Jane’s Walk Concours Wet Cool Weather!

Despite wet and cool conditions, the Cambrian Heights Community Jane’s Walk took place Saturday, May 4. After an introduction to the Green Spaces theme, 15 interested residents and non-residents ventured outdoors to visit six existing park areas within a short distance of the Community Hall.

The walk focused on the concepts of identification of the green spaces through naming, how to increase usage through different events or improved access, what changes/additions might be made to tree and shrub design and what facility additions (benches, gardens, picnic facilities, exercise stations, fire pits, community poster boards) might encourage all ages access and usage. Of particular focus was the Off-Leash Dog Park and what additions might make it more useful for all ages of pet owners.

After almost a 2 hour walk and outdoor discussion, the participants retreated to the warmth of the Hall for coffee and treats, and engaged in a session of documenting their thoughts and recording of specific ideas relating to each park space.

This Jane’s Walk was the kick-off to our Community objective of reviewing all our parks and green spaces and deciding, through consultation of community residents of all ages, what might be undertaken to encourage more usage through the day to day access and event inspired attractions. If you want to get involved with this process or have thoughts about these concepts feel free to contact the Community Association through cambrianheights@gmail.com

Jane’s Walk 2019

Green Spaces in Cambrian Heights

Cambrian Heights has more green space than most communities in Calgary, including beautiful parks and open vistas. These spaces are one of the key reasons people choose to live in Cambrian Heights. In this walk, we’ll visit some of the main green spaces in the community and discuss which ones work and which could work better. Join us to contribute your ideas and help us discuss this vital aspect of our community.

When: Saturday, May 04 1:00 pm

Meeting Place: Cambrian Heights Community Centre, 600 Northmount Drive N.W.

Finish Point: Cambrian Heights Community Centre, 600 Northmount Drive N.W.

Walk Duration: 2 Hours

Areas of Interest: Urbanism, Architecture, History, Environment

Led By: Daryl Beatty, Pablo Policzer, Vivian Stieda

Walk Route

We’ll be starting from point A and ending at point E

A: Cambrian Heights Community Centre, 600 Northmount Drive N.W.

B: Cambrian Heights Elementary School

C: Cornwallis Drive NW

D: Cardiff Drive NW

E: Cambrian Heights Community Centre, 600 Northmount Drive N.W.

President’s Message – May 2019

May will continue the active social event calendar that the Community Association and its volunteers have established for 2019. Our Jane’s walk on May 4th will focus on the green spaces and parks within Cambrian Heights and how we might better categorize utilize and name these areas. We will ask for your input as to what improvements might make these green spaces enhance their value to the Community. The focus will also be on the Dog Park that was the site of the Queen’s Park Cemetery proposed expansion in 2018 that was vigorously and successfully opposed by the area residents. We encourage everyone to come out for a mid-day walk and participate in formulating the future of these green spaces.

Also in May, a joint event will be held at the Community Hall sponsored by the Community Association and the Parents of Cambrian School. This first-ever Mother’s Day dance is scheduled for May 11th and focused on the children with music, games and snacks. We hope you will bring the family for this late afternoon event. More information may be found on our website (www.cambrianheightscommunity.com) or by contacting Krista Steinke (kristasteinke@live.com).

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on June 11 in the evening. At this meeting find out what is happening in the Community and vote to elect a Board of Directors and provide suggestions for programs and activities into 2020. Our fifth annual General Cleanup once again returns to a spring date and will continue to be a joint program with Rosemont Community. June 16 is Father’s Day and what better timing to finish off all those home projects and dispose of yard waste and items stored in the garage untouched for years. Again consult the Community website for details of disposable items and contact Gary Wilson at gary@garywilson.ca if you are able to lend a hand that morning.

Upcoming Events

May 4 Jane’s Walk 11 am – 1 pm Meet at Hall
May 11 Mother’s Day Dance 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Meet at Hall
June 11 AGM 7:30 – 9 pm Hall
June 16 Spring Cleanup 9 am – 1:30 pm Meet at Hall
September 14 Asado BBQ 3 – 9 pm Hall
October 19 Home Based Trade show TBD
October 26 Halloween Dance TBD
November 2 Lego Contest 11 am – 3 pm Hall

On April 6 we held the Spring Wine event which featured fun wines to welcome in the freshness and warmth of the spring season. Highlander Wines & Spirits once again provided a sampling of exciting wines, education on their origins and excellent pricing on the ordering of these selected wines. Pictures of the attendees and accompanying charcuterie boards are shown. Participants enjoyed the casual nature of the evening, especially the efforts of Evan Hopkins, the Manager of Highlander’s North Hill store. Special thanks also go out to Barb Milne and her volunteers for making this fifth community wine tasting a memorable evening for all.

Over the summer months, we are planning on Hall facility upgrades that will impact the use of the Hall. Once again we will not be having a Stampede Breakfast but rather focusing on another September Asado BBQ. This was a
great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music, wine, cider and beer. This was a great family affair that lasted well into the evening as the musicians were outstanding. This year we promise to anticipate the full attendance this event drew the first time out

We continue to offer our weekly Yoga program or one of the four weekly exercise drop-in programs offered at the Hall in the early evening. Details of these programs may be found on our community website and we encourage your participation and commitment to stay healthy.

Our main fundraiser which supports the activities of the Community and maintenance of the Hall and grounds is our Casino, which this year will be at Calgary Casino on May 29 and 30. We are looking for volunteers for daytime and evening shifts. A meal is provided and most find the social aspects of the volunteering fun. Please contact Sonya (hnatiw13@shaw.ca) for more information and/or to offer your one day or evening commitment to keeping your Community in a position to provide social and community planning programs that enhances Cambrian Heights as a great place to live and raise a family.

The next meeting of the Board will take place on May 6. This will be the last Board meeting until September. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Participation Builds Your Community: An Interview with Jennifer Manns

What long-time Board Member has to say about volunteering for the Community:

Why did you Volunteer in Cambrian Heights?

I first became a Board Member over 12 years ago at an Annual General Meeting. I was one of the only attendees of the meeting so I was able to get a good sense of what the Board did and the real need for Volunteers.  I was asked if I wanted to help out and I said “Yes!”
 I had a young family at the time and as we had enjoyed many Community functions, I thought it was important to be part of the Association to make sure others were able to enjoy these events as well! I started as the Cambrian Heights School Liason as our kids went to the school and it was a good fit. I then became the Membership Coordinator and continue to hold that position and have helped out and attended many events.
What Benefit do you derive from participation in the Community? 
I have found that being a member of the Community Association has allowed me to be more connected to our neighbourhood. We have lived in Cambrian Heights for over 23 years and being part of the board over stages in our life has been a great way to build friendships, have a voice in your community and how it evolves over time and give back to others.
I found that by volunteering that you really are an important cog in the community, ensuring there are resources to run the facility and events to build and sustain that community. I have a special fondness for the Annual Halloween Party and have been involved in running it for over 10 years.
Why would I recommend that others participate? 
The Community Association is about Building Community and engaging with others. In this age of technology, Netflix and so many activities available outside your community, it’s important to get out of your bubble to make sure that you are an active part of the place you live.
The Community Association is ALL volunteer run! Board members, like other community members, have active busy lives, with kids, work, activities and hobbies and so the more people we get involved, the less effort is required. “Many hands make light work!”
I would encourage all residents that if you have ever attended and enjoyed any community programs or events that you consider volunteering at an event. Even cleaning up after the event is welcomed! I am positive you will meet someone new and have a good time!
What is the monthly time commitment? 
In addition to our monthly meetings, my Membership position takes a couple of hours a month.
The rest of the time I volunteer is based on what I can provide to help out with ongoing events. Again, I appreciate the time donated by those who have stepped up to try out a new idea or organize an event, so I will help out when I can. By organizing ticket sales prior to the event, volunteering at the event, or set up or take down. It is really up to you how much time you can provide. And it is always very much appreciated!

Wine Tasting Event 2019 was a success!

The Community held its fifth wine tasting event on Saturday, April 6 at the Community Hall. This years theme was Spring wines and featured selected wines from Italy, France, Canada and Spain. Highlander Wine & Spirits once again provided an informal discussion on each wine’s origins, history and the ability to order bottles by participants at a significant discount to the posted prices. The wines were matched with cheese provided by Springbank Cheese to which were added selected meats accompanied by breads, crackers and dried fruits. Everyone enjoyed meeting with Evan Hopkins from the North Hill Highlander store and requested the Community Association continue to sponsor this excellent evening event.

President’s Message – April 2019

April continues the active social event calendar that the Community Association and its volunteers have established in 2019. A first-ever Cooking Class on March 9th was a sold-out event hosted by Don Turnbull and his daughter Nancy Else. A total of 21 attendees witnessed the preparation and feasted on broccoli soup, Caesar salad, two different meat dishes with carrots and baby potatoes, plus delicious crepes to finish. Chef Don Turnbull impressed all with his preparation, meat carving, simple recipes and tricks in the kitchen. All attendees encouraged a repeat of this fun night.

Upcoming Events

May 4 Jane’s Walk 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Meet at Hall
May 11 Mother’s Day Dance 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Meet at Hall
June 11 AGM 7:30 – 9 pm Hall
June 16 Spring Cleanup 9 am – 1:30 pm Meet at Hall

Coming up on April 6 will be the Spring Wine event which will feature fun wines to welcome in the freshness and warmth of the spring season. Highlander will once again provide a sampling of exciting wines, education on their origins and excellent pricing on the ordering of these selected wines. Attendance will be limited to 40 community members and their guests.

On Saturday, May 4 we will once again sponsor a Jane’s Walk, this year focusing on our Community Parks and how to better promote their use as a valuable resource for Cambrian Heights. We encourage everyone to come out for a mid-day walk and to learn and participate in formulating the future of these green spaces.

The Cambrian Heights School Parents will be sponsoring a Mother’s Day Family Dance at the Community Hall with the support of the Community Association. We hope you will bring the family for this late afternoon event focused on children, music and dancing. More information may be found on our website (www.cambrianheightscommunity.com) or from Krista Steinke (kristasteinke@live.com).

May’s events will be followed up with our Annual General Meeting on June 11 in the evening. At this meeting find out what is happening in the Community and vote to elect a Board of Directors and provide suggestions for programs and activities into 2020. Our fifth annual General Cleanup once again returns to a spring date and will continue to be a joint program with Rosemont Community. May 16 is Father’s Day and what better timing to finish off all those home projects and dispose of yard waste and all those items stored in the garage and untouched for years. Again consult the Community website for details of disposable items and contact Gary Wilson at gary@garywilson.ca if you are able to lend a hand that morning.

Over the summer months, we are planning on Hall facility upgrades that will impact the use of the Hall. Once again we will not be having a Stampede Breakfast but rather focusing on another September Asado BBQ. This was a great success last year with Chilean style outdoor barbecued lamb, pig and vegetables plus open mike music wine, cider and beer. A family affair that lasted well into the evening.

We continue to offer our weekly Yoga program or one of the four weekly exercise drop-in programs offered at the Hall in the early evening. Details of these programs may be found on our community website and we encourage your participation and commitment to stay healthy.

Our main fundraiser which supports the activities of the Community and maintenance of the Hall and grounds is our Casino, which this year will be at Calgary Casino on May 29 and 30. We are again looking for volunteers for daytime and evening shifts. A meal is provided and most find the social aspects of the volunteering fun. Please contact Sonya (hnatiw13@shaw.ca) or Dan Vallee (danvallee@gmail.com) for more information and/or to offer your one day or evening commitment to keeping your Community in a position to provide social and community planning programs that enhance Cambrian Heights as a place to live and raise a family.

A big thank you must go out to our Rink Rats lead again by Scott Jacobson and his hard-working group of volunteers. The two ice surfaces were appreciated by all and we received many compliments on the ice quality. If you want to get involved next year please send Scott a message at scottcolleenj@gnmail.com.

The next meetings of the Board will take place on April 1 and May 6. All residents are welcome to attend. These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 PM.

Remember Participation Builds Your Community.
Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

Our first Cooking Class was a hit!

The Cambrian Heights Community held its first Cooking Class in the Hall’s newly completed commercial kitchen on Saturday evening March 9. The Event was sold out with 21 participants attending. Chef Don Turnbull prepared a full course dining experience with broccoli soup, Caesar salad, roast pork, pork schnitzel, baby potatoes and carrots. For dessert crepes were prepared with strawberry topping. The meal, prepared and cooked by Chef Don, was accompanied by instructions, stories and kitchen tips for all to learn and enjoy. Detailed recipes were handed out and many notes were taken. Glasses of wine were provided to accompany the food which was relished by all participants. The three hours ended with spontaneous applause and urging for additional cooking classes in the future.
Pictures of the event and food are shown below:

Volunteer Appreciation Night 2019 was a success!

Despite some chilly temperatures the Volunteer Appreciation Night on Saturday, February 9 met with good success. Over 25 volunteers attended the evening of wine, food and games. Thanks to Barb Milne and Jodie Dixon everyone shared stories from the neighbourhood, laughed with the team trivia games and enjoyed a social thank you to our volunteers. New ideas for community events and particularly improved use of our parks space came out of the evening.

This will definitely be an event repeated in the future. Thanks to all who came and helped out with the appreciation event.

Nose Hill Park Clean-Up

Join your community on Sunday, May 19th from 1 pm – 5 pm for Nose Hill Park Clean-Up!

Save your future.

Park clean-up kits will be provided for everyone.

Please RSVP to simonl15@educbe.ca by May 10th

Invite your friends and family too!


Participation Builds Your Community: An Interview with Barb Milne

What long-time Board Member has to say about volunteering for the Community:

Why did you volunteer in Cambrian Heights?

My relationship with the board began around 15 years ago when I contacted the community for support in protesting an eighty-foot cell tower that Bell Mobility was proposing on Northmount Dr. near 40th Avenue. In a community of bungalows, this height was the equivalent of an 8 storey building. Also, we already had three towers within a mile of this site. With cooperation in picketing the carwash site and circulating a petition, we successfully defeated the proposal. Later, I wanted to give something back, and I have sat on the board as the newsletter contact, ever since.

What benefit do you derive from participation in the Community?

I have gotten to know so many neighbours while working together on different initiatives, from setting up bridge classes to wine tastings. This forges a more meaningful sense of what community is.

Monthly time commitment?

We meet as a board 10 times a year, for 1 to 2 hours. Extra projects, such as helping with the AGM, or buying refreshments for an event might take another 8 or10 hours. I have enjoyed helping when I can, and if time does not allow and I am unable to help, I have never felt any pressure.

Why would I recommend that others participate?

Before I joined the board, I felt little connection to the larger community. I have since gained a voice in the month to month workings of the board and have gotten to know my fellow board members, as well as many residents. Seeing our community through the lens of others is an opportunity to appreciate what we have from multiple perspectives.

Please contact Daryl Connolly at president@cambrianheightscommunity.com for more information on how you can help. We have openings for board positions.