsor a Jane’s Walk, this year focusing on our Community Parks and how to better promote their use as a valuable resource for Cambrian Heights. We encourage everyone to come out for a mid-day walk and to learn and participate in formulating the future of these green spaces.

The Cambrian Heights School Parents will be sponsoring a Mother’s Day Family Dance at the Community Hall with the support of the Community Association. We hope you will bring the family for this late afternoon event focused on children, music and dancing. More information may be found on our website ( or from Krista Steinke (

May’s events will be followed up with our Annual General Meeting on June 11 in the evening. At this meeting find out what is happening in the Community and vote to elect a Board of Directors and provide suggestions for programs and activities into 2020. Our fifth annual General Cleanup once again returns to a spring date and will continue to be a joint program with Rosemont Community. May 16 is Father’s Day and what better timing to finish off all those home projects and dispose of yard waste and all those items stored in the garage and untouched for years. Again consult the Community website for details of disposable items and contact Gary Wilson at if you are able to lend a hand that morning.

Over the summer months, we are planning on Hall facility upgrades that will impact the use of the Hall. Once again we will not be having a Stampede Breakfast but rather focusing on another September Asado BBQ. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music wine, cider and beer. A family affair that lasted well into the evening.

We continue to offer our weekly Yoga program or one of the four weekly exercise drop-in programs offered at the Hall in the early evening. Details of these programs may be found on our community website and we encourage your participation and commitment to stay healthy.

Our main fundraiser which supports the activities of the Community and maintenance of the Hall and grounds is our Casino, which this year will be at Calgary Casino on May 29 and 30. We are again looking for volunteers for daytime and evening shifts. A meal is provided and most find the social aspects of the volunteering fun. Please contact Sonya ( or Dan Vallee ( for more information and/or to offer your one day or evening commitment to keeping your Community in a position to provide social and community planning programs that enhance Cambrian Heights as a place to live and raise a family.

A big thank you must go out to our Rink Rats lead again by Scott Jacobson and his hard-working group of volunteers. The two ice surfaces were appreciated by all and we received many compliments on the ice quality. If you want to get involved next year please send Scott a message at

The next meetings of the Board will take place on April 1 and May 6. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – March 2019

March brings a hint of Spring coming combined with winter’s last blasts as thoughts turn towards baseball and soccer and increased daylight. At Cambrian Heights, we are adding events in March through June. Please see the updated upcoming events listing in the newsletter. The annual Polar Party in January was once again a great outdoor event for the family with great weather free ice skates provided and hot chocolate and music to entertain. For the second year, the Cambrian School Parents participated with a Chilli contest in addition to crafts plus a baked goods and pizza fundraiser inside the Hall.

On Saturday, February 9, a Volunteer Appreciation Night was held at the Community Hall. Over 24 previous volunteers and interested guests braved the cold temperatures and visited with Board members and enjoyed some games and glasses of wine with cheese, cakes and hot appetizers.

The value of volunteering cannot be over-emphasized and our appreciation to these Cambrian Heights residents warrants such a thank you. Please look to involve yourselves in future community activities and meet these neighbours. March’s event will be our first Cooking Class in the Hall’s now “commercial” kitchen facilities. All attendees (maximum 20) will benefit from Chef Don Turnbull’s 30- plus years of instructing the art of cooking for the family. Meals will be prepared, recipes provided, and wine served with the finished product including desert. We hope to have more of these classes in the future and anticipate our residents will take advantage of these practical cooking classes.

Future events include the Spring Wine Event in April featuring fresh whites, rosé and pinot noirs to taste along with fine cheeses and enhanced with wine knowledge and discounted sales provided by Highlander Wines & Spirits. In early May, we are hoping to host a Jane’s Walk focusing on our community park space and future usage. A community Spring Cleanup date in late May or early June has once again been planned in partnership with Rosemont Community. June will conclude our programs before summer with our Annual General Meeting. Attending this meeting remains a great way to find out what is happening in the Community, visit with existing directors and contribute ideas for future programs and events.

We continue to offer our weekly Yoga program or one of the three weekly exercise drop-in programs offered at the Hall in the early evening. Details of these programs may be found on our community website.

We added two new Board members in February, Sue Bromley and Kevin Outhet who have come forth based on our recent requests for volunteers to fulfil certain roles on the Board. We remain in need of a Casino and Social Director and of course welcome those wanting to contribute through joining the Board but holding no specific role. New volunteers with energy and ideas are always welcome. For more information please contact

Our main fundraiser which supports the activities of the Community and maintenance of the Hall and grounds is our Casino, which this year will be at Calgary Casino on May 29 and 30. We are again looking for volunteers for daytime and evening shifts. A meal is provided and most find the social aspects of the volunteering much fun. Please contact Sonya ( or Dan Vallee ( for more information.

The next meetings of the Board will take place on April 1 and May 6. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember: Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

President’s Message – February 2019

While February generally brings Calgary a continued blast of winter your Community Board is busy planning events and programs for the remainder of 2019 as well as planning summer renovations at our hall. At the writing of this report, we are looking forward to the Polar party being associated this year with Cambrian Elementry School.

Upcoming Events

Polar Party – January 26, 1:00AM – 2:00PM – Hall & Outdoor Ice

Volunteer Pub – February 9, 7:00PM – 9:00PM – Hall

Cooking Class – March 9, 5:00PM – 9:00PM – Hall

Wine Event – April 6, 7:30PM – 9:30PM – Hall

AGM – June 11, 7:30PM  – 9:00PM – Hall

Asado BBQ – September 14, 3:00PM – 9:00PM – Hall & Grounds

Community Cleanup – (date to be determined by City)

The annual Polar Party was once again a great outdoor event for the family with free ice skates provided and hot chocolate and music to entertain. For the second year, the Cambrian School Parents participated with a ChiIli contest in addition to crafts plus baked goods and pizza fundraiser inside the Hall.

These pictures were taken over the holidays as families enjoyed the outdoor ice rinks. Great thanks go to our Rink Rates headed up by Scott Jacobson and Ryan Bowen for the tireless effort and the cold winter evenings working to keep our two rinks at peak condition.

In terms of New Year’s resolutions, please drop in at our weekly Yoga program or one of the three weekly exercise programs offered at the Hall in the early evening. Details of these programs may be found on our website.

Also on February 9th, we have scheduled a Volunteer Appreciation evening for all those that have volunteered from the Community at special events, Casino’s or during the “Dog Park” issue this past spring. Please come out and share complimentary beverages and food in a Pub style atmosphere with the Board members to discuss past successes, issues of concern and future event ideas. Feel free to bring a guest who may benefit from the evening.

Our Hall now has full commercial kitchen status having passed both health and safety inspections. As such we are scheduling our first ever cooking class March 9in the evening. Only 20 tickets will be sold, so stay tuned for details and ticket purchase on our website.

We are planning another Wine Event on April 6, the details of which will be published next month. These are always popular and tickets will be available on our website. Our Annual General Meeting will be held June 11 and is an excellent opportunity to catch up on happenings that impact your community. Due to planned renovations at the Hall, we will once again not be holding a Stampede Breakfast. However, we will be repeating our highly successful Asado BBQ on September 14. Please check our website for updates and details of all events. Volunteering for setup, takedown or general assistance is an excellent way to make sure such events continue and to meet other members of the community.

In February we anticipate adding two new Board members who have come forth based on our recent requests for volunteers to fulfil certain roles. We remain in need of a Casino and Social Director and of course welcome those wanting to contribute through joining the Board but holding no specific role. New volunteers with energy and ideas are always welcome. For more information please contact .

Our main fundraiser which supports the activities of the Community and maintenance of the Hall and grounds is our Casino, which this year will be at Calgary Casino on May 29 and 30. We are looking for volunteers for daytime and evening shifts. Please contact Sonya ( or Dan Vallee ( for more information.

The next meetings of the Board will take place March 4 and April 1. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA