President’s Message – November 2016

Upcoming Events at Cambrian Heights Hall

Oct. 29 Halloween Party 6-9pm Coordinators Req’d
Nov. 17 Fall Open House 7:30-9:30pm Beer/Cider Tasting
Jan. 28 Polar Party TBD Volunteers Req’d
Feb. 11 Game Night TBD Volunteers Req’d
March 10 Wine Tasting 7:30 – 9:30 Volunteers Req’d


For more information or to rsvp email or call (403) 284-1175.

President’s Message – November 2016

Our first event of the fall was the Picnic/BBQ on September 17 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Cambrian Heights Community. This event was a great success made even more so by the attendance of Mayor Naheed Nenshi and our Ward 7 Council representative Druh Farrell. Both represented the City well engaging in heart felt conversations with, in particular, the many seniors in attendance many of whom had been the first residents of Cambrian Heights. A lunch and celebration cake was enjoyed by all the adults while the children participated in the games and activities provided. Inside the hall we developed a community historic display in addition to period artifacts from the 50’s and free period photo’s for all as a remembrance of the event. The City of Calgary presented the Community with a commemorative 60th Anniversary plaque. Photo’s of the event may be found on our website at

This was followed by a first ever Women’s Health & Wellness event on October 13. This provided to the attendees  both stretch and dance movements and makeup and lashes provided by local merchants. In addition, a wine tasting capped the evening and was provided by Northmount Liquor Store. It is anticipated that this initial event will lead to a series of such events into 2017.

This program is being directed by Dr. Selma Mitha, who received a Doctorate of Chiropractic from the Southern California University of Health Sciences and is the owner of Kind Care Life. More information may be obtained by emailing

On October 29 we will host at the Community Hall our annual Halloween Party. This has been a very popular program for the children over the years. To ensure this continuing event we are urgently in need of volunteers and Coordinators who wish to help organize and introduce new ideas and activities. Please contact our Social Director Jodi Dixon ( if you have any questions or wish to contribute.

The Community will also be hosting an Open house on November 17. At the Open House we will highlight the Community activities including City initiatives that will impact the community over the next few years. If you are at all interested in your community and perhaps at some point getting involved we welcome your attendance. If you have issues come and be heard as well. After the formal portion of the meeting, we will be hosting informal conversations with the directors and will be providing various beers and ciders as refreshment.

The Community Association continues to offer a $100 grant for community block parties. Application for this Grant may be made through the community email address. Costs will be reimbursed (excluding alcoholic beverages) with receipts pertaining to organized block parties with broad attendance of all age groups. We encourage you to access this funding and create your own block event for fall or winter. Check our website for pictures of a recent block party.

As we have previously discussed in these monthly messages our Planning Committee continues to be actively monitoring the issuance of Development Permits (“DP’s”) by the City in our community. This activity covers the gauntlet from secondary suites in RC-1 neighbourhoods, to best guidelines for maintaining the identity of our community with growth and densification, to long-term transportation issues. Everyone should remain vigilant as to development within their streets as activity is picking up as old houses sell and redevelopment occurs. If there are questions or concerns write to the community association ( or contact Daryl Beatty or Gary Wilson of the Planning Committee.

We have recently initiated a Facebook page to help communications and stimulate informational sharing amongst residents of the Community. It is under “Groups” with an address of cambrianheightscommunity. Please register for the Group and join this conversational page and share your thoughts and insights about where you live.

We continue to encourage all residents to participate in the community activities and future events and program planning by joining the association and communicating your suggestions either through emails or by attending one of our Board meetings which are always open for residents. If you are interested in exploring involvement with the Board or any specific volunteer activity please contact us at our email address. The next meeting will take place Monday November 7 at the Georgina Thomson  building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;

Daryl Connolly, President

Community 60th Anniversary Celebration

On September 16 the Cambrian Heights Community celebrated the 60th anniversary of the community’s first houses being built in 1956. The celebration featured games for the children, a picnic buffet lunch, free period photo’s, a historic community display and both period music and artifacts. A highlight was the attendance of our Ward 7 Councilwomen Druh Farrell who presented the Community with a 60th Anniversary commemorative plaque. A surprise visit by Mayor Naheed Nenshi was well received by all as he made his way through the crowd initiating conversations and allowing many pictures to be taken. Both guests made a short speech which was much appreciated by all especially the many original residents of the community who attended the event.

Many thanks go out to our Social Director Jodi Dixon and her volunteer committee for this very successful and well-attended event. 

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President’s Message – October 2016

Upcoming Events at Cambrian Heights Hall

Oct. 13 Wine Women’s Health Workshop 7-9pm Pre Event Tickets
Oct. 29 Halloween Party 6-10pm Coordinators Required
Nov. 17 Fall Open House 7:30-9:30pm Beer/Cider Tasting

For more information or to rsvp email or call (403) 284-1175.

President’s Message – October 2016

With the start of a new season for the Community, we look back on a very successful year of events and growth in Cambrian Heights. The annual Stampede Breakfast was a great success with over 300 guests well fed and entertained despite threatening weather. Earlier in the year our second annual Winter Skating Party and first ever Wine Tasting were successful and well-attended events. Our AGM was well attended with active discussion during the refreshments after the formal meeting. A Pub Night was initiated in May this year and hopes for attendance improvement will be fulfilled with a second event this fall or winter. A series of very well-attended seminars on the planting and caring of trees and shrubs put on by the City and hosted at the Community Halls was completed this June as we continued to provide new programs for our Community.

Our second Annual Spring Clean-up Event in June held in association with Rosemont Community was as in prior years rewarding with over 5600kgs of metal, 5000kgs of organics, 9520kgs of garbage and 1458kgs of electronic disposed of efficiently and environmentally.

Our first event of the fall will be a Picnic/BBQ on September 17 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Cambrian Heights Community. We will follow this with a Women’s Health & Wellness event on October 13. This will hopefully initiate a new health-focused program series the first of which is scheduled for November. This program is being directed by Dr. Selma Mitha, who received a Doctorate of Chiropractic from the Southern California University of Health Sciences and is the owner of Kind Care Life. More information may be obtained by emailing

On October 29 we will host at the Community Hall our annual Halloween Party. This has been a very popular program for the children over the years. To ensure this continuing event we are urgently in need of volunteers and Coordinators who wish to help organize and introduce new ideas and activities. Please contact our Social Director Jodi Dixon ( if you have any questions or wish to contribute.

The Community will also be hosting an Open house and Beer/Cider tasting on November 17. At the Open House we will highlight the Community activities including City initiatives that will impact the community over the next few years. If you are at all interested in your community and perhaps at some point getting involved we welcome your attendance. If you have issues come and be heard as well. There will be both a formal and informal aspect to this event.

The Community Association continues to offer a $100 grant for community block parties. Application for this Grant may be made through the community email address. Costs will be reimbursed (excluding alcoholic beverages) with receipts pertaining to organized block parties with broad attendance of all age groups. We encourage you to access this funding and create your own block event for fall or winter.

As we have previously discussed in these monthly messages our Planning Committee continues to be active monitoring the issuance of Development Permits (“DP’s”) by the City in our community. This activity covers the gauntlet from secondary suites in RC-1 neighbourhoods, to best guidelines for maintaining the identity of our community with the growth and densification, to long-term transportation issues. Everyone should remain vigilant as to developments within their streets and if there are questions or concerns write to the community association ( or contact Daryl Beatty or Gary Wilson of the Planning Committee.

We continue to encourage all residents to participate in the community activities and future events and program planning by joining the association and communicating your thoughts either through emails or by attending one of our Board meetings which are always open for residents. In addition, we have recently initiated a Facebook page to help communicate and stimulate such activity. Our Secretary for the Board has indicated he will not be returning next year. If you are interested in exploring this volunteer position or others please contact us at our email address. The next meeting will take place Monday, October 2 at the Georgina Thomson  building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;

Daryl Connolly, President

President’s Message – September 2016

Upcoming Events at Cambrian Heights Hall

September 17 Community 60th Anniversary BBQ 12-3pm Volunteers needed
October 29 Halloween Party 6-10pm Coordinators required
Nov. 17 Fall Open House 7:30-9:30pm

For more information, rsvp or volunteer visit: or call (403) 284-1175.

President’s Message – September 2016

With the start of a new year for the Community we look back on a very successful year of events and growth in Cambrian Heights. The annual Stampede Breakfast was a great success with over 300 guests well feed and entertained despite threatening weather. Earlier in the year our second annual Winter Skating Party and first ever Wine Tasting were successful and well-attended events. Our AGM was well attended with active discussion during the refreshments after the formal meeting. A Pub Night was initiated in May this year and hopes for attendance improvement will be fulfilled with a second event this fall or winter. A series of very well-attended seminars on the planting and caring of trees and shrubs put on by the City and hosted at the Community Halls was completed this June as we continued to search for new programs for our Community.

Our second Annual Spring Clean-up Event in June held in association with Rosemont Community was as in prior years rewarding with over 5600kgs of metal, 5000kgs of organics, 9520kgs of garbage and 1458kgs of electronic disposed of efficiently and environmentally.

We are currently organizing a Picnic/BBQ on September 17 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Cambrian Heights Community. We will be providing catered beef on a bun, drinks, veggies, fruit and cake for a nominal charge of $5. This will be a family affair with games and activities planned for both the adults and children. Lazar tag, field games, mini golf, a bouncy house for youngsters, a 50’s photo booth and a retree booth providing tree tours will highlight the afternoon. If you wish to help out with this event please contact Jodi Dixon at .

Upcoming on October 29 will be our annual Halloween Party. To ensure this continuing event we are urgently in need of volunteers and Coordinators who wish to help organize and introduce new ideas and activities. Please contact our Social Director Jodi Dixon if you have any questions or wish to contribute.

The Community Association continues to offer a $100 grant for community block parties. Application for this grant can be made through the community email address. Costs will be reimbursed (excluding alcoholic beverages) with receipts pertaining to organized block parties with broad attendance of all age groups. We encourage you to access this funding and create your own block event for fall.

As we have previously discussed in these monthly messages our Planning Committee continues to be active monitoring the issuance of Development Permits (“DP’s”) by the City in our community. This activity covers the gauntlet from secondary suites in RC-1 neighbourhoods to best guidelines for maintaining the identity of our community with the growth and densification, to long-term transportation issues. Everyone should remain vigilant as to developments within their streets and if there are questions or concerns write to the community association ( or contact Daryl Beatty or Gary Wilson of the Planning Committee. Two new members of the Community have agreed to join this committee recognizing the importance of this activity. We still need one more member of the committee who is interested in acting as Secretary. Join, learn and participate in the development of your community.

We continue to encourage all residents to participate in the community activities and future events and program planning by joining the association and communicating your thoughts either through emails or by attending one of our Board meetings which are always open for residents. Our Secretary for the Board has indicated he will not be returning next year. If you are interested in exploring this volunteer position please contact us at our email address. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, September 6 at the Georgina Thomson  building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;

Daryl Connolly, President

Bottle Drive & Charity BBQ

Deaf & Hear Alberta is having a Bottle Drive & Charity BBQ on Saturday September 17, 2016.

Drop off your cans, bottles, juice boxes and milk cartons and join them for a charity BBQ!


Deaf & Hear Alberta
63 Cornell Road NW

or call to pick up your bottles September 6-16 at 403-284-6200


Home-Start Needs Your Help!

Home-Start is a unique program in that it is facilitated by caring, committed volunteers with parenting experience and a heart for families with young children. Volunteers offer friendship and practical support to a family for 2-4 hours per week.  The relationships built and support offered make a huge difference in strengthening families!  

We are looking for special people in your community!


Another Successful Stampede Breakfast 2016

Once again the Stampede Breakfast was a grade success feeding over 300 with great food and community friendship. Despite the threatening weather and a torn up Northmount Drive we enjoyed generally quiet skies and the warmth of the Community Hall while the volunteers cooked up great pancakes and sausages out doors.

Once again I would like to thank all the volunteers and those that joined in for another successful community event. 

Next up our 60th Anniversary Picnic September 17th.

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Successful Community Cleanup

On behalf of Community Standards & Waste and Recycling Services, thank you Cambrian Heights. The weights collected this year:

Garbage: 9520 kgs

Organics: 5000 kgs

Total: 14520 kgs

Truck loads hauled: 3


President’s Message – July 2016

Upcoming Events at Cambrian Heights Hall

July 16 Stampede Breakfast 9-11am Volunteers needed
Sept. 17 Community 60th Anniversary BBQ 1-4pm Volunteers needed
Nov. 17 Fall Open House 7-9pm

For more information, rsvp or volunteer visit: or call (403) 284-1175.

President’s Message – July/August 2016

At your reading of this report we are into the annual 10 days of Calgary Stampede and the beginning of summer. We wish all residents a warm, sunny, active and healthy summer. Our annual Stampede Breakfast is scheduled for July 16th at the Community Hall. This event has been growing in popularity so mark it on your calendar and bring the family down for pancakes, sausages, juice, coffee games and the chance to meet other members of the community. We always invite our City Councillor (Druh Farrell) and our MLA (Craig Coolahan) to these events and it is a great opportunity to meet your government representatives as well as the Community Officers and Directors. If you are able we always need help setting up and taking down for this event. So come early, the coffee will be on, or stay a little late. It will be appreciated.

June continued to be a very active month as we wound down for the summer break. On June 12th we, with the Rosemont Community, held our second Annual Spring Clean-up Event at the Cambrian Heights Community Hall parking lot. The day prior there was a first garage sale event at the Community Hall where tables provided a multi sale event and time for socializing with your neighbours. Then on June 25th the last of an informative and to date very well appreciated series of seminars hosted by the City around the planting and care of trees and shrubs was held at the Hall. On June 28, Dr. Salma Mitha conducted a Wine Women’s Health Workshop featuring healthy interactive power workout, a wine tasting and a make-over. A decision is pending as to the continuation of this program into the fall.

We are currently organizing a Picnic/BBQ on September 17th to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Cambrian Heights Community. We envision at this time serving hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and beverages. This will be a family affair with games and activities planned for both the adults and children. As plans for this event mature we will be providing additional details. Anyone wishing to add suggestions or volunteer to assist in the planning, preparation or helping out with this event please contact Jodi Dixon at .

The Community Association continues to offer a $100 grant for community block parties. Application for this grant can be made through the community email address. Costs will be reimbursed (excluding alcoholic beverages) with receipts pertaining to organized block parties with broad attendance of all age groups. We encourage you to access this funding and create your own block event for the summer or fall. Two such parties are already planned for this summer.

As we have previously discussed in these monthly messages our Planning Committee continues to be active in regards to monitoring the issuance of Development Permits (“DP’s”) by the City in our community. This activity covers the gauntlet from secondary suites in RC-1 neighbourhoods, to best guidelines for maintaining the identity of our community with the growth and densification, to long term transportation issues. Everyone should remain vigilant as to developments within their streets and if there are questions or concerns write to the community association ( or contact Daryl Beatty or Gary Wilson of the Planning Committee. Two new members of the community have agreed to join this committee recognizing the importance of this activity. We still need one more member of the committee who is interested in acting as Secretary. Join, learn and participate in the development of your community.

We continue to encourage all residents to participate in the community activities and future events and program planning by joining the association and communicating your thoughts either through emails or by attending one of our Board meetings which are always open for residents. Our Secretary for the Board has indicated he will not be returning next year. If you are interested in exploring this volunteer position please contact us at our email address. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, September 6 at the Georgina Thomson  building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive NW at 6:30PM.

Remember Participation Builds Better Communities.

On Behalf of the Board;

Daryl Connolly, President

Successful Community Cleanup

The Community Cleanup Program led by Calgary Community Standards (formerly Animal & Bylaw Services) would like to thank the Community Association,  volunteers and the residents for a job well done at the Community Cleanup this year.

Thank you for your community spirit and hope to see you again next year!
